Title: Elastic Maps, Graphs, and Topological Grammars
1Elastic Maps, Graphs, and Topological Grammars
- Alexander Gorban, Leicester
- with Andrei Zinovyev, Paris
- and Neil Sumner, Leicester
2Plan of the talk
- Two paradigms for data analysis statistics and
modelling - Clustering and K-means
- Self Organizing Maps
- PCA and local PCA
3Plan of the talk
- 1. Principal manifolds and elastic maps
- The notion of of principal manifold (PM)
- Constructing PMs elastic maps
- Adaptation and grammars
- 2. Application technique
- Projection and regression
- Maps and visualization of functions
- 3. Implementation and examples
4Two basic paradigms for data analysis
Data set
Statistical Analysis
Data Modelling
5Statistical Analysis
- Existence of a Probability Distribution
- Statistical Hypothesis about Data Generation
- Verification/Falsification of Hypothesises about
Hidden Properties of Data Distribution
6Data Modelling
Universe of models
- We should find the Best Model for Data
description - We know the Universe of Models
- We know the Fitting Criteria
- Learning Errors and Generalization Errors
analysis for the Model Verification
7Example Simplest Clustering
8K-means algorithm
- Minimize U for given K(i)(find centers)
- Minimize U for given y(i) (find classes)
- If K(i) change, then go to step 1.
9Centers can be lines, manifolds, with the same
1st Principal components mean points for
classes instead of simplest means
10SOM - Self Organizing Maps
- Set of nodes is a finite metric space with
distance d(N,M) - 0) Map set of nodes into dataspace N?f0(N)
- 1) Select a datapoint X (random)
- 2) Find a nearest fi(N) (NNX)
- 3) fi1(N) fi(N) wi(d(N, NX))(X- fi(N)),where
wi(d) (0ltwi(d)lt1) is a decreasing cutting
function. - The closest node to X is moved the most in the
direction of X, - while other nodes are moved by smaller amounts
depending - on their distance from the closest node in the
initial geometry.
11PCA and Local PCA
The covariance matrix is positive definite (Xq
are datapoints)
Principal components eigenvectors of the
covariance matrix
The local covariance matrix (w is a positive
cutting function)
The field of principal components eigenvectors
of the local covariance matrix, ei(y).
Trajectories of these vector-fields present
geometry of local data structure.
12A top secret the difference between two
basic paradigms is not crucial
- (Almost) Back to Statistics
- Quasi-statistics 1) delete one point from the
dataset, 2) fitting,3) analysis of the error
for the deleted data - The overfitting problem and smoothed data points
(it is very close to non-parametric statistics)
13Principal manifoldsElastic maps framework
Multidim. scaling
Principal manifolds
K- means
Non-linear Data-mining methods
Factor analysis
Supervised classification
Regression, approximation
14Mean point
15Principal Object
16Principal Component Analysis
17Principal manifold
18Statistical Self-consistency
x E(yp(y)x)
Principal Manifold
19What do we want?
- Non-linear surface (1D, 2D, 3D )
- Smooth and not twisted
- The data model is unknown
- Speed (time linear with Nm)
- Uniqueness
- Fast way to project datapoints
20Metaphor of elasticity
U(E), U(R)
Data points
Graph nodes
21Constructing elastic nets
22Definition of elastic energy
23Elastic manifold
24Global minimum and softening
?0, ?0 ? 103
?0, ?0 ? 102
?0, ?0 ? 101
?0, ?0 ? 10-1
25Adaptive algorithms
Refining net
Growing net
Idea of scaling
Adaptive net
26Scaling Rules
For uniform d-dimensional net from the condition
of constant energy density we obtain
s is number of edges,r is number of ribs in a
given volume
27Grammars of Construction
Substitution rules
- Examples
- For net refining substitutions of columns and
rows - For growing nets substitutions of elementary
28Substitutions in factors
Graph factorization
Substitution rule
Transformation of factor
29Substitutions in factors
Graph transformation
30Transformation selection
A grammar is a list of elementary graph
transformations. Energetic criterion we select
and apply an elementary applicable transformation
that provides the maximal energy decrease (after
a fitting step).
The number of operations for this selection
should be in order O(N) or less, where N is the
number of vertexes
31Primitive elastic graphs
Elastic k-star (k edges, k1 nodes). The
branching energy is
2-stars (ribs)
Primitive elastic graph all non-terminal nodes
with k edges are elastic k-stars. The graph
energy is
32A grammar add a node to a node or bisect an
Production add a node to a node A production
rule applicable to any graph node y If y is a
terminal node then add a new node z, a new edge
(y,z), and a new 2-star with centre in y If y is
a centre of a k-star then add a new node z, a
new edge (y,z), and change the k-star with centre
in y to (k1)-star.
Production bisect an edge A production rule
applicable to any graph edge (y,y) Delete edge
(y,y), add two edges, (y,z) and (z,y), and a
2-star with the centre z. If y or y are centres
of k-stars, change them to (k1)- stars.
33Growing principal tree branching data
34Growing principal tree Iris 4D dataset, PCA view
35Growing principal tree DNA molecular surface
36Projection onto the manifold
Closest node of the net
Closest point of the manifold
37Mapping distortions
Two basic types of distortion 1) Projecting
distant points in the close ones (bad resolution)
2) Projecting close points in the distant ones
(bad topology compliance)
38Instability of projection
Best Matching Unit (BMU) for a data point is the
closest node of the graph, BMU2 is the
second-close node. If BMU and BMU2 are not
adjacent on the graph, then the data point is
Gray polygons are the areas of instability.
Numbers denote the degree of instability, how
many nodes separate BMU from BMU2.
39Colorings visualize any function
Value of the coordinate
40Density visualization
41Example different topologies
42VIDAExpert tool and elmap C package
43Regression and principal manifolds
44Projection and regression
Data with gaps are modelled as affine manifolds,
the nearest point on the manifold provides the
optimal filling of gaps.
45Iterative error mapping
For a given elastic manifold and a datapoint x(i)
the error vector is
where P(x) is the projection of data point x(i)
onto the manifold. The errors form a new dataset,
and we can construct another map, getting regular
model of errors. So we have the first map that
models the data itself, the second map that
models errors of the first model, and so on.
Every point x in the initial data space is
modeled by the vector
46Image skeletonization or clustering around curves
47Image skeletonization or clustering around curves
48Approximation of molecular surfaces
49Application economical data
Gross output
Growth temp
50Medical table1700 patients with infarctus
Patients map, density
Lethal cases
51Medical table1700 patients with infarctus
128 indicators
Stenocardia functional class
Numberof infarctus in anamnesis
52Codon usage in all genes of one genome
Escherichia coli
Bacillus subtilis
Majority of genes
Foreign genes
Hydrophobic genes
Highly expressed genes
53Golubs leukemia dataset3051 genes, 38 samples
Map of genes vote for ALL vote for AML
used by T.Golub used by W.Lie
ALL sample
AML sample
54Golubs leukemia datasetmap of samples AML
ALL/B-cell ALL/T-cell
Retinoblastoma binding protein P48
Cystatin C
CA2 Carbonic anhydrase II
X-linked Helicase II
55Useful links
- Principal components and factor
html http// - Principal curves and surfaceshttp//www.slac.stan
ww.iro.umontreal.ca/kegl/research/pcurves/ - Self Organizing Maps http//www.mlab.uiah.fi/tim
o/som/ http//davis.wpi.edu/matt/courses/soms/
ouglass/coursework/hyperliterature/soms/ - Elastic mapshttp//www.ihes.fr/zinovyev/
56Several names
- K-means clustering MacQueen, 1967
- SOM T. Kohonen, 1981
- Principal curves T. Hastie and W. Stuetzle,
1989 - Elastic maps A. Gorban, A. Zinovyev, A.
Rossiev, 1996,1998 - Polygonal models for principal curves B. Kégl,
1999 - Local PCA for principal curves constructionJ.
J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and B. Kröse, 2000.
57Three of them are Authors
58Thank you for your attention!