Title: Until lions tell their own history,
Until lions tell their own history, History will
always glorify the hunter.
- The Network of Sikh Organisations (NSO) is
acutely aware of the need for younger Sikhs to
understand their history and culture. In response
to this need, the NSO, with support from the
Heritage Lottery Fund, is organising a Sikh
Heritage- Oral History Project - When we open the rich treasury of our fathers,
we see the true wealth of our spiritual
inheritance. Guru Amardas ji - WHO? A group of 30 young people (age 14-25 yrs)
will have the unique opportunity of attending 15
workshops, in which they will have the chance to
talk to, question and learn from, senior Sikh men
and women and share their reminiscences and
experience of earlier life in Britain, including
the hardships they faced to maintain their
religion, culture and identity. There will be
opportunities to visit places of historic
interest where famous Sikhs lived and died from
Maharaja Duleep Singh to the Sikhs of the World
Wars and the 1950s and 60s. Discussions will be
recorded and made available for schools and
general public on websites, CDs and displays at
various Gurdwaras and museums. - WHY? Young Sikhs will learn about their exciting
heritage, and collect their valuable resources
before oral history is lost. This will enhance
their self-esteem and have role models to
emulate, so that they are able to make a positive
contribution to British society. - Those who fail to tell their own story end up as
footnotes in recorded history. Dr Indarjit
Singh OBE - WHERE? Workshops - Guru Nanak Sikh Secondary VA
School Springfield Road, Hayes Middlesex UB4 OLT - WHEN? During the summer holidays weekends
starting 30/06/2007. - Further details- Dr Kanwaljit Kaur-Singh at 020
8540 4148 or 07886571712
Until lions tell their own history, History will
always glorify the hunter.
Workshops for Sikh Heritage- Oral History
Project 30th June - Dr Kanwaljit Kaur-Singh,
Sikh History from 1469 1708 Guru Period 8th
July - Mr Rajinder Singh Dhatt War Veteran,
Contribution of Sikhs to World War II 14th July -
Dr Kanwaljit Kaur-Singh, Sikh History from
1708-1839 21st July - Mr Gurbachan Singh Gill,
Business Man - Life of Sikhs from 1930- Current
day 26th July - Mr Peter Bance Writer, Sikhs in
Britain 150 Years 28th July - Mr Harbinder Singh
Rana Director, Sikh Heritage Trail- Maharaja
Duleep Singh 8th September - Mrs Kulwant Kaur
Wasu, Life of Sikhs in 1960 as compared to
today 15th September - Visit to Thetford-
Maharaja Duleep Singhs Estate 6th October - Dr
Indarjit Singh OBE Writer Broadcaster- Sikh
Community since 1940 13th October - Dr Kanwaljit
Kaur, Major Sikh Celebrations November November
-Mr Fauja Singh 94 Years old Marathon Runner (
date to be confirmed) November- Singh Twins
Rabindra Kaur and Amrita Kaur- Famous Sikh
Painters, ( dtb confirmed) December - Mr Rajinder
Singh Sandhu, Head Teacher,Guru Nanak Sikh
School, (dtb confirmed) December Victoria and
Albert Museum Jasjit Singh (Curator)( date to be
confirmed) 15 and the final workshop - will be a
celebration of the work completed and what next?
Interview a famous Sikh-perhaps Monty Panesar
This is the programme and we will keep you
informed if any changes are made.Please note
each workshop will take place at (except the
outings) Guru Nanak Sikh School Springfield Road,
Hayes Middlesex UB4 OLT The programme of the day
will be as follows Arrive 10.00 am
sharp Talks Interviews 10.00 -
11.30am Break 11.30 - 11.45am Discussion and
plenary 11.45 - 1.00pm Please make
arrangements to arrive and depart at the above
times. In any emergency phone 07886571712 or 020
8540 4148 (Kanwaljit Kaur)