Title: The ALICE muon spectrometer
1The ALICE muon spectrometer
M. Gagliardi Università degli Studi INFN,
Torino ItalyCERN, Genève Switzerland for the
ALICE collaboration
- QGP and Heavy Ion Collisions ALICE
- Quarkonia suppression in HIC
- Design, performance and status of the ALICE
muon spectrometer - Tracking system -
Trigger system - Selected physics topics quarkonia in Pb-Pb
- Conclusions
3QGP and Heavy Ion Collisions
QCD asymptotic freedom at high energy
and/or density, transition to a deconfined phase
with partonic DF the Quark-Gluon Plasma
Critical energy density? ? 1 GeV/fm3
?20 fm/c
?1 fm/c
Tc ? 150200 MeV
Energy density at thermalisation ? 3 GeV/fm3 at
SPS ? 5 GeV/fm3 at RHIC gt 10 GeV/fm3 at LHC
F. Karsch, QM 2006
Location and nature of phase transition still
4The ALICE experiment
LHC-CERN CollisionsPb-Pb (
5.5 TeV ) Ar-Ar ( 6.3 TeV ) p-p (
14 TeV) lighter A-A hybrid systems
(p-A, d-A)
Time Of Flight Detector
muon spectrometer(-4 lt ? lt -2.5)
A Large Ion Collider Experiment
5Quarkonia suppression by QGP
QGP signatures hidden by hadronisation medium
studied through probes. Quarkonia among the most
J/? suppression observed at SPS and RHIC in
central Pb-Pb, In-In, Au-Au collisions (NA50/60,
lD Debye screening length T-1/2
When lD rQQ, suppression of bound states by
colour screening expected sequential melting of
resonances with increasing T gt TCRecent
estimates TJ/? ? 2TC , T? ? TC
(Matsui Satz, 1986)
Picture not clear yet (e.g. similar suppression
at RHIC and SPS, in spite of different e) -
which charmonium states are actually suppressed?
- final state regeneration of J/y enhanced at
6The ALICE muon spectrometer
- Studying heavy quark production via their muonic
and semi-muonic decays - mm invariant mass spectrum
- Forward rapidity (-4 lt y lt -2.5), xBj ? 10-5
- Large quarkonia acceptance down to pT ? 0
- Measurement of quarkonia production - as a
function of centrality- as a function of pT, y-
for different colliding systems (including
p-A)- versus global observables- together with
open charm/beauty
FRONT ABSORBER(composite material)
TRACKING SYSTEM (Cathode Strip Chambers)
TRIGGER SYSTEM (Resistive Plate Chambers)
19 m
Mass resolution 70 MeV/c2 at 3 GeV c2 100
MeV/c2 at 10 GeV/c2
7Tracking system
- 5 stations of 2 detection planes each
- Detection plane multi wire proportional
chamber with bi-cathode pad readout (bending
and non-bending) - ST1 and ST2 4 quadrants/detection plane
- ST3, ST4, ST5 18 to 26 slats/detection plane
- Pad size min 4x6 mm2, max 5x100 mm2
- Expected hit density in central Pb-Pb 10-2 cm-2
Electronics- 1.1x106 channels- Front-End
18000 MANU boards 1
(Multiplexed ANAlogic Signal
processor, 16ch.)
MARC ADC w/ zero suppr.- 20 CROCUS
readout of 1/2 chamber ( 50 000 ch.) with 1
CROCUS - 1 TCI manage busy and trigger for the
Pad plane
Gas Ar(80) CO2(20)
Wire plane
5 mm
2.5 mm
Pad plane
8Tracking system performance and status
Goal 100 MeV/c2 mass resolution (_at_ 10 GeV/c2)
1 momentum resolution Space resolution lt 100 mm
(bending plane) lt 1 mm
- All detectors installed in ALICE- 80
commissioned - First cosmic hits during ALICE commissioning
runs (Dec 07, Feb 08, Jun 08)
Beam tests for both slats and quadrants with p
(PS) and m (SPS), chambers in final set-up -
space resolution within requirements- noise
1000-2000 e- (1-2 ADC channels)
Global Monitoring System being installed monitor
chamber displacement with accuracy lt 50 mm
9Trigger system
72 Resistive Plate Chambers arranged in 2
stations of 2 planes (6.5x5.5 m2) each
- Aim cut background from light meson muonic
decays, reduce trigger rate to 1 kHz -
Delivers single and di- muon triggers with 1(2 )
GeV/c pT-cut, optimised for J/? (?)- pT
estimated via the muon deviation in magnetic
field- 3/4 fired planes condition (redundancy)
2 mm
2 mm
2 mm
- Low resistivity RPCs (rate capability)- Both
sides read out with orthogonal strips (1, 2, 4
cm)- 2 operation modes streamer (Pb-Pb) and
avalanche (p-p)- 21000 channels, 2384 FE
boards dual-threshold discrimination (ADULT)
2 DARC for readout- Trigger algorithm in FPGA
234 local boards - 16 regional boards and 1
global board. Trigger delay 800 ns
Trigger stations
10Status of the trigger system
- All detectors installed in ALICE and fully
commissioned- Data taking with cosmics and
during injection tests- Switching to external
threshold mode
48 s
Cosmic hit
RPC counts during injection test
11Selected physics topics Quarkonia -gt mm- in
PbPb cent, 0 fmltblt3 fm
? family
Baseline yields (106 s data taking)
- ?(1S) ?(2S) 0-8 GeV/c
- J/? high statistics 0-20 GeV/c
- ?, ?(3S) poor significance
mm- mass spectra after uncorrelated bkg
12Quarkonia suppression studies
J/y nuclear modification factor For two
different suppression scenarios
3 fm lt b lt 6 fm
0 lt b lt 3 fm
6 fm lt b lt 9 fm
b gt 12 fm
- - Scenario 1
- Tc 270 MeV
- ?J/y/Tc1.7
- - Scenario 2
- Tc190 MeV
- ?J/y/Tc1.21
- Sensitivity to different suppression
patterns- RAA also feasible for ?
- With a mass resolution of 100 MeV/c2 at the ?
mass and 70 MeV/c2 at the J/y mass, the muon
spectrometer is a fundamental subdetector in
ALICE for the study of heavy flavours and
quarkonia - After long RD phase, installation and
commissioning, spectrometer will be ready for
physics at LHC start-up - Dedicated muon commissioning run to start in a
few days. Goals fine tuning of detector
parameters, reconstruct full tracks. - Study of quarkonia suppression in Pb-Pb is the
main goal, but also
- Heavy quarkonia in p-p
- J/y polarization
- Open beauty
- Low masses
- Electro-weak boson
14Thank you!