Title: ITER as a Step to Fusion Power
1ITER as a Step to Fusion Power
- Prof. Robert J. Goldston, Director
- Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- Fusion Power Associates
- Annual Meeting and Symposium
- Forum on the Future of Fusion
- November 19, 2003
2Questions for Magnetic Fusion
- How is plasma pressure limited?
- ???Sets maximum fusion power
- ???Solar flares / magnetic substorms
- How do hot particles sustain plasmas?
- ? For plasma self-heating, current
sustainment - ???Coronal heating / cosmic rays
- What causes plasma transport?
- ? Must confine heat in 200M C plasma
- ? Astrophysical accretion disks
- How do plasmas interact with materials?
- ? Must handle high heat loads
- ? Materials processing / plasma thrusters
- How do fusion neutrons affect components?
- ? Long-life, low activation, tritium
regeneration. - ? Materials science / fission energy
- How can we make practical S/C magnets?
- ? Need large, high field, reliable, low-cost
magnets. - ? Accelerators / electric transmission
ITER Final Design
Todays Position ITERs Advances Requirements
for Fusion
3How is Plasma Pressure Limited?
- Plasma pressure limit determines fusion power in
a sustainable configuration. - Fast instability limits are understood.
- Slower instabilities are being controlled.
- New plasma configurations are under study that
can operate at higher pressure, have less impact
from disruption. - ITER will extend the understanding of pressure
limits to much larger plasmas. - Data from ITER will contribute to understanding
other configurations. - For practical fusion energy, fusion plasmas need
to produce 4x more power in an ITER-size system.
Toroidal rotation can stabilize a tokamak plasma
in the presence of an electrically conducting
4How do Hot Particles Sustain Plasmas?
- Plasma temperature and current must be sustained
steadily. - Modest plasma self-heating wasdemonstrated in
TFTR JET. - Hot particles have been usedto sustain plasma
currents. - Instability thresholds are generally understood,
nonlinearconsequences are under study. - New plasma configurations are under study which
do not require external drive for sustainment of
plasma current. - ITER will study regimes with very strong heating
by fusion products, in new regimes where multiple
instabilities can overlap, with possibly new
nonlinear consequences. ITER will study
steady-state operation at moderate gain. - ITER will contribute to the development of other
plasma configurations. - For practical fusion energy, need plasmas that
can be efficiently sustained at high gain in full
Fusion energy production has outpaced Moores law.
5What Causes Plasma Transport?
- Low heat loss is required for high plasma gain.
- A standard model has been developed
forunderstanding ion heat loss. - The mechanism of electron heat loss is under
study. - Plasma fusion gain 1 has been achieved.
- Advanced computing and detailed
plasmadiagnostics are critical elements inthe
advance of understanding. - ITER will extend the study of turbulent plasma
transport to much larger plasmas, providing a
strong test of intensive vs. extensive turbulence
scaling at Q gt 10 for long pulses, Q gt 5 in
steady state. - Other plasma configurations will benefit from
studies in ITER. - For practical fusion energy, need to be able to
sustain plasmas efficiently, with low heat loss
(Q 30).
Simulation of field-aligned turbulence in
Spherical Torus plasma.
6How do Plasmas Interact with Materials?
- Fusion plasmas generate intense steady heat
loads, with high off-normal loads, which must be
handled reliably. - The mechanisms of heat flow along magnetic field
lines to material surfaces are understood. - Techniques have been developed to disperse heat
as it flows to a material surface. - Some magnetic configurations have more favorable
exhaust geometries, and/or are less subject to
off-normal events. - Liquid lithium surfaces are under study as a
potential revolutionary approach. - ITER will extend the study of plasma-materials
interactions to much higher power and much
greater pulse length, but still well below power
plant heat fluxes and durations. - All other plasma configurations will benefit from
ITERs practical experience with plasma facing
components. - For practical fusion energy, need to be able to
support 3x higher heat flux, with multi-year
component lifetimes.
Tungsten brush capable of handling 25 MW/m2
heat flux.
7How do Fusion Neutrons Affect Power Plant
- Fusion plasmas generate high-energy
neutronswhich damage materials and must
becaptured to regenerate tritium. - New ferritic steels have improved
propertiescompared with those developed for
fission breeders, with much lower radioactivity. - New blanket designs allow higher
temperatureoperation, and so greater efficiency. - Advanced computation is being used to optimize
the design of fusion materials. - ITER will allow the first break-in testing of
blanket modules, but at 4x lower neutron flux
and much lower fluence than practical fusion
power systems. - All other fusion plasma configurations will
benefit from ITERs experience. - For practical fusion energy, materials and
components will need to be qualifiedat
power-plant neutron flux and fluence.
8How Can We Make Practical, Large-scale
Superconducting Magents?
- Almost any magnetic fusion configuration will
need large-scale, reliable, low-cost
superconducting magnets. - RD tests have been undertaken for ITER at very
large scale. - Fusion and high-energy physics have a track
record of advancing the frontiers of
superconducting magnet technology. - ITER will test full-scale superconducting magnets
in a practical fusion environment. - Other magnetic fusion plasma configurations will
benefit from ITERs experience. - For practical fusion energy the cost of such
magnets needs to be driven down through RD and
9ITER will make Critical Contributions in Each Area
- Extend the understanding of pressure limits to
much larger size plasmas. - Study regimes with very strong heating by fusion
products, in new regimes where multiple
instabilities can overlap. - Extend the study of turbulent plasma transport to
much larger plasmas, providing a strong test of
intensive vs. extensive turbulence scaling. - Extend the study of plasma-materials interactions
to much higher power and much greater pulse
length. - Provide the first break-in testing of blanket
modules. - Test full-scale superconducting magnets in a
practical fusion environment. - ITER is a major step to fusion power.
ITER Final Design