Title: Completely Awesome Shopping Spree
1Completely Awesome Shopping Spree
2Twilight the movie
- Online price 26.39
- Discount price 5.47
- Total price 20.92
3Sweet Bee Bear
- Online price 20.00
- Discount price 4.10
- Total price 15.09
4Avril Lavigne C.D.
- Online price 19.99
- Discount price 3.25
- Total price 16.74
5The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
- Online price 9.99
- Discount price 1.43
- Total price 8.56
6Kanye West C.D
- Online price 11.89
- Discount price 1.19
- Total price 10.07
7Inkheart the book
- Online price 7.99
- Discount price 1.19
- Total price 16.08
8Gift Card
- Online purchase 6.92
- Discount price 1.19
- Total price 5.73
- The worst deal EVER was Twilight the movie
costing 20.92! That is expensive! - The best deal EVER was my gift card costing only
5.73! That is a good deal!
10And the complete final price is
- 100.00!
- I spent exactly 100 dollars! Every last penny!
- I did this all with the power of a GIFT CARD!
- Thanks to the power of that one card, I was able
to use the best of my 100 dollars!!! - I would like to thank barnes and noble for the
great items to choose from, but more importantly
11Thanks for watching my
- Completely Awesome Shopping Spree!
- Hope you enjoyed this