Title: Neurocutaneous Syndromes
1Neurocutaneous Syndromes
- -Dr Jaimin Patel
- (PGY-2)
- -Dr Poorvi Patel
- (pediatric neurologist)
2Definition and Syndromes
- Definition
- Familial/ primitive ectoderm
- List
- Neurofibromatosis I/II
- Tuberous Sclerosis
- Sturge-Weber
- Von Hippel-Lindau
- Ataxia Telengiectesia
- Linear Nevus Syndrome
- Hypomelanosis of Ito
- Incontinentia Pigmenti
- Two forms Type I and Type II
- NF-1 Most prevalent
- Incidence 1/4000
- Two out of 7 signs.
- Chromosome 17q11.2
41-Café au lait macules
- Almost 100, Hallmark
- Trunk and extremities, Spares face
- Measurements.
52-Axillary or inguinal frekling
- Multiple Hyperpimented areas 2-3 mm in diameter
63-Iris lish nodules
- Best identified with slit lamp- Hamartomas
located within the iris. - gt74 patients with NF-I, two or more
- Prevalence increases with Age- 5lt3 yrs//42 3-4
yrs // 100 gt21 yrs.
- Two or more -Small, rubbery, purplish skin
- Skin, peripheral nerves, GI tract
- During adolescence and pregnancy.
84B-Plexiform neurofibroma.
- One
- Hyperpigmented skin
- Overgrowth of extremities/deformity of
corresponding bone.
95-distinctive osseous lesions
- Scoliosis is Most Common Orthopedic
manifestation- Not specific for diagnostic
criterion - Cortical thining of long bones with or without
10Which sign is this?
115-Distinctive osseous lesions
126-Optic glioma
- Swinging Flash Light test.
13- 6-Optic Glioma- Radiologically
- First degree Relative with NF-1
- Chromosome 17q11.2
- learning disabilities, ADHD, Speech disorder
- Seizures
- Hydrocephalus
- Macrocephaly
- Moya-moya Disease
- Precocious puberty
- Hypertension.
- Fibromuscular dysplasia
- Pheochromocytoma
- Malignancy
- Neurofibrosarcoma
- Malignant Schwanoma
- Abnormal signals in the globus pallidus, thalamus
and intenal capsule
16Neurofibromatosis II
17Neurofibromatosis II
- Chromosome 22q1.11
- Bilateral acoustic neuromas
- Parent, sibling or child with NF-II
- unilateral eighth nerve mass
- OR
- Neurofibroma, meningioma, glioma, schwannoma or
juvenile posterior subcapsular lenticular
18Neurofibromatosis II
- Bilateral Acoustic Neuromas
- Hearing loss
- Unsteadiness
- Headache
- Facial weakness
- More commonly in 2nd and 3rd decade.
19Neurofibromatosis II
- Subcapsular opacity- 50 of the cases of NF-II
20Neurofibromatosis II
- Ependymomas most (80)in spinal cord.
- Spinal Schwannomas (70) intradural
21Treatment and Management of NF-I and NF-II
- Genetic counseling
- Half result from fresh Mutation
- Prenatal diagnosis in familial cases.
- Tests should be ordered if positive physical
findings are present - Annual evaluation
- By pediatrician
- By pediatric ophthalmologist
22Tuberous SclerosisBournevilles Disease
23Tuberous Sclerosis
- 1/6000
- Chromosome 9q34-TSC1-Hamartin
- Chromosome 16p13-TSC2-Tuberin
- Half of the cases are sporadic
- Wide clinical spectrum
- Severe mental retardation
- Seizure disorder
- Normal Intelligence
- No seizures
24Infantile Spasm
26Ash leaf skin lesions
- Hypopigmented in 90 of patients
- Enhanced by woods lamp examination
27Retinal lesions
- Mulberry Tumors
- Retina Nerve fiber and undifferentiated glial
tissue - 1/3 to ½ patients
- Can also be found in Neurofibromatosis and Normal
28Tuberous Sclerosis
- Sebaceous adenomas Facial Angiofibroma 8-10 and
then by adolescence fully developed. - Forehead Plaque.
29Shagreen patch
- Characteristic-Shagreen patch at lower back.
30Confetti skin lesions
31Characteristic Tubers
- -Candle Dripping appearance.
- -subependymal/decreased neurons/proliferation of
astrocytes. - -calcification/obstruction------emedicine
32Cardiac Rhabdomyoma.
- Renal Ultrasound
- Echo
- CT/MRI brain
- Seizure control-ACTH for infantile spasm
- Symptomatic tumor treatment.
- Cosmetic treatments
34Sturge-Weber Disease
35Sturge-Weber Syndrome
- Etiology-Anomalous development of the primordial
vascular bed.
36Port Wine Stainfacial nevus
38Rail-Road Track Calcification
- Gyriform Pattern of the Cortical Calcification.
39Unilateral cortical atrophy
- Seizures-medications to hemispherectomy or
lobectomy - Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
- Ophthalmic evaluations periodically
- Port Wine Stain- Laser.
41Von Hippel-Lindau Disease.
42Von-Hippel-Lindau Disease
- Chromosome 3q25
- Variable penetrance and Delayed expression.
- Cerebellar hemagioblastomas and retinal
angiomata. - Affects many organ systems-Cerebellum, spinal
cord, medulla, retina, kidney, pancreas, and
43Cerebellar Hemangioblastoma
- Raised Intra Cranial Pressure
- Cystic cerebellar lesion with a vascular mural
nodule- erythropoietin like protein. - Spinal Cord-abnormalities of proprioception,
disturbances of bladder control and gait
44Retinal Angioma
- Peripheral-Initially vision is unaffected
- Grow, bleed, leave serous fluid-retinal
detachment - Small-Laser photocoagulation
- Large-Freezing probe from outside the globe.
- 25 of retinal angioma patients will have
extraocular manifestation - 60 with nonocular manifestations will have
Retinal Angioma.
45Von-Hippel-Lindau Disease
- Cystic lesions of
- Kidneys, pancreas, Liver and epididymis
- Pheochromocytomas.
- Renal Carcinoma is Most common cause of death.
46Linear Nevus Syndrome Linear sebaceous nevus
(Jadassohn nevus phacomatosis)
47Linear Sebaceous Nevus
48Linear Nevus Syndrome
- 84-Face
- 50-Scalp, Neck and face
- Scalp lesions devoid of hair
- Seizures in 75
- Infantile spasm
- Generalized Tonic
- Tonic Clonic
- Neurological Deficits
- Cranial Nerve palsies VI, VII
- Cortical Blindness
- Hemiparesis (hemimegalencephaly)
- Mental Retardation-in young children upto70
49PHACE Syndrome.
- Posterior fossa malformations
- Hemangiomas
- Arterial anomalies
- Coaractation of the aorta
- Eye abnormalities
50PHACE Syndrome.
51Incontinentia Pigmenti.
52Stage I
- Erythematous linear streaks and plaques of
vescicles - DD-Herpes, bullous impetigo, mastocytosis
- eosinophilic spogiosis
- Resolve by 4 mo
53Stage II
- Verrucous plaques
- Dry and hyperkeratotic
- Involute in 6 months
54Stage III
- Hyperpigmentation
- Hallmark
- Macular whorls, linear streaks
- Lines of Blaschko.
- Sites are not necessorily same.
- Invariably affects axilla and groin
- Fade by Early adoleacence.
55Stage IV
- Hypopigmented
- Hairless
- Anhydrotic
- Usually lower legs.
56Other Manifestations
- CNS (33)
- Motor and cognitive developmental retardation
- Seizures
- Microcephaly
- Spasticity
- paralysis
- Dental(80)
- Late dentition
- Hypodontia
- Conical teeth
- Impaction
- Ocular(30)
- Neovascularization
- Microphthalmos
- Strabismus
- Optic Nerve atrophy
- Cataracts
- Retrolenticular masses.
- Functional mosaicism
- Random X-inactivation of an X-linked dominant
Gene - Lethal in Males
- Xq28
- Increased Frequency of spontaneous abortions.
58Hypomelanosis of Ito.
59Hypomelanosis of Ito.
- Mosaicism-Family history is rare
- Neurological Association
- Mental retardation (70)
- Seizures (40)
- Microcephaly(25)
- Developmental delay
- Deafness
- Visual problems
- Headache
- Tooth or mouth problems
- Nelson.
- E-medicine.
- Up-To-Date.
- NIH.
- University of Michigan website
- Massachusetts General hospital website