Title: How Do We Fit Into the World
1How Do We Fit Into the World ?
A Public Relations World View
- John Paluszek,
- Senior Counsel, Ketchum
- Global Alliance for Public Relations
- and Communications Management
- Canadian Public Relations Society
- Quebec
- June 10, 2004
2How Do We Fit Into the World ?
3How Do We Fit Into the World ?
The public relations profession
4Public Relations
- At first, it was Heres the message, go
deliver it. - Then it became What should the message be?
- Today, more and more, its What should we
do? Harold Burson
5Public Relations
- In this discussion, we apply the Grunig Two Way
Symmetrical model of public relations - Applying research and dialogue to bring about
changes in ideas, attitudes and behaviors of both
the organization and its publics i.e.,
building/maintaining reciprocal relationships.
6Public Relations The Global Alliance
- 22 public relations-society members
- Member organizations in 60 countries
Asia/Australia, the Americas, Africa and Europe - Represent 160,000 professionals worldwide
The Global Alliance for Public Relations and
Communications Management www.globalpr.org
7Public Relations
- The Global Alliance
- Ethics code protocol
- Accreditation
- Government regulation of public relations
- Corporate social responsibility
8Public Relations
- Canadian Public Relations Society
- The Great Bright North (PR Week)
- Plethora of professional development services
- Growing interest in corporate social
9Public Relations
- The International Section,
- The Public Relations Society of America
- International Programs
- 2002 Washington D.C.
- 2003 United Nations
- 2004 Quebec (CPRS), New York (PRSA)
- 2005 United Nations
10Public Relations
- The Public Relations Coalition
- A partnership of 19 major U.S.-based
organizations with some 50,000 members - Restoring Trust in Business
- Models for Action (September, 2003)
- Key elements
- Ethics
- Disclosure and Transparency
- Trust
11How Do We Fit Into the World ?
The CEO and business in society
12CEO/Business in Society
- How will business overcome the perception of a
scandals tsunami involving some - CEOs/CFOs/ corporate boards
- Auditors
- Investment bankers
- Stock traders
- Mutual fund managers
- Currency traders
13CEO/Business in Society
- To overcome the tsunami perception
- Do not say things. What you are stands over you
the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear
what you say to the contrary. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
14CEO/Business in Society
- I believe in shareholder primacy. On the other
hand, I firmly believe that, unless you are
honest and take care of the other stakeholders in
the business your employees, customers,
suppliers and community Charles
Elson, DirectorUniversity of Delaware Center for
Corporate Governance
you will never create the profitability for your
shareholders that you are required to under the
law of fiduciary responsibility.
15The 20th CenturyLinear Business Model
- Social Responsibility
- Costs such as
- New Employee/Workplace Issues
- Environmental Footprint
- Community Relations
- New Age Customers
- Philanthropy
- Government Relations
- Society in General
So You Can, IF YOU CHOOSE, Address
Maximize Profits, Share Price
16CEO/Business in Society
- The 21st Century CSR/Sustainable Business Model
Develop Markets
Prevent Costs
Maximize Profits, Share Price
SRI Investors are in for the long term
Attract, Retain Intellectual Capital
Increase Goodwill on the Balance Sheet
Mine Good Ideas
17CEO/Business in Society
- Stakeholder value and shareholder value are
converging. - Lise Kingo,
- Executive Vice President, Novo Nordisk
18CEO/Business in Society
- At the United Nations Global Compact
- Learning Forum, Berlin, 2002
- With the fast-spreading commitment to CSR, a
case can be made that a fundamental new business
model one that respects stakeholder and
shareholder values simultaneously is evolving.
- Effective two-way communications is essential to
CSR success.
19How Do We Fit Into the World ?
The economicsystem calledcapitalism
20The economic system called Capitalism
- On private property
- In the history of the world, no one has ever
washed a rented car. - Lawrence Summers
- President, Harvard University andformer U.S.
Secretary of the Treasury
21The U.S. economic system called Capitalism
- Evolution of the Socio-Economic System
- 1800-1870 Laissez Faire
- 1870s-1920 Era of the Progressives, Unions
- 1900-1920 Trustbusters/ Muckrakers
- 1930s The New Deal
- 1960s-70s Nader, Consumerism, Enviros
- 2000 Globalization, Governance
22The economic system called Capitalism
- Evolution of the Socio-Economic System
- Twenty First Century Democratic Capitalism?
Michael Novak - More organized public participation in policy
formation (NGOs, media, etc.) - A broader base of ownership via stocks, bonds
- Fareed Zakaria
- Capitalisms Economic growth has enriched
hundreds of millions in the industrial world
23The economic system called Capitalism
- The most frustrating thing about capitalism is
its ability to adapt to, even co-opt, the most
daunting challenges of its opponents. - Michael Harrington
- Life-long Socialist
24The economic system called Capitalism
- The 21st century challenge SRI
- William Greider
- Socially responsible investing, I believe, is
the bow wave for a deep change in American
consciousness. - Investor Network on Climate Risk
- Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
25The economic system called Capitalism
- The 21st century challenge
- Let us choose to unite the power of markets with
the authority of universal ideals. Let us choose
to reconcile the creative forces of private
entrepreneurship with the needs of the
disadvantaged and the requirements of future
generations. - Kofi Annan
- Secretary-General of the United Nations
26The economic system called Capitalism
- The 21st century challenge
- How do we fit into the U.N. Millennium Goals
(poverty, education,health, resources) - What is my organizations share?
- What is the nature of its rightful role?
- Equator Principles (banks)
- i-community (Hewlett Packard)
- Medicines for the needy here and abroad
- Extractive industries progress
27The economic system called Capitalism
- The 21st century challenge
- Responsible Globalization
- Trade (national politics vs free markets)
- Global Capital Flows
- Multilateral organizations as enablers
- World Trade Organization
- World Bank
- International Monetary Fund
- World Health Organization
28How Do We Fit Into the World ?
North America in the global society
29North America in the Global Society
- The Bilateral Interface Canada/U.S.
- Drugs Across the Border
- The Janus face of trade
- The foreignpolicy gap Martin vs. Bush
- Environment Canada California
30North America in the Global Society
- The Bilateral Interface Mexico/U.S.
- Wal-Mart Invades, and Mexico Gladly Surrenders
- Progressa vs. Sweatshops
31North America in the Global Society
- Within the hemisphere
- NAFTA revisited
- Immigration
- The remittances opportunity
32North America in the Global Society
- PR in the Arab World in the Age of
Globalization - World Bank Poor World vs. Rich World
- Outsourcing and Globalization
33North America in the Global Society
- Let us work to make the world so
economically-interdependent that war will go out
of style. - General Vernon Walters
- Let us not be blind to our differences but
let us help make the world safe for diversity. - John F. Kennedy
35How Do We Fit Into the World ?
A Public Relations World View
- John Paluszek,
- Senior Counsel, Ketchum
- Global Alliance for Public Relations
- and Communications Management
- Canadian Public Relations Society
- Quebec
- June 10, 2004