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static and dynamic characteristics of the instruments. ... To measure short circuit current, a very low impedance ammeter is connected at the output port ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Presented by
  • Balasubrahmanya P. Balusu
  • Appala V. Surya Pradhan
  • Vinay Kumar Bashaboina
  • Muzamil Mohammed
  • Shakeel Ahmed Syed

  • Topic discusses about
  • Instrument ratings.
  • static and dynamic characteristics of the
  • Parameters for performance specification of
    available components.
  • Impedance and component matching.
  • Error analysis.

Measurement System
  • All devices that assist in the measurement
    procedure can be interpreted as components of the
    measurement system.
  • A measurement system is an essential component
    in any feedback control system and forms a vital
    link between the plant and the controller.
  • A typical measurement system consists of one or
    more sensor- transducer units and associated

Measurement system
Sensors and Transducers
  • These devices are analog components that generate
    analog signals.
  • Analog signals are converted into digital signals
    using ADC for digital control. This process
    requires sampling of analog signals at discrete
  • The changes in analog signal due to its transient
    nature should not affect this process of ADC, so
    we use sample and hold operation for each
    sampling period.

Sensors and Transducers
  • The encoded signal can be represented as either
    straight binary code, a gray code, BCD, ASCII.
  • A multiplexer is employed for multiple
    measurement process, in order to pick one
    measured signal at a time from a bank of data
    channels for subsequent processing.
  • The operation of multiplexing , sampling, and
    digitizing have to be properly synchronized under
    the control of an accurate timing device for
    proper operation of the control system.

Sensors and Transducers
  • The output variable that is being measured is
    termed the measurand and is usually analog
  • In a measuring device the measurand is first
    sensed and then, the measured signal is
    transduced into a suitable signal for
    transmitting, signal conditioning, processing or
  • The output signal of the transducer stage is
    often a electrical signal.

Sensors and Transducers
Sensors and Transducers
  • Let us consider operation of a piezoelectric
    accelerometer, where acceleration is measurand.
  • Acceleration is first converted into an inertia
    force through a mass element and is exerted on a
    piezoelectric crystal within which a strain is
    generated. This stress generates a charge inside
    the crystal, which appears as an electric signal
    at the output of the accelerometer.
  • A complex measuring device can have more than one
    sensing stage, in this case measurand goes
    through several transducer stages before it is
    available for control and actuating purposes.

Classification Of Transducers
  • Pure transducers depend on nondissipative
    coupling in the transduction stage.
  • Passive transducers depend on their power
    transfer characteristics for operation, they are
    also called as self-generating transducers.
  • Pure transducers are essentially passive
  • Active transducers, on the other hand, do not
    depend on power transfer characteristics for

Classification Of Transducers
  • In this classification we dealt with the power in
    the immediate transducer stage associated with
    the measurand, not the power used in the
    subsequent signal conditioning.
  • Since passive transducers derive their energy
    entirely from the measurand, they generally tend
    to distort the measured signal to a greater
    extent than an active transducer would.
  • Passive transducers are generally simple in
    design, more reliable, and less costly.

Transfer Functions Models
  • Majority of sensors-transducers can be
    interpreted as two-port elements
  • Each port of a two-port transducer has a through
    variable, such as force current, and an across
    variable, such as velocity or voltage, associated
    with it.
  • Through variables are also called flux variables
    and across variables are also called potential

Transfer Functions Models
  • A two-port device can be modeled by the transfer
  • G
  • Where vi and fi denote across and through
    variable at the input port, and v0 and f0 denote
    the corresponding variables at the output port.
  • This representation essentially assumes a linear
    model for transducer. Such transducers are ideal

Transfer Functions Models
  • Using matrix transfer-function transduction
    process can be broken into two or simpler
    transducer stages.
  • Generalized series element (electrical impedance)

Transfer Functions Models
  • Generalized parallel element (electrical
    admittance) is
  • Generalized series element
  • Generalized parallel element

Transfer Functions Models
  • A disadvantage of using through variables and
    across variables in the definition of impedance
    transfer function is apparent when comparing
    electrical impedance with mechanical impedance.
  • The definition of mechanical impedance is force
    (through variable)/velocity (across variable).
  • Whereas, electrical impedance is defined as ratio
    of voltage (across variable)/current (through
  • Impedance measures how much effort is needed to
    drive a system at unity flow .
  • Impedance

Transfer Functions Models
  • Definitions of some mechanical
    transfer functions

Parameters for performance specification
  • A prefect measuring device can be defined as one
    that possesses the following characteristics
  • 1.Output instantly reaches the measured
  • 2.Transducer output is sufficiently large.
  • 3.Output remains at the measured value
    unless the
  • measurand itself changes.
  • 4.The output signal level of the transducer
    varies in proportion to the
  • signal level of the measurand.
  • 5.connectionof measuring device does not
    distort the measurand itself.
  • 6.power consumption is small.

Time Domain Specifications
  • Rise Time This is often defined as the time
    taken to pass 90 percent the steady-state value
    of the steady state response and is measured from
    10 percent of the steady state value in order to
    leave up the start up irregularities and time
  • Rise time represents the speed of the system.
  • Delay Time It is usually defined as the time
    taken to reach 50 percent of the steady state
    value for the first time. This parameter is also
    a measure of speed of the system.
  • Peak Time This is the time at first peak. This
    parameter also represents speed of the system.

  • Settling Time This is the time taken for the
    device response to settle down within a certain
    percentage (e.g., 2 percent) of the steady state
  • This parameter is related to the degree of
    damping present in the system as well as
  • Percentage Overshoot (P.O) This is defined as
  • P.O 100(Mp-1)
  • Where Mp is the peak value. This is also a
    measure of damping and relative stability.

  • Steady State Error This is the deviation of the
    actual steady state value from the desired value.
    Steady state error may be expressed as a
    percentage with respect to the desired value.

Frequency Domain Specifications
  • Useful Frequency range This corresponds to the
    flat region in the gain curve and the
    zero-phase-lead region in the phase curve. It is
    determined by the dominant resonant frequency of
    the instrument. The maximum frequency in the
    frequency range is smaller than resonant
  • Faithful measurement and fast response are
    guaranteed in this region.
  • Instrument Bandwidth This is a measure of useful
    frequency range of the instrument. Larger the
    bandwidth faster the response of the device will
  • Common definition may be stated as frequency
    range over which the response in flat.

  • Control Bandwidth This is used to specify speed
    of control.For a system to respond faithfully to
    a control action the control bandwidth has to be
    sufficiently small compared to the dominant
    resonant frequency of the system.
  • Static Gain This is the gain ( transfer function
    gain) of a measuring instrument within the useful

Impedance Characteristics
  • When measuring instruments, control boards,
    process and signal conditioning equipment are
    connected, it is necessary to match impedances
  • Adverse effect of impedance mismatch is Loading
  • Ex In measuring system, the measuring instrument
    can distort the signal that is being measured
  • Loading errors result from connecting measuring
    device with low input impedance to a signal source

Impedance Characteristics
  • Depending on the signal being measured, impedance
    can be interpreted either in the traditional
    electrical sense or in the mechanical sense
  • Ex A heavy accelerometer can introduce an
    additional dynamic load
  • A thermocouple junction can modify the
    temperature that is being measured
  • In mechanical and electrical systems, loading
    errors can appear as phase distortions as well

Impedance Characteristics
  • Improper impedance consideration leads to
    inadequate output signal levels, which make
    signal processing and transmission difficult
  • Many types of transducers have high out put
    impedance, and they would require conditioning to
    step up the signal
  • Impedance matching amplifiers are used for this
  • Low input devices extract high level of power
    from the preceding device. This is the reason for
    loading error

Cascade Connection of Devices
  • Out put impedance is defined as the ratio of
    the open circuit voltage at the output port to
    the short circuit current at the output port
  • Open circuit voltage at the output is the output
    voltage present when there is no current flowing
    at the output port
  • To measure open-circuit voltage, the rated input
    voltage is applied at the input port and
    maintained constant and the out put is measured
    using a voltmeter
  • To measure short circuit current, a very low
    impedance ammeter is connected at the output port

Cascade Connection of Devices
  • The input impedance is defined as the ratio
    of the rated input voltage to the corresponding
    current through the input terminals while the
    output terminals are maintained as an open
  • These definitions are associated with electrical
    devices. A generalization is possible by
    interpreting voltage and velocity as across
    variables and current and force as through
  • The mechanical mobility should be used in place
    of electrical impedance

Cascade Connection of Devices
  • The input impedance and output impedance can be
    represented schematically as shown below
  • The corresponding transfer function under open
    circuit is

Cascade Connections
  • Consider two devices connected in cascade
  • These relations can be combined to give
  • We can note that cascading has resulted in
    distortion in the frequency response
  • Cascading should be done such that the output
    impedance of the first device is much smaller
    than the input impedance of the second device

Impedance Matching Amplifiers
  • The signal conditioning circuitry should have a
    considerably large input impedance in comparison
    to the output impedance of the sensor-transducer
    unit in order to reduce loading errors
  • In piezoelectric sensors, where the input
    impedance of the signal-conditioning unit might
    be inadequate to reduce loading effects, we
    introduce several stages of amplifier circuitry
    between sensor output and the data acquisition
    unit input
  • The first stage is an impedance-matching
    amplifier and the last stage is a stable high
    gain amplifier stage to step up the signal level

Operational Amplifiers
  • They have high gain, high input impedance and low
    output impedance
  • A schematic diagram is shown below

Operational Amplifiers
  • If one of the two input lead is grounded, it is a
    single-ended amplifier
  • If neither lead is grounded, it is a differential
  • But the operational amplifier in its basic form
    has poor stability.
  • For these reasons, additional passive elements
    such as feedback resistors are used in
    conjunction with op-amps in practical applications

Voltage Followers
  • They are impedance matching amplifiers with very
    high input impedance, very low output impedance,
    and almost unity gain
  • They are suitable for use with high output
    impedance sensors such as piezoelectric devices
  • The schematic diagram is as shown

Voltage Followers
  • Equivalent circuit for voltage follower
  • Charge amplifier

Voltage Followers
  • From the above, the input impedance is given as
  • The output impedance is given as
  • Since gtgt , we can neglect
    .Consequently, we get

  • Basic principle used here is CAPACITANCE
  • These are commonly used for conditioning output
    signals from piezoelectric
  • Charge voltage x capacitance

Measurement of Across Variables and Through
  • Across variables voltage, velocity, pressure
  • Through variables current, force, flow rate etc
  • Zi Input Impedance Zo Output Impedance
  • Zl Load Impedance G System Transfer Function

Ground Loop Noise
  • Devices that handle low-level signals gets easily
    effected by electrical noise around, which create
    excessive error.
  • Other form of noise is caused by fluctuating
    magnetic fields due to nearby AC lines
  • Another cause of electrical noise is ground loops.

Instrument Ratings
  • Instrument ratings, these are available as
    parameter values, tables, charts, calibration
    curves and empirical equations.
  • Typical rating parameters supplied by instrument
    manufacturers are
  • 1. Sensitivity 6. Useful frequency range
  • 2. Dynamic range 7. Bandwidth
  • 3. Resolution 8. Input and output
  • 4. Linearity impedances
  • 5. Zero drift and full-scale drift.

  • Sensitivity of a transducer is measured by the
    magnitude of the output signal corresponding to a
    unit of the measurand.
  • In other words ratio of (incremental
    output)/(incremental input).
  • However for better operation of a device
    sensitivity to parameter changes and noise has to
    be small.
  • Dynamic range of an instrument is determined by
    the allowed lower and upper limits of its input
    or output.
  • This range is usually expressed as a ratio in
  • Resolution is the smallest change in a signal
    that can be detected and accurately indicated by
    a transducer or any instrument
  • Usually expressed as the inverse of the dynamic
    range ratio.

  • Linearity is determined by the calibration curve
    of an instrument.
  • The curve of output amplitude versus input
    amplitude under static conditions within the
    dynamic range of an instrument is known as the
    static calibration curve.
  • Zero drift is defined as the drift from the null
    reading of the instrument when the measurand is
    maintained stady for a long period.
  • Similarly, full-scale drift is defined with
    respect to the full-scale reading.

  • Useful frequency range corresponds to a flat gain
    curve and a zero phase curve in the frequency
    response characteristics of an instrument.
  • Bandwidth of an instrument determines the maximum
    speed or frequency at which the instrument is
    capable of operating.
  • High bandwidth implies faster speed of response.
  • Bandwidth of a measuring device is important,
    particularly when measuring transient signal.

  • Reproducibility if an instrument reading
    determines the precision of an instrument.
  • The precision of an instrument is determined by
    the standard deviation of error in the instrument
  • Quantitative definition for precision
  • Precision (measurement range)/
  • Lack of precision originates from random cause
    and poor construction practices.
  • It cannot be compensated for by recalibration,
    just as precision of a clock cannot be improved
    by resetting the time.

  • The instrument ratings discussed affect the
    overall accuracy of an instrument.
  • Usually, the instrument accuracy is given with
    respect to a standard set of operating conditions
    by the manufacturer.
  • Measurement accuracy determines the closeness of
    the measured value to true value.
  • Instrument accuracy is related to the worst
    accuracy obtained with in the dynamic range of
    the instrument .
  • Error (measured value) - (true value)
  • Correction (true value) (measured value)

Error Analysis
  • Analysis of an error is very challenging task.
    Particularly in the following reasons
  • 1. True value is usually unknown.
  • 2. The instrument reading may contain random
    error that cannot be determined accurately.
  • 3. The error may be complex function of many
  • 4. The instrument may be made up of many
    components that have many complex inter relations
    and each might contribute to overall error.

Statistical representation
  • Error (instrument reading)-True value.
  • Random associated with a measurand can be
    interpreted in two ways,
  • 1.when the true value is known and a fixed
    quantity, then the randomness can be interpreted
    as the randomness in error that is generally due
    to random factors in instrument response.
  • 2. When the true value is unknown, which is
    obtained from large set of known readings error
    analysis can be interpreted as estimation problem.

Cumulative probability distribution function
  • If X is a random variable and if x is a specific
    value then the probability that Xltx is given as
    cumulative distribution function.
  • Random variable X is always less than infinity
    and never equal to negative infinity. The graph
    of cumulative function always shows an increasing

Probability density function
  • If X is a continuous random variable and F(x) is
    a continuous function of x then the probability
    density function f(x) is given by
  • The graph of PDF is as shown, where
  • area under the curve is Unity.
  • The probability that the random variable
  • falls within two values is given by
  • area under the density curve between the
    two points.

  • Mean value For a random variable X which is
    measured repeatedly a large number of times,
    average of this gives the mean value
  • Root Mean Square Value The mean square value of
    a random variable X is given by
  • Variance Variance of a random variable is the
    mean square value of the deviation from the mean
    and is given by

  • Standard Deviation Square root of variance gives
    the standard deviation.
  • Standard deviation is a measure of statistical
    spread of a random variable.
  • A random variable with smaller SD is less random
    and its density curve exhibits a sharp curve.
  • Independent random variable When
  • two random variables X1 X2 are
  • independent

  • Sample mean and sample variance For a data
    sample X1, X2,.Xn of random variable X we
    cannot extract the whole information about
    probability distribution, but we can make useful
  • Sample mean Sample Variance
  • Unbiased Estimates If N measurements are taken
    at one time and the same measurements are
    repeated, then the values of corresponding data
    samples might differ due to random origin of X

Gaussian Distribution
  • This distribution function is most extensively
    used because of its simplicity and central limit
    theorem which states that a random variable is
    formed by summing a very large number independent
  • A closed algebraic expression cannot be given for
    cumulative probability distribution function. The
    random variable X should be normalized with
    respect to Mean and SD.
  • Probability density function of Z is

  • Statistical process control This is used to
    generate control actions and enhance the
    performance of a system.
  • Control Limits and Action Lines A very high
    percentage of readings from a instrument should
    lie between 3 and -3 drawn about the mean
    value otherwise corrective measures like
    recalibration and controller adjustments should
    be done.

Steps of SPC
  • 1. Collect the measurements of response variables
    of the process.
  • 2. Compute mean upper control limit and lower
    control limit
  • 3. Plot the graph.
  • 4. If the readings lie outside the control limits
    corrective action should be taken.
  • Confidence Interval The probability that random
    variable lies within specified interval is called
    confidence level

  • Sign test and Binomial Distribution This is
    useful in comparing the accuracies of two similar
  • The probability of getting exactly r positive
    signs among n entries is given by
  • Least Square Fit An instrument linearity may be
    measured by largest deviation of input output
    data from the least squares straight line fit of
    data. This line is referred as linear regression

  • Error Combination Error in a response variable
    of an instrument or in an estimated parameter
    would depend on individual variable errors and
    parameter values.
  • These errors all together give rise to total
    system error.
  • Absolute Error Since can be positive or
    negative an upper bound for an overall error is
    obtained by summing the absolute value of each
    right hand term of above equation.

  • SRSS error Square root sum of errors Since
    absolute error is an upper bound estimate it is
    not precise and has high conservatism this is
    overcome by SRSS error which is very precise.

  • Thus the paper discusses the parameters,
    performance specifications and characteristics,
    of various components which help in the
    selection of available components for a
    particular application. It also highlights the
    time domain and frequency domain performances.
    Further it explains the importance of component
    matching (impedance characteristics) and
    instrument ratings. Lastly it briefs the various
    types of errors and their analysis.
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