Title: Chapter 2 Greek Geometry
1Chapter 2Greek Geometry
- The Deductive Method
- The Regular Polyhedra
- Ruler and Compass Construction
- Conic Sections
- Higher-degree curves
- Biographical Notes Euclid
22.1 The Deductive Method
- The most evident possible statementsAxioms
- New statements (theorems, propositions etc.) can
be derived from axioms and statements already
established statements using evident principles
of logic
Originator of the method Thales (624 547 BCE)
3Euclids Elements( 300 BCE)
Common Notions
Principles of logic
- To draw a straight line from any point to any
point - To produce a finite straight line continuously in
a straight line - To describe a circle with any centre and distance
- That all right angles are equal to one another
- That if a straight line falling on two straight
lines make the interior angles on the same side
less than two right angles, the two straight
lines, if produced indefinitely, meet on that
side on which are the angles less than the two
right angles
5Common Notions
- Things which are equal to the same thing are also
equal to one another - If equals be added to equals, the wholes are
equal - If equals be subtracted from equals, the
remainders are equal - Things which coincide with one another are equal
to one another - The whole is grater than the part
- The intention was to deduce geometric
propositions from visually evident statements
(postulates) using evident principles of logic
(the common notions) - Euclid often made use of visually plausible
assumptions that are not among the postulates - 17th century development of analytic geometry
(Descartes) - 5th postulate the parallel axiom
- 19th century non-Euclidean geometries
72.2 The Regular Polyhedra
Definition A polyhedron which is bounded bya
number of congruent polygonal faces,so that the
same number of faces meet at eachvertex, and in
each face all the sides and anglesare equal
(i.e. faces are regular polygons) is calledthe
regular polyhedron
Regular polygon any number n gt 2 of sides
Regular polyhedron only five!
85 Regular Polyhedra (The Platonic Solids)
9Four Elements
Consider polygons that can occur as faces The sum
of angles with common vertex mustbe less than 2
p 360o
Number of sides n Angle Max. number of faces
3 p / 3 5(3,4, or 5)
4 p / 2 3
5 3p / 5 3
6(and more) 2p / 3 Impossible
11Construction of Icosahedron(by Luca Pacioli,
3 golden rectangles (with sides 1 and (1v5) /2 )
AD (1v5) /2 )
BC 1
12Icosahedron and Dodecahedron
- For every regular polyhedron there exist the
sphere which passes through all its vertices (its
radius is called circumradius) and the sphere
which touches all its faces (its radius is called
14Keplers diagram of the polyhedra
- Johannes Kepler (1571 1630) great astronomer
- Three Laws of planetary motion
- Keplers theory of planetary distances (based on
regular polyhedra) - The theory was ruined when Uranus was discovered
in 1781
15Keplers diagram of the polyhedra
162.3 Ruler and Compass Constructions
- The ruler and compass elementary operations
- given two points, construct the line through them
- given two points, construct the circle centered
at one point passing through the other point - given two lines, two circles, or a line and a
circle, construct their intersection points - A point P is called constructible from points P1,
P2, , Pn, if P can be obtained from these
points with a finite sequence of elementary
operations - One can show that the points constructible from
P1, P2, , Pn are precisely the points which
have coordinates in the set of numbers generated
from the coordinates of P1, P2, , Pn by the
operations , -, , / , and v
17Three famous problems
- The impossibility ofsolving of these problems by
ruler and compass constructions was proved only
in 19th century - Wantzel (1837) (impossiblity of the duplication
of the cube and trisection of the angle) - Lindemann (1882) (impossibility of squaring of
the circle)
- Duplication of the cube
- Trisection of the angle
- Squaring the circle
18Equivalent form
- Starting from the unit length, it is impossible
to construct - 3v2 (duplication of the cube)
- p (squaring the circle)
- sin 20o (trisection of the angle a 60o)
19Open problem
- Which regular n-gons are constructible?
- Equivalent problem circle division
- Gauss (1796) 17-gon is constructible and a
regular n-gon is constructible if and only ifn
2mp1p2pk, where each pi is a prime of the form
22h 1 (Fermat prime) - What are these primes?
- Are there infinitely many of these primes? (the
only known are for h0,1,2,3,4 (3, 5, 17, 257,
and 65537))
202.4 Conic Sections
In general, any second-degree equation represents
a conicsection or a pair of straight lines
Descartes (1637)
22Menaechmus (4th century BCE)
- Invention of conic sections
- Used conic sections to solve the problem of
duplication of the cube(finding the intersection
of parabola with hyperbola)
23Drawing of conic sections
Generalized compass described by the Arab
mathematicianal-Kuji (around 1000 CE)
Application of conic sections
- Kepler (1609) the orbits of planets are
ellipses - Newton (1687) explained this fact by his law of
242.5 Higher-degree Curves
- There was no systematic theory of higher-degree
curves in Greek mathematics - Greeks studied many interesting special cases
- The Cissoid of Diocles ( 100 BCE)
- The Spiric Sections of Perseus ( 150 BCE)
- The Epicycles of Ptolemy ( 140 CE)
25The Cissoid of Diocles ( 100 BCE)
Cubic curve with Cartesian equation y2 (1x)
Diocles showed that the cissoid could be usedto
duplicate the cube
26The Spiric Sections of Perseus
- Torus (or Spira) one of the surfaces studied by
Greeks - Spiric section the section of torus by plane
parallel to the axis of the torus - Curves of degree 4
Cassini oval
Lemniscate of Bernoulli
27(No Transcript)
28The Epicycles of Ptolemy
- Almagest astronomical work of Claudius Ptolemy
- Epicycles were candidates for the planetary
292.6 Biographical Notes Euclid
- Taught in Alexandria(around 300 BCE)
- There is no royal road in geometry
- Elements