Title: Jerry A' Katzmann, Ph'D' Division of Clinical Biochemistry
1Jerry A. Katzmann, Ph.D. Division of Clinical
Biochemistry ImmunologyDepartment of Lab Med
PathSeptember 18, 2008
- Serum FLC Quantitation Impact on Urine Testing
Jacksonville, Florida
Scottsdale, Arizona
Rochester, Minnesota
2Serum Protein Electrophoresis Immunofixation
Normal Serum
Polyclonal Hypergammaglobulinemic Serum
Multiple Myeloma Serum
3Serum Protein Electrophoresis Immunofixation
Light Chain MM Serum
Light Chain MM Urine
4Monoclonal Serum ProteinsNewly Diagnosed
Multiple Myeloma (n1027)
Kyle et. al., Mayo Clin Proc 2003
5(No Transcript)
6PEL Need for Serum Urine Samples
MGUS with Serum M-spike
MM with Serum M-spike Urine M-spike
LCMM with Urine M-spike
AL with no Serum or Urine M-spike
7Free Light Chain Assay Specificity
The Binding Site
8FLC reference range k 3.3 19.4 mg/L l 5.7
26.3 mg/L k/l ratio 0.26 - 1.65
Normal lt70 yrs
Normal gt70 yrs
Serum FLC, lambda, mg/L
Serum FLC, Kappa, mg/L
Drayson, et al, Blood, 2001
9Dysproteinemias FLC(Monoclonal Gammopathies)
- Diagnosis
- Monoclonal vs. polyclonal
- Prognosis
- Progression
- MGUS M-spike size (PEL), isotype (IFE), FLC
ratio - SMM M-spike size (PEL), BMPC, FLC ratio
- Plasmacytoma M-spike persistence (PEL), FLC
ratio - Survival
- MM b2M, Albumin, FLC ratio
- Disease Monitoring
- If serum and urine M-spikes are not measurable
(lt1 g/dl lt 200 mg/24 h respectively), use FLC
concentration if ratio is abnormal and
Involved FLC gt10 mg/dL - Empirical recommendation
- use involved FLC minus uninvolved FLC
10Serum FLC Quantitation Impact on Urine Testing
- Are urine studies needed for initial monoclonal
gammopathy screen? - When doing urine studies, is sample concentration
necessary? - Can serum FLC be used for disease monitoring (and
how should it be interpreted)?
11Prospective Review of 1020 sequential patients
Diagnosis n abn FLC MM (intact Ig)
330 95 SMM 72
88 MGUS 114
44 NSMM 20 70 LCDD
7 100 AL 110
Katzmann et al, Clin Chem, 2005
12Diagnostic Sensitivity in AL
110 sequential, newly diagnosed AL pts with
orders for serum PEL, IFE, FLC plus urine PEL
Assay (s) Sensitivity Serum IFE
69 Urine IFE 83 Serum IFE Urine
IFE 95 Serum FLC k/l Ratio
91 FLC k/l Ratio Urine IFE 91 FLC
k/l Ratio Serum IFE 99 All 3 assays
Katzmann et al, Clin Chem, 2005
13Diagnoses for 428 Patients Selected for Urine
Monoclonal Protein
All 428 patients are untreated have a positive
urine IFE, and concurrent serum assays for PEL,
Diagnosis of pts. () MM
148 (34.6) Primary Amyloid 123
(28.7) MGUS 69 (16.1) Smoldering
Myeloma 59 (13.8) Plasmacytoma 10
(2.3) Osteosclerotic Myeloma 5
(1.2) Macroglobulinemia 3
(0.7) Lymphoproliferative Disease 4
(0.9) Light Chain Deposition Disease 2
(0.5) Smoldering Macroglobulinemia 2
(0.5) Plasma Cell Leukemia 2
(0.5) Cryoglobulinemia 1 (0.2)
Katzmann, et al, Mayo Clinic Proc, 2006
14Serum PEL IFE Results 428 Patients with
Monoclonal Urinary Protein
- Lab Test Abnormal ()
- Urine IFE 428 (100)
- Serum PEL 346 (80.8 )
- Serum IFE 400 (93.5)
- Serum PEL/IFE missed 28 pts (6.5)
- Primary Amyloid, n 19
- Multiple Myeloma, n 2
- Plasmacytoma, n 3
- Smoldering MM, n 1
- MGUS, n 3
15Laboratory Results 428 Patients with Monoclonal
Urinary Protein
- Lab Test Abnormal ()
- Urine IFE 428 (100 )
- Serum IFE 400 (93.5 )
- Serum FLC K/L ratio 367 (85.7 )
- Serum PEL/IFE or FLC ratio 426 (99.5)
- 1 Idiopathic lambda Bence Jones Proteinuria (?FLC
MGUS), urine M-spike 83 mg/24 hrs - 1 MGUS (?sample contamination urine IgA kappa,
serum neg, subsequent urine neg)
16Monoclonal Gammopathies Diagnostic Screening
- Medicare cost
- serum FLC 38.00
- urine PEL/IFE 71.04
- Theoretical savings 33
- Because only a fraction of the serum samples also
have an accompanying urine sample, this savings
will not be fully realized. - The diagnostic sensitivity should increase with
the serum FLC as a surrogate for urine IFE.
17Urine Diagnostic Tests Sample Concentration
- To achieve high sensitivity, current protocols
concentrate urine up to 200X (depending on
protein content) - Our Lab rejects 3-4 of all urine samples due to
inadequate volume to allow specimen concentration - The Sebia UPEP and IFE protocols for
unconcentrated urine is 96 sensitive compared to
our concentrated urine protocol
18Urine IFE Concentrated and Unconcentrated Samples
- Protein Conc. (mg/dL)
- 0-16 17-50 gt50
- Concordant
- Positive (n53) 20 14 19
- Negative (n56) 34 2 20
- Discordant 2 0 0
Roden, A., et al, AJCP, in press
19Urine M-Spike Comparison Concentrated vs.
Roden, A., et al, AJCP, in press
20Urine Testing
- If serum PEL, IFE, FLC are the initial
algorithm, urine studies not required as part of
the screen - Urine studies for urine TP, protein distribution,
and M-spike quantitation are still needed for
final diagnosis and monitoring but these do not
require concentrated urine
21Disease MonitoringPublished Response Criteria
for FLC
PR Partial Response, CR Complete Response, sCR
stringent Complete Response 1 Measurable
includes serum M-protein 10 g/L or a urine
M-protein 200 mg/day for myeloma patients
(100 mg/day for AL patients).
Gertz MA et al. Am J Hematol. 200579319-328. Dur
ie BG et al. Leukemia. 2006201467-1473.
22Appraisal of Immunoglobulin Free Light Chain as a
Marker of Response
- Data and stored samples from a mature ECOG
clinical trial (E9486) data set to assess serum
levels of immunoglobulin free light chains FLC at
baseline and after 2 months of alkylator based
therapy in 399 patients - FLC response after 2 months of therapy was
superior to early M-protein measurement to
predict overall response, but did not predict for
overall or progression free survival
Dispenzieri A et al. Blood. 20081114908-4915.
23Best-fit Early FLC Reduction for Overall
Hematologic Response
Dispenzieri A et al. Blood. 20081114908-4915.
ECOG 1988-1992, n399
24Serum FLC Quantitation Impact on Urine Testing
- Diagnosis
- Monoclonal vs. polyclonal
- Serum PEL, IFE, FLC eliminate urine from
clonality screening - Prognosis
- Disease Monitoring
- No need to concentrate urine
- If serum and urine M-spikes are not measurable
- dFLC (involved FLC minus uninvolved FLC)
- 50 reduction is best cut-point for response
- Serum FLC needed in addition to serum/urine IFE
for stringent CR in MM