Title: POS 10101: 05032006
1POS 101-01 05/03/2006
- Course Status.
- Presentation grades sent via e-mail.
- Final mini-quiz returned.
- Research paper due (in class and via e-mail).
- Ideally turn in both, but either hard copy or
e-copy due in or before class. Both due w/n 24
hours (05/04 1100am). - Submit paper as one document/file (not separate
files for title page, body, bibliography). - Do not submit pieces of the assignment -
assignment graded based on latest component. - My e-mail address is cerickso_at_roosevelt.edu not
2- Course Status (continued).
- May 8th - Final exam - 1100-130.
- Papers returned (if not already returned via
e-mail). - Class Agenda.
- Presentations.
- Immigration.
- President, Congress, and public opinion.
- Election 2006.
- Supreme Court.
- Final exam review.
- Class evaluation.
3- Immigration Mobilization and Countermobilization.
- Video 1 CNN.
- Washington Post Index.
- Minutemen Organization.
- Day Without Immigrants.
- Immigrant Solidarity Network.
- Issues
- Why now?
- Legislation.
- House Resolution 621 - 12/16/2005. Lib. Congress.
- Passed HR 4227 Border Protection, Antiterrorism,
and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. 257
page document. - Chief Architect Rep. Sensenbrenner (R-Wis - 5th
Dist.). - House Judiciary Committee.
- Demonstration and political movement
mobilization. - Upcoming elections.
- Shaping of public opinion.
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10- Mission Accomplished? 3 years later.
- CNN Clip.
- Permanent superbases in Iraq?
- Newsweek. (05/01/2006) Stuck in the Hot Zone,
Don't dream about full exits. The military is in
Iraq for the long haul. - Newsweek. (05/01/2006) Stuck in the Hot Zone,
Don't dream about full exits. The military is in
Iraq for the long haul. - Massive infrastructure for continued military
presence. - Balad Air Base.
- 15 square miles.
- 27,500 flights a day, second only to Londons
Heathrow. - Warriors Country Club.
- Remotely piloted UAVs launched.
- Controlled in flight from Las Vegas.
- Example of retreat to the air and garrisons?
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12- Security, Iron Triangles, and Corruption.
- Cunningham Scandal MZM Corporation.
- Defense contractor kickbacks to Cunningham for
earmarks and other forms of interference in
awarding defense and homeland security contracts. - Wade Mitchell, CEO of MZM faces up to 11 years.
- Center for Public Integrity Windfalls of War.
- Relates to DOD Domestic Surveillance.
- Rolling Stone (04/20/2006) The Pentagon's New
Spies, The military has built a vast
domestic-intelligence network to fight terrorism.
- MZM contractor/subcontractor for
- DISA - MASINT Project.
- DOD Army National Ground Intelligence Center.
- DOD Army Counterintelligence Field Activity.
13Presidential Power and War
- Article I Power to Declare War.
- Congress has power to declare and fund war.
- No formal declaration of war since 1941.
- Resolutions passed in support of presidential
action. - Opportunity for oversight and debate.
- War Powers Resolution of 1973.
- 60 day limit w/o Congressional authorization.
- Ignored by presidents.
- unclear what war powers if any in hands of
Congress (We The People, 529). - Imperial Presidency?
- Article II Power.
- Expressed power. Commander and Chief.
- Inherent power. Extraordinary measures justified
by inherent power to protect nation.
14Operation Iraqi Freedom
- Iraqi Freedom Operations.
- Global Security.
- Difficulties of combined counterterror/counterinsu
rgency operations. - Coalition casualties.
- Iraq Body Count.
- CNN.
- Civilian casualties.
- Estimates.
- Iraq Body Count.
- Complexity of conflict.
- Mixture of conventional war, insurgency, domestic
and international transnational terrorism.
15Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan)
- Enduring Freedom Operations.
- Global Security.
- Difficulties of combined counterterror/counterinsu
rgency operations. - Coalition casualties.
- Iraq Coalition Casualties Enduring Freedom
section. - Civilian casualties.
- Estimates.
- Marc Herold, Prof. University of New Hampshire.
- Project on Defense Alternatives.
- Cooperation with Pakistan security apparatus.
- Tribal Areas.
16- Video MSNBC 04/20/2006.
- Interview with Sean Wilentz - Princeton Amer.
Studies Dept. Chair. - Authored Rolling Stone 4/21/06 article Worst
President in History? - Chief problems for Bush II Administration?
- Possible to recover?
- President, Public Opinion and Supreme Court.
- Despite low public opinion ratings, Bush IIs
influence on Supreme Court profound (Roberts,
Alito). - Any way that Supreme Court can be influenced by
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36Congress Approval/Disapproval
382006 Election - 04/28/2006a
392006 Election - 04/28/2006b
402006 Election - 04/28/2006c
412006 Election - 04/28/2006d
422006 Election - 04/28/2006e
43Iraq 04/2006a
44Iraq 04/2006b
45Iraq 04/2006c
46Iraq 04/2006d
47Iraq 04/2006e
48Congress Iraq 04/2006f
49Congress Iraq 04/2006g
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51The Presidency Democratic Filibuster of Alito
and Public Opinion.
- Issue raised in late spring 2005.
- Again raised by Alito nomination hearings.
- Senate Democrats threatened a filibuster if
extraordinary circumstances. - Some of Alitos positions were presented as
triggering filibuster. - Republicans threatened to change Senate rules and
eliminate filibuster for judicial appointments. - Graph at right from May 05.
- Filibuster option not pursued.
- Alito confirmed.
52 Filibuster/Nuclear Option.
- Republican Leadership complain Democrats blocking
appointment of federal judges. - Judges Nominated by President.
- Filibuster could be eliminated by rules change.
- Filibuster to end 3/5 (or 60) Rules Change
Majority. - Threatened by Frist (R-Ten) Majority Leader of
Senate. - Supported by interest groups like Focus on the
Family (Judicial Tyranny), Judicial Watch. - Opposed, MoveOn.
- Not used for either Alito or Roberts nominations.
53Texas Redistricting, DeLay Corruption Charges,
Supreme Court1.
- SC agreed to review DeLay Led Redistricting on
Monday 12/12/05. - Heard arguments 03/01/2006.
- CNN .
- Redistricting effected composition of Texas
Legislature and Texas Congressional make-up. - Low level DOJ officials recommended rejecting
plan adverse impact on Latino and
African-American voters. - High-level DOJ officials accepted plan.
- Corruption.
- Illegally funneling money to Texas Republican
legislators. - Money from DeLays PAC.
54Texas Redistricting, DeLay Corruption Charges,
Supreme Court2.
- Redistricting possible violation of Voting Rights
Act. - Supreme Court heard briefings for consolidated
lawsuits from - Austin City Government.
- Travis County Government.
- Texas Redistricting Case.
- Press release.
55Texas Redistricting Case
56Texas Redistricting Case
57US Military and International Law
- International Criminal Court.
- Coalition for an ICC - Pro ICC NGO.
- Abu Ghraib Prisoner Abuse.
- US/Coalition forces cant be prosecuted by Iraqi
Govnt (UN Security Council Resolution wording). - England Guilty Plea rejected/plea bargain.
- Being tried under UCMJ.
- Rejection based on testimony of another guard
that abuse was part of lawful interrogation
tactics. - US CCR tried to use German Courts to involve ICC.
- US HRW supports US joining ICC.
58Iraq Prisoner Abuse
59Iraq Prisoner Abuse.
60The Federal Courts
- The legal system
- Federal courts
- The power of the Supreme Court Judicial review
- Judicial power and politics
61The Legal System
- Within what broad categories of law do cases
arise? - How is the U.S. court system structured?
62Cases and the LawTypes of Law
- Criminal law
- Civil law
- Public law
63Cases and the LawTerms
- Criminal cases
- Government
- Defendant
- Beyond a reasonable doubt
- Civil cases
- Plaintiff
- Defendant
- Preponderance of the evidence
- Precedent or stare decisis
64Types of Courts
- Trial court
- Appellate court
- Supreme court
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66Federal Jurisdiction
- What is the importance of the federal court
system? - What factors play a role in the appointment of
federal judges? - What shapes the flow of cases through the Supreme
67Federal Jurisdiction
- The lower federal courts
- The appellate courts
- The Supreme Court
- How judges are appointed
- Controlling the flow of cases
68The Lower Federal Courts
- Courts of original jurisdiction
- 272,661 cases in 1996
- Eighty-nine district courts in the fifty states
and one in Puerto Rico - 610 federal district judges
69The Appellate Courts
- Appellate jurisdiction
- 51,524 cases in 1996
- Twelve appellate circuits
- Six to twenty judges per court of appeals
70The Supreme Court
- Original and appellate jurisdiction
- 7,601cases reviewed in the 19971998 term
- One chief justice and eight associate justices
71How Judges Are Appointed
- Appointed by the president
- Confirmed by the Senate
- Senatorial courtesy
72Controlling the Flow of Cases
- The solicitor general
- The FBI
- Law clerks
73Federal Courts and Judicial Review
- What is judicial review?
- How does judicial review make the courts a
lawmaking body? - How does a case reach the Supreme Court?
- What factors influence the judicial philosophy of
the Supreme Court?
74The Power of the Supreme CourtJudicial Review
- Judicial review of acts of Congress
- Judicial review of state actions
- Judicial review of lawmaking
- How cases reach the Supreme Court
- Explaining Supreme Court decisions
75Judicial Review of Acts of Congress
- Judicial review is the power to review the
constitutionality of governmental actions. - Marbury v. Madison (1803)
- Federalist 78
76Judicial Review of State Actions
- Supremacy clause provides that the Constitution
is the supreme law of the land. - Supreme Court uses supremacy clause to declare
acts of the states unconstitutional. - Examples
- Brown v. Board of Education (segregation)
- Roe v. Wade (abortion statutes)
- Loving v. Virginia (interracial marriages)
77Judicial Review and Lawmaking
- The power of judicial review is used to define
basic concepts as they apply to laws enacted by
Congress and the president. - The courts become lawmakers.
78How Cases Reach the Supreme Court
- Constitutional jurisdiction
- Standing
- Mootness
- Writ of habeas corpus
- Writ of certiorari
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81The Supreme Courts Procedures
- Briefs
- Oral argument
- Conference
- Opinions and dissent
- Majority opinion
- Concurring opinion
- Dissenting opinion
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83Explaining Supreme Court Decisions
- Judicial activism
- Judicial restraint
- Political ideology
84Judicial Power and Politics
- How has the power of the federal courts been
limited throughout much of American history? - How has this changed over the last fifty years?
- How has this changed the Supreme Courts role in
the political process?
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86Judicial Power and Politics
- Traditional limitations on the federal courts
- Two judicial revolutions
- The judiciary Liberty and democracy
87Traditional Limitations on the Federal Courts
- Standing
- Remedies
- Lack of enforcement powers
- Political appointments
- Congress controls size and jurisdiction
88Two Judicial Revolutions
- Substantive revolution of judicial policy
- Procedural revolution expanding judicial power
89- May 8th.
- Final exam, 1100-130pm.
- Remember to bring at least one blue book.
- Papers returned, if not already returned via
e-mail. - Evaluation
- 1150 1215.
- SIR II Forms
- SIR Report Number upper right corner - 008311.
- Faculty and Course Evaluation Form.
- Course POS 101-01.
- Faculty Christian Erickson.