Title: why do we have sex
1Jim Wiggins
why do we have sex???
R. Höhn
Les Clarke
2cartoon of a human cell the chromosomes are
made up of 6 billion DNA nucleotides (As Cs
Gs and Ts), and every human cell that has
nuclei has the same number of chromosomes...excep
t for sperm eggs!
3humans have 46 chromosomes, including the two
that determine male female
4whats an extra chromosome here or there??
Dr. Sebastiano Bianca
the chromosome number 1 that you got from your
mother is identical to the chromosome number 1
that you got from your father?
FALSE!! they are slightly different
when your cells divide into two daughter cells,
your mothers chromosome number 1 goes into one
of the daughter cells and your fathers
chromosome number 1 goes into the other
FALSE!! all of your cells (except the eggs and
sperm and a few other special cells) get TWO
chromosome number 1s - one originally came from
your mother, the other came from your father
6REPLICATION chromosomes making photocopies of
themselves before the cells divide in two
our cells do it!
bacteria do it!
D. J. Daniels' Glendale High Biology Page
7OK, so thats how cells divide but we have a
problem when eggs and sperm fuse to form an
embryo, how come this embryo doesnt have 2x too
many chromosomes??
8eggs and sperm have a special kind of cell
division where the daughter cells (grand-daughter
cells to be exact) end up with HALF the normal
number of chromosomes
chromosomes find your partners!
cell division 1 partners, go to opposite sides
of the room!
separate the twins!
cell division 2
9differences between eggs and sperm
10sea urchin sperm surrounding an egg
Chicago Loyola University, Biol Dept
Dr. J. Hardin