- The Performance Triangle
- Physical
- Technical
- We must always remember the following
pedagogical principles -
- From simple to complex
- From easy to challenging
- From familiar to unfamiliar
- From general to specific
- As for all sporting techniques it is important
to only consider functional values - There is no need that the technical pattern of
rowing be beautiful - The rower must agt produce the highest
physiological performance and bgt transform this
performance into the best propulsion possible
5Basic Rowing TechniqueGENERAL AIMS
- 1.To perfect the most efficient technique based
on facts, not speculation - 2.Stable performance in varied conditions ie
wind, boats - 3.Maintain correct technique in progressively
more intense competitions - 4.No loss of form under pressure and exhaustion
6Basic Rowing TechniqueSKILL ANALYSIS
- A coach is a judge of skill and needs to
- break down COMPLEX SKILLS into SIMPLE parts
- separate GOOD parts from BAD
- FOCUS on important parts - not get distracted
- find a WAY TO CORRECT technical errors
- put the whole technique back together
- correct grip
- bladework blade depth and hand curves
- stroke analysis
- body work - efficient work
- rhythm - maximising the boat speed
8Basic Rowing TechniqueTASK ANALYSIS
9Basic Rowing TechniqueKeep it simple!
- need for unified approach
- to teach a biomechanically efficient method
- to facilitate composite national crews
- overall concept is simple
- row longer
- row harder
- slow the boat down less
10Basic Rowing TechniqueSTROKE ANALYSIS
- Catch
- Early drive
- Mid drive
- Mid late drive
- Late drive
- Finish
- Release
- Hands away
- Early recovery
- Mid recovery
- Late recovery
- Full reach
111. The Catch
- Catch is the last part of the recovery
- Shins are almost vertical to vertical
- Arms are straight and relaxed
- Top of knees should be at level of armpits
- Good reach without undue tension - relaxed in the
shoulders - Weight is at the front of the seat
- Emphasis on hands initiating blade entry - not
body lift - Eyes and head up
122. Early Drive
- Arms are straight
- Flat wrists with the correct relaxed grip
- Blades fully buried but not too deep
- Lower back is locked against initial drive of
legs - Stay relaxed in the shoulders - not up around
ears - Shoulders forward of hips
- Feeling of hang
133. Mid Drive
- Arms are straight
- Shoulders relaxed and extended
- Body starts to lever back from the hips
- Horizontal drive - straight line with handle,
head shoulders - Legs with increased acceleration during the drive
until perpendicular position or just behind it - Shoulders over the hips
- Weight transferred to the middle of the seat
144. Late Drive
- Legs are finished and locked
- Body is still levering back
- Arms begin to draw the handle in to the body
- Blades kept buried
- Forearms are parallel to the water
- Head is up and shoulders are past the hips
- Weight is transferred to the back of the seat
155. Finish Release
- Legs (knees) are locked down
- Strong posture with the lower back is maintained
- Shoulder blades retracted
- Elbows drawn back with flat wrists and forearms
- Blade rolled onto the feather
- Backturn is smooth and continuous - in, down,
turn away - blades are extracted square out of the water
- lateral pressure
166. Early Recovery
- Smooth and continues hands away
- Setting up hand height straight off the release
- Legs are held down whilst the weight changes from
the back to the centre of the seat - Arms are almost straight and hands have past the
knees before the body starts pivoting from the
hips - Upper body is up and relaxed
177. Mid Recovery
- Body swings forward of the hips, changing the
weight from the centre to the front of the seat - Forward body angle by ½ to ¾ slide
- Arms are straight but relaxed
- Moving sternwards ahead of seat
- Relaxed grip
188. Late Recovery
- Body is set in catch position
- Emphasis on controlled roll towards the front
chocks elimination of unnecessary movements - Head shoulders remain level throughout recovery
- Blade starts to square up (roll) after hands have
passed the feet - Whilst blade is squared hands begin moving handle
up through semicircle - Hands and shoulders remain relaxed
19Back to. Full Reach/Catch
20Basic Rowing TechniqueADVANTAGES of SCULLING
- symmetrical movement
- balance easier to learn and maintain
- no influence from other rowers
- NB correct OVERLAP is left above and astern of
the right with handles close to same height on
both the drive and recovery
- thumbs over end
- 2nd knuckle leading tangent during drive
- flat wrists
- feather oar with fingers not wrist
- relaxed hold
- hands comfortably apart (1-2 fists)
- outside hand as hook
- inside hand feathers with fingers
- flat wrists
- relaxed hold
23Basic Rowing TechniqueBLADEWORK
- CATCH PLACEMENT - a good beginning is rounded as
it hooks the water - common FAULTS - digging deep in the middle of the
stroke and deep catch/washy finish - HAND CURVE - move continuously around both catch
and finish turns - when to SQUARE THE BLADE? - start to unweight the
handle after the feet
24Basic Rowing TechniqueBASIC POINTS
- push the boat
- - do not shovel water
- no need to be violent at the catch
- - timing vs strength
- float up the slide
- - relaxed but precisely controlled
25Basic Rowing TechniqueRHYTHM
- take time to get the timing right
- stroke rate depends on crew technique
- at any stroke rate the correct ratio between
drive and recovery must be maintained - acceleration cannot be achieved without timing
and relaxation throughout the drive - races are won between the strokes
26Basic Rowing TechniqueTIPS for COACHES
- rowing is the art of using ones bodyweight to
move the boat - movements must be performed as easily and
naturally as possible - few rowers develop their power in exactly the
same way - work on one change at a time
27Basic Rowing TechniqueCommon Faults Correction
- Teaching a beginner correct technique will avoid
lengthy fault correction later - It is much easier for a fault to become habit
than it is to correct a habitual fault - When a fault is detected check that it is not a
rigging or set up problem - Treat the cause of the problem and not the
symptoms - Break down the movement (sequence) and teach the
basics in little steps - Keep it simple dont overload
28 Basic Rowing TechniqueCommon Faults Correction
- Not enough body angle at the catch
- Cause rocking over from the back, knees up too
early - Drills gt hands away rocking over knees down
- gt rowing on back chocks with rocking
over (exaggeration) - gt gradually extending slide length
29 Basic Rowing TechniqueCommon Faults Correction
- Breaking the arms at the catch
- Cause Balance, tensed arms tide grip, legs too
slow - Drills gt Balance drills
- gt changing grip, relax arms shoulders
- gt front end pushed with straight arms
- gt gradually extending backwards
30 Basic Rowing TechniqueCommon Faults Correction
- Skying the blades
- Cause Tensed shoulders arm, late body swing
forward - Drills gt Balance drills
- gt changing grip, relax arms shoulders
- gt hands away rocking over extending
slide length - gt blades on the water second half
31 Basic Rowing TechniqueCommon Faults Correction
- Body swing too early
- Cause Late body preparation, slow legs after
catch - Drills gt hands away rocking over early
preparation - gt extending slide length
- gt front end pushes with straight arms
- gt extending backwards
32 Basic Rowing TechniqueCommon Faults Correction
- Early arm draw in mid-drive
- Cause Tensed shoulders, slow legs, break in body
swing - Drills gt Shoulder relaxation
- gt front end pushed
- gt legs and body only with straight arms
(exaggeration) -
33 Basic Rowing TechniqueCommon Faults Correction
- Early release
- Cause Inflexible shoulders, no open up after
cross over, hands drawing down second half - Drills gt Shoulder relaxation and flexibility
- gt rowing arms only on back chocks
34 Basic Rowing TechniqueCommon Faults Correction
- Not enough body swing
- Cause Weak lower back, early arm draw
- Drills gt rowing arms only body back
- gt slowly moving forward
35 Basic Rowing TechniqueCommon Faults Correction
- Too much body swing
- Cause Slow legs and/or arm
- Drills gt feet out rowing
- gt front end pushes slowly extending
forward -
36 Basic Rowing TechniqueCommon Faults Correction
- Body moves into the finish
- Cause Early body swing, head moves towards stern
- Drills gt feet out rowing
- gt rowing at back chocks fixed body
- gt front end pushes