Title: Stochastic Processes
1Stochastic Processes
2Chapter 3 Markov Chains
3Markov Chain - definition
- Recall a Markov chain is a discrete time Markov
process with an at most countable state space,
i.e., - A Markov chain is a sequence of random variables,
X0, X1, such that - PXnjX0a,X2b,,XmiPXnjXmi
- for all mltn.
4Overview Example
- Markov chains are often displayed by a transition
graph states linked by arrows when positive
probability of transition in that direction,
generally with transition probabilities shown
alongside, e.g.
5Overview Example
- Starting from 0, show that the prob. of hitting 6
is ¼. - Starting from 1, show that the prob. of hitting 3
is 1. - Starting from 1, show that it takes on average 3
steps to hit 3. - Starting from 1, show that the long-run
proportion of time spent in 2 is 3/8. - As the number of steps increases without number ,
show that the probability that starting from
state 0 one ends up in state 1 (after all the
steps) limits to 9/32.
6Transition Probabilities
- Transition probabilities are denoted
- Read as probability of being in state j at time
n, given that at time m the process is in state i
- And a one-step transition probability is
7Complete Specification of Markov Chain
- The distribution of a Markov chain is fully
specified once the following are given - The initial probability distribution,
qkPX0k - The one-step transition probabilities,
- As then the probability of any path,
PX0a,X1b,,Xni, is readily deduced. - Whence, with time, we can answer most
questionsbut can be tricky as the overview
example shows. - Is there a more systematic approach?
8The Chapman-Kolmogorov Equations
- Proposition The transition probabilities of a
Markov chain obey the Chapman-Kolmogorov
equations, i.e., for all times mltn - Proof Direct consequence of Theorem of Total
Probabilities. - Above result justifies the term chain can
you see the link?
where SState Space
9Time-homogeneous Markov chains
- Definition A Markov chain is said to be
time-homogeneous if - i.e., the transition probabilities are
independent of timeso knowing what state the
process is in uniquely identifies the transition
10Time-homogeneous Markov chains
is called the (n-m)-step transition probability
and simplifies the Chapman-Kolmogorov equations
11Time-homogeneous Markov chains
- Define the transition matrix P by
- (P)ijpij (an NxN matrix where N is the
cardinality of the state space) then the k-step
transition probability is given by - Clearly, we have
- Matrices with this latter property known as
stochastic matrices.
12Example of Time Homogeneous Markov Chain Simple
Random Walk
- As before, we have Xn?nZi, where
- PZi1 p, PZi-11-p.
- The process has independent increments hence is
Markovian. - The transition graph and transition matrix are
13Models based on Markov Chains (Revisited)
- Model 1 The No Claims Discount (NCD) system is
where the motor insurance premium depends on the
drivers claims record. - Consider a three-state NCD system with a 0
discount 25 discount and 50 discount state. A
claim-free year results in a transition to a
higher discount (or remain at the highest). One
or more claims in a year moves the policyholder
to the next lower discount level (or remain at
0). - Assume probability of one or more claims in a
year is 0.25. Draw the transition graph and write
out the one-step transition matrix. What is the
probability in being in the highest discount
state in year 3 if in year 1 one is on the 25
- Transition Graph
- Transition Matrix
15Model 2 (Revisited)
- Consider the 4-state NCD model given by
- State 0 0 Discount
- State 1 25 Discount
- State 2 40 Discount
- State 3 60 Discount
- Here the transition rules are move up one
discount level (or stay at max) if no claim in
the previous year. Move down one-level if claim
in previous year but not the year before move
down 2 levels if claim in two immediately
preceding years. - Now assume that the probability of a claim in any
year is 0.25 (irrespective of the state the
policyholder is in).
16Model 2
- This is not a Markov chain
- PXn0Xn2, Xn-11? PXn0Xn2, Xn-13
- But
- We can simply construct a Markov chain from
Model 2. Consider the 5-state model with states
0,1,3 as before but define - State 2 40 discount and no claim in previous
year. - State 2- 40 discount and claim in the previous
year. - This is now a 5 state Markov chain.
- Check!
17Model NCD 2 Transition Matrix
18More Complicated NCD Models
- Two possible enhancements to models
- Make accident rate dependent on state (this is of
course the notion behind this up-dating risk
assessment system) - Make the transition probabilities time-dependent
(a time-inhomogeneous Markov chain) to reflect,
say, faster motorbikes, younger drivers or
increasing traffic congestion.
- Look at general solution to two-state Markov
chain. - Generalise to n-state Markov chain.
- Indicate how to calculate any power of a matrix
by writing it as PADA-1, for some invertible
matrix A and where D is a diagonal matrix. - But, for many applications, with the power a
reasonable size, simply use a computer to do the
calculations! - But what happens in the very long term (i.e.,
when powers exceed any reasonable integer)?
20The Long-Term Distribution of a Markov Chain
- Definition We say that ?j, j?State space S, is a
stationary probability for a Markov chain with
transition matrix P if - ? ?P, where ? (?1, ?2,.., ?n), nS
- or, equivalently,
21The Long-Term Distribution of a Markov Chain
- So if the Markov chain comes across a stationary
prob. distribution in its evolution then, from
then on, the distribution of the Xns are
invariant the chain becomes a stationary
process from then on. - It may come across a stationary distribution on
the first step see example 2 next. - But, even if a Markov chain has a stationary
distribution, given some initial conditions
(i.e., distribution of X0) it might never end up
in the stationary distribution see example 3. - In general Markov chains do not have a stationary
distribution and, if they do, they can have more
than one. - The simple random walk does not have a stationary
22Example 1 Solving for Stationary Distribution
- Consider a chain with only two-states and a
transition matrix given by . Find its
stationary distribution. - Answer (2/5, 3/5).
23Example 2
- Consider the time-homogeneous Markov chain on
state space 0,1 with transition matrix P given
by - Now PnP for all n.
- Hence lim pij(n) exists.
- Here lim pij(n) ½ as n??.
- In fact, on first step, irrespective of the
initial distribution of X0, the process reaches
the stationary distribution. - Remark A similar example (based on a immediate
generalisation) can be given for the general
n-state Markov process.
24Example 3
- Consider the time-homogeneous Markov chain on
state space 0,1, given by the following
transition matrix - We can solve explicitly for the stationary
distribution, a find a unique one, ? (0.5, 0.5) - However, the process will never reach it unless
(trivially) it starts in the stationary
distribution - Obvious from transition graph.
25Pointers in Solving for Stationary Distributions
- The n equations for the general n-state Markov
chain, found from the relationship ? ?P, are
not independent as rows in matrix sum to unity. - Equivalently, this can be seen by the
normalisation (or scaling) requirement, which
says that we are only solving for n-1 unknowns as
we have - Hence one can delete one equation without losing
information. - Often solve first in terms of one of the ?i and
then apply normalisation. - The general solving technique is Gaussian
Elimination. - The discarded equation gives check on solution.
26Exercise NCD 2
- Compute the stationary distribution of NCD model
2. Recall the transition matrix is given by - Answer (13/169,12/169,9/169,27/169, 108/169)
- 1/169(13,12,9,27,108)
27Three Key Questions
- Can we identify those Markov chains that do have
(at least one) stationary distribution? - Can we say when the stationary distribution is
unique? - Can we determine, given any initial conditions
(i.e., distribution of X0), whether or not the
Markov chain will eventually end up in the
stationary distribution, assuming it to be unique?
28The Long-Term Distribution of a Markov Chain
- Theorem A Markov chain with a finite state
space has at least one stationary probability
distribution. - Proof NOT ON COURSE
29When is Solution Unique?
- Definition A Markov chain is irreducible if for
any i,j, pij(n)gt0 for some n. That is any state j
can be reached in a finite number of steps from
any other state i. - The best way to determine irreducibility is to
draw the transition graph. - Examples the NCD models (12) and the simple
random walk model are all irreducible.
30When is Solution Unique?
- Theorem An irreducible Markov chain with a
finite state space has a unique stationary
probability distribution. - Proof NOT ON COURSE
31The Long-Term Behaviour of Markov Chains
- Definition A state i is said to be periodic with
period dgt1 if pii(n)0 unless n (mod d) 0. If a
state is not periodic then it is called
aperiodic. - If a state is periodic then lim pii(n) does not
exist as n??. - Interesting fact an irreducible Markov chain is
either aperiodic or all its states have the same
period proved in class.
- Theorem Let pij(n) be the n-step transition
probability of an irreducible aperiodic Markov
chain on a finite state space. Then for every
i,j, -
- Importance no matter what the initial state, it
will converge to (unique) stationary probability
distribution, i.e., most of the time the Markov
chain will be arbitrarily close to the stationary
probability distribution (in the long run). - The above result is a consequence of Blackwells
- Is the process with the following transition
matrix irreducible? - What is the stationary distribution(s) of the
- Is the following Markov chain irreducible? What
is/are its stationary distribution(s)?
35Testing Markov Models/Estimation of Parameters
- So we have a real process that we think can
adequately be modelled using a Markov process.
Two key problems - How do I estimate parameters from gathered data?
- How do I check that the model is adequate for my
36Markov Chain Estimation
- Suppose we have x1,x2,,xN observations of our
process. - For time homogeneous Markov chain, the transition
probabilities can be estimated as - Where ni is the number of times t, 1?t?(N-1),
such that xtI - Where nij is the number of times t, 1?t?(N-1),
that xti and xt1j. - Clearly, nijBinomial (Ni, pij), so we can
calculate confidence intervals for our estimates.
37Markov Chain Evaluation
- The key property assumed in the model, and to be
tested against the data, is the Markov property. - An effective test statistic is the chi-square
goodness of fit, checking to see that transition
probability of successive triplets only depend on
the final transition probability - Which has sr-q-1 degrees of freedom, where
- s is number of states visited before time N
(i.e., nigt0) - q is number of pairs (i,j) where nijgt0
- r is the number of triplets where nijnjkgt0
38Estimation Evaluation of Time Inhomogeneous
Markov processes
- An order of magnitude more complicated.
- Special techniques usedsee other actuarial
courses to estimate and test decrements in,
say, the simple survival model (mortality
statistics), the sickness model, etc.
39Ends Chapter 3 Markov Chains
40Simple Random Walk
- A simple random walk is not just
time-homogeneous, it is also space-homogeneous,
i.e., - for all k.
- The only parameters affecting the transition
probabilities for n-steps in a random walk are
overall distance (j-i) covered and no. of steps
41Simple Random Walk
- Transition matrix given by
- The n-step probabilites are calculated as
42Simple Random Walk with Boundary Conditions
- Basic model as before but this times with the
added boundary conditions - Reflecting boundary at 0 PXn11Xn01
- Absorbing boundary at 0 PXn10Xn01
- Mixed boundary at 0 PXn10Xn0? and
PXn11Xn01- ?. - One can, of course, have upper boundaries as well
as lower ones and both in one model. - Practical applications prob. of ruin for
gambler or, with different Zi, a general
insurance company.
43Simple Random Walk with Boundary Conditions
- The transition matrix with mixed boundary
conditions, upper and lower, is given by - Take ?1 for a lower absorbing barrier (at 0),
and ?0 for a lower reflecting barrier (at 0).
44A Model of Accident Proneness
- Let us say that only one accident can occur in
the unit time period so that Yi is a Bernoulli
trial (Yi1 or 0 only). - Now it seems reasonable to put
- i.e., the prob. of an accident at time n1 is a
function of the past number of claims. - Also, f(.) and g(.) are increasing functions with
0?f(m) ?g(m) for all m. - Clearly the Yis are not Markovian but the
cumulative number of accidents Xn?Yi is a Markov
chain with state space 0,1,2,3,
45A Model of Accident Proneness
- Does it make sense to have a time-independent
accident proneness model (i.e., g(n) a constant) ?
46Exercise Accident Proneness Model
- Let f(xn)0.5xn and g(n)n1
- Hence, PYn1Xn(0.5xn)/(n1)
- What is prob.of driver with no accident in first
year not having an accident in second year too? - What is prob of an accident in 11th year given an
accident in each of the previous ten years? - What is the ijth entry in the one-step transition
matrix of the Markov chain Xn?
47Stochastic Processes
- Let Xn be a time-homogeneous Markov chain. Show
that - That is, the kth step transition probability from
i to j is just ij-entry of the 1-step transition
matrix (P(1)ij) taken to the power of k (for
time-homogeneous Markov chain).