Title: Understanding Conflict Environments: Theoretical Challenges and Practical Implications
1Understanding Conflict Environments Theoretical
Challenges and Practical Implications
- Alexander Pound
- Marianna Duce
- 2008
- Many of the current conflict analysis frameworks
are conceptually flawed, and suffer from a
reduced utility in developing a comprehensive
understanding of specific conflict environments
on which to base peacekeeping and peacemaking
strategies - Implications wrought by weak theoretical
underpinnings are examined by observing how a
misunderstanding, and thus, misdiagnosis of child
soldiers participation in the conflict
environment, provides a substantial obstacle to
peace in the case of Sierra Leone.
Alexander Pound Marianna Duce 2008
3Theoretical Ideas
- 1990s big debates - lots of conflicts
- Niche-based analysis
Alexander Pound Marianna Duce 2008
4New Wars
- Globalisation
- Conflict changed how?
- Goals
- Mode
- Support
- Resulted in a complete change in the Nature of war
Alexander Pound Marianna Duce 2008
5Traditional Distinctions
- What are they?
- Conventional
- Asymmetric
- Irregular /small wars/ terrorism/ complex
emergencies - ALL approaches de-contextualise
Alexander Pound Marianna Duce 2008
6Practical Issues
- Evaluating a range of actors
- Military Actors
- Civilian actors
Alexander Pound Marianna Duce 2008
7 AID Approaches
DFID and USAID Two Key conflict assessment
How is conflict analysed? - Strategic Conflict
Inform dynamics
Alexander Pound Marianna Duce 2008
8US Military Doctrine
How does military doctrine develop an
appreciation of mission variables? What is
Alexander Pound Marianna Duce 2008
9Challenges for Sustainable Peace
Military concerns
Alexander Pound Marianna Duce 2008
Aid concerns
10Practical Implications of conceptual weaknesses
- Theoretical challenges do matter
- Issues for sustainable peace
- Build up the rationale
- Child Soldiers
- Theoretical problems of conceptualising Child
Soldiers - Sierra Leonean Child Soldiers
Alexander Pound Marianna Duce 2008
11Child Soldiers
- 300 000 child soldiers globally
- Present in 75 of conflicts
- Between 10-50 of all direct participants in
armed groups.
Alexander Pound Marianna Duce 2008
12Theoretical Assumptions
- New Wars Theory
- Problematic because
- Assumes conflict dynamics are the solitary cause
- Neglects pre-war social and political factors
that impact of childrens participation - Also neglects different modes of recruitment
Alexander Pound Marianna Duce 2008
13Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone
- Sierra Leone as a New War
- Why were children Involved?
- Coercion and volunteerism
- Declining recruitment
- Specific dynamics
Alexander Pound Marianna Duce 2008
14What Sierra Leone Tells us?
- The application of generalised assumptions such
as those in CS literature is problematic - Why?
- Sierra Leone problems misdiagnosed
- Lack of appropriate interventions to meet the
needs of this group - Difficult for peace and stability
- We need to understand the contexts that lead to
the - use of child soldiering.
Alexander Pound Marianna Duce 2008
15The need to recognise the limits of current
- From theory to practice there are issues with the
analysis of conflict - - Theoretical challenges
- - Practical concerns
- - Issue based problems
- - Context specific problems
- Challenges persist despite progress in diagnosing
conflict environments
Alexander Pound Marianna Duce 2008