Title: Computations on the Spheroid
1Lecture 6
- Computations on the Spheroid
2Lines on the spheroid
- Between two points on the spheroid, there can be
an infinite number of lines. - chord - straight line between points A and B
- normal section - line of sight of a theodolite
perfectly levelled at A and pointing at B - geodesic - shortest distance between two points
on the spheroid
3The Geodesic
insert picture from Cross page 24
- on a sphere great circle
- curve of double curvature
- subdivides the angle between the two normal
sections in the ratio 21 - a-A is negligible, necessary for long line
- difference between normal section length and
geodesic length often negligible
4Formulae for computing on the ellipsoid
- gives the relationship between two points on the
surface of the ellipsoid - seven quantities involved, f1, f2, l1, l2, a12,
a21, s - direct problem - f2, l2, a21
- inverse problem - s, a12, a21
5Angles between curves on the spheroid
insert pic page 27 Cross
- azimuth of geodesic from 1 to 2 differs from the
normal section azimuth by a small amount -
negligible - the reverse azimuth a21 differs from the direct
azimuth a12 by Da, the spherical or meridian
convergence - not 180o unless both points are on the same
meridian or on the equator it is not negligible - meridians parallel at the equator and the angle
between them increases until Dl at the poles
6Formulae for computing on the ellipsoid
- long line formulae
- short line formulae, medium line formulae and
long line formulae - formulae categorised depending on their mode of
derivation - normal section formulae
- geodesic formulae
- formulae selected depends on
- latitude of the survey
- precision required
- lengths of lines involved
- computational aids available
7Normal section formulae
- derived by taking a sphere which touches the
ellipsoid at some convenient point, such as the
standpoint of the midpoint of the line or at the
equator - these formulae include
- Clarke Robbins formulae (best known)
- Puissants formulae
- Gauss mid-latitude formulae (simplest)
8Computation by the mid latitude formulae The
Direct Problem
Given latitude and longitude of a point (f 1,
l1) and the geodetic azimuth (a 12) and geodetic
distance to a second point (s), Calculate the
latitude and longitude of the second point (f 2,
l2) and the reverse azimuth (a 21).
1st iteration
2nd iteration
9Computation by the mid latitude formulae The
Inverse Problem
1ppm for distances up to 30km
10Computation by the Sodanos formulae The
Direct Problem
Tanb1 (Tanf1)(1-f) If f1 gt45 then use
(Cotf1)/(1-f) cosb0 Cosb1 Sina12 g Cosb1
Cosa12 m1 (1( e2/2)sin2b1) (1-Cos2b0) Fs
(radians) s/b a1 (1( e2/2)sin2b1) (sin2b1
CosFs g Sinb1 SinFs) F0 Fs Term1 Term2
Term3 Term4 Term5 Where, with F in
radians Term1 a1(-(e2/2 )SinFs) Term2
m1(-(e2/4) Fs (e2/4)SinFs CosFs) Term3
a12((5e4/8)SinFs CosFs) Term4 m12((11e4/64)
Fs - (13e4/64)SinFs CosFs (e4/8) Fs Cos2Fs
(5e4/32)SinFs Cos3Fs) Term5 a1m1((3e4/8)SinF
s (e4/4)Fs CosF s (5e4/8)SinFs Cos2Fs) Cot
a21 (g CosF 0 - Sinb1 SinF 0)/Cosb0 CotL
(Cosb 1 CosF0 - Sinb 1 SinF0 Cosa 12)/ (SinF0
Sina 12) w (Term1 Term2 Term3) Cosb 0
L Where Term1 (-fFs) Term2 a1((3f2/2)
SinFs) Term3 m1((3f2/4) Fs (3f2/4) SinF s
CosFs) l2 l1 w Sinb2 Sinb1 CosF 0 g
SinF0 Cosb 2 ((Cosb0)2 (g CosF 0 - Sinb1 SinF
0)2)½ Tanb2 Sinb 2 / Cosb2 Tanf2 Tanb2 / (1
11Computation by the Sodanos formulae The
Inverse Problem
Tanb1 (Tanf1)(1-f) Tanb2 (Tanf2)(1-f) If f
gt45 then use Cotb1 (Cotf1)/(1-f) Cotb2
(Cotf2)/(1-f) w l2 - l1 SinF
(term12term22)½ Where Term1 Sinw Cosb2 Term2
Sinb2 Cosb 1 Sinb1 Cosb 2 Cosw c (Cosb1
Cosb 2 Sinw)/SinF m 1 c2 s b(Term1 Term2
Term3 Term4 Term5 Term6) where, with F in
radians, Term1 F(1ff2) Term2 Sinb1 Sinb 2
(ff2)SinF - (f2/2) F 2/SinF Term3 m-(F
(ff2)/2) ((ff2)/2)SinF CosF (f2/2) F
2/TanF Term4 (Sinb1 Sinb 2 )2-(f2/2)SinF
CosF Term5 m2(f2/16) F (f2/16)SinF CosF -
(f2/2) F 2 /TanF - (f2/8)SinF Cos3F Term6
Sinb1 Sinb 2 m(f2/2) F2/SinF (f2/2)SinF
Cos2F L c(Term1 Term2 Term3) w Where,
with F in radians, Term1 (ff2) F Term2 Sinb1
Sinb 2 -(f2/2)SinF - (f2) F 2/SinF Term3
m-(5f2/4) F (f2/4)SinF CosF f2 F
2/TanF Cota12 (Sinb 2 Cosb1 - CosL Sinb1 Cosb
2)/(SinL Cosb2) Cota21 (Sinb 2 Cosb1 CosL -
Sinb1 Cosb 2)/(SinL Cosb1)
12Vector solution of direct problem
Other Comps