Title: Magnum Force System for Spray Painting
1- Magnum Force System for Spray Painting
2- Five major areas of concern with paint jobs
- Vehicle preparation
- The people
- The compressed air system
- The paint booth
- The paint itself
3- Lint and dust float for days and always end up a
problem in finishing.
4- Wipes break down and leave fibers behind.
- Feather dusters breakdown and add unwanted
particulate - to finishes.
5Cotton mops can be another source of
trouble.Sponge mop should be used.
6Static voltage on primer/plastic filler causes
uneven coating in Electrostatic Painting.
7Dust in the air can be chargedby static
electricity.The dust will be attracted to the
part being painted.
9SIMCO Magnum Force System
10SIMCO Magnum Force is an electrical Air Knife
System.It provides deep penetration with high
velocity ionized air.
11Option 1 is blow-off only. Option 2 is blow-off
with ionized air.
12 Option 1 is blow-off only. Option 2 is blow-off
with ionized air.
13Air and Ionizing Nozzles
Ionizing Air Knives
Complete System
14Magnum Force can help to
- Remove lint and dust
- Remove static for even finish
- Remove moisture
- Reduce manpower
15If you are using compressed air jets/ knife
- Magnum Force will reduce 30 to 70 of operating
16Magnum Force System fast payback when compared
with Compressed Air System
17Major benefits
- Less rework
- Better finish
- Higher output rate
18Custom design Magnum Force Systems for
different sizes of substrate cleaning
19(No Transcript)
20Customer References
21References for parts cleaning
22To return to out website CLICK HERE
To download the Magnum Force Spec Sheet CLICK HERE