Title: Human evolutionary history
1Human evolutionary history
- and disease susceptibility
2How could history matter?
- Same genotype in different environment
- Well-adapted / mal-adapted locally in time/space
- Consider recently migrated individuals like
Afro-Americans - Recently changed culture like use of grains,
alcohol, milk, nicotine - Recently changed pathogen pressure
3How could history matter?
- Different allele frequencies in different
populations - Fitness-neutral allele diluted during migration
- Migration distance ? genetic similarity
- Adaptation to local environment
- Isolated populations become different from total
by drift - Jews, Gypsies, Urkers
- Old polymorphisms can be common and shared by
many populations, new polymorphisms can be rare
and local
4Effect of migration
Directional migration in empty space new
mutations go downstream New mutation in standing
population diffusion
5- Population differences are common
- Genotype-phenotype
- Genotype freq/distribution
- Results differ between populations
- Often more if further apart
- Pooling populations can alter outcome tests
- Be aware when designing/interpreting experiments
Evolutionary knowledge can help understand
prevalence, environmental factors, etc.
6Not all things show gradients
7(No Transcript)
8Patterns of heritable diseases
9- Sickle cell anaemia
- A number of polymorphisms
- cause s.c.a (recessive)
- protect against malaria (dominant)
- s.c.a. common where malaria is/was common
10- Lactose intolerance
- Ancestral trait
- Decreased in pastoral populations
- Different genes in Africa/Europe
11K. Rostami, R. Malekzadeh, B. Shahbazkhani, M. R.
Akbari and C. Catassi, 2004
Gluten intolerance (coeliac disease) Gluten is
present in wheat, rye, spelt, .. but not in corn
or rice HLA-types DQ2 and DQ8 seem necessary for
celiac disease HLA plays a role in immunity
12Genetics and/or culture?
13Blacks in USA suffer more from hypertension than
in Africa Probable explanation Blacks are
adapted to high temperatures, low salt, high body
fluid volume differences ? Mal-adapted in
temperate climate with low sweating and
sufficient salt Multiple polymorphisms involved
14Application of evolutionary knowledge in medical
15Some examples
- Gene function from comparison with other species
- Gene (domain, AA) importance from conservation
- Association analysis in isolated populations
- (Association) studies take ethnicity into account