Title: Renal Cellto Cell Communication via Extracellular ATP
1Renal Cell-to Cell Communication via
Extracellular ATP
- Peter Komiosi, Attila Fintha and P.Darwin Bell
- Reviewed by Laura Crum RN, MS
2The Normal Kidney and the Renal Glomerular
Filtration System
3Special Mechanism for Acute Renal Blood Flow
Control Tubuloglomerular Feedback (TGF)
- The composition of fluid in the early distal
tubule is detected by an epithelial structure of
the distal tubule (macula densa and
juxtaglomerular apparatus).
4Macula densa and the Juxtaglomerular apparatus
- Links fluctuations in NaCl at macula densa with
control of renal arteriole resistance. - These feedback mechanisms are dependent on
juxtaglomerular complex
5The Mystery of Renal Cell-to-Cell Communication
- Komlosi, Fintha Bell interested in the role of
ATP and P2 receptors in a signaling process
between the macula densa and the adjacent
mesangial cell/afferent arteriole complex
6Some new terms
- Paracrines vs Autocrines
- Chemical messenger systems help coordinate the
multiple activies of cells, tissues, organs - Paracrines- affect function of neighboring cells
of different type - Autocrines- affect function of same type cells
that produced them - Up regulation
- Stimulation of a hormone causes greater than
normal hormonal response- i.e. increased number
of receptors or target tissues become more
7 Steps in ATP Signaling
- Release of ATP from cell interior
- Extracellular regulation of ATP concentration via
a rapid enzymatic breakdown - Binding of ATP to specific receptors
- Currently ATP thought to leave cells thru
vesicular transport or a channel-mediated release
but convincing data is lacking
8Purinergic Receptors
- Adenyl purines (including ATP)
- extracellular nucleotides
- can be release from injured cell or during
cellular necrosis - now evidence of regulated release from cell to
extracellular fluid. - P1 receptors- activated by adenosine
- P2- bind extracellular ATP
- Found in most mammalian tissue
- P2X- non-selective cation channel thats
permeable to Ca 2 - G protein-coupled P2Y receptor
- IP3-mediated Ca 2 mobilization to produce cell
9Release of ATP by macula densa cells
- P2X and P2Y receptors located in apical and
basolateral membrane of renal epithelial cells - P2 receptor activation suggested to affect
- renal hemodynamics
- Tubular transport function
10Arguments for ATP as mediator
- Macula densa cells express very high levels of
mitochondria and low levels of Na-K-ATPase
lots of ATP - Macula densa channel similar to one that conducts
ATP across mitochondria membrane - Found PC12 cells that express P2X receptors had
ATP release with ? luminal NaCl - ATP release inhibited by furosemide- blocks NaCl
11Authors conclude
- Paracrine (different cell) signaling that
involves ATP release across basolateral membrane
of the macula densa cells. - Question remains What activates this ATP
pathway in response to increased luminal
NaCl????? Maybe basolateral depolarization
causes cell voltage changes
12Macula densa signaling
- Exact mechanism controversial
- Both mesangial cells and afferent arteriole
smooth muscle have P2 receptors - Juxtaglomerular apparatus have abundant
nucleotideases to breakdown ATP - Rapid ATP breakdown- adenosine and P1 receptor
activation plays role in TGF
13P1 vs P2 receptor
- ATP-mediated activation of P2X receptors are
required for TGF-dependent autoregulation of
afferent arteriole vasoconstriction. - ATP can easily diffuse into smooth muscle of
afferent arteriole and bind P2X1 and/or P2Y2
receptor and produce afferent arteriole
vasoconstriction. - P1 receptors
- Adenosine alone can activate without ? in
mesangial Ca 2 - ATP release across basolateral membrane can cause
increase mesangial Ca 2 via P2 receptor
14Summary Juxtaglomerular vasculature function
may be dependent on breakdown of ATP and
interaction of both P1 and P2 activation
- Because mesangial cells and smooth muscle cells
of afferent arteriole are interconnected by gap
junctions reasonable the TGF signals involve P2
receptor-mediated signaling.
15Tubuloglomerular Feedback and Control of GFR
- In every nephron GFR modified in response to NaCl
due to TGF - Juxtaglomerular function relevance related to
large amount of fluid and electrolytes that are
filtered from glomeruli into tubular system. - TGF-mediated decrease in GFR closes glomerular
leak to decrease excess fluid and electrolyte
loss. - ?TGF efficiency, ?renal perfusion pressure and
16Process Incompletely Understood
- 1980s- proposed adenosine- vasoconstrictor
- Angiotensin II- modulating role
- Adenosine must fluctuate for normal TGF
- Adenosine binds to adensoine A1 receptors on
mesangial cells- renin-afferent arteriole
17TGF-mediated dynamic and steady-state control of
nephron filtration rate in DM
- Important because diabetes mellitus is leading
cause of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) - Juxtaglomerular apparatus defect in TGF early in
DM - Stable flow predicts ability to stabilize nephron
filtering - Glomerular hyperfiltration important in diabetic
nephropathy - Diabetic kidney less able to autoregulate
- ? glucose? ?cAMP ? ?permeability of epithelial
cells of renal tubules to water - Glucose reabsorbed with sodium in proximal tubule
so excess sodium also reabsorbed - Less NaCl delivered to macula densa, activating
TGF-medicated dilation of afferent areterioles
and increase in renal blood flow and GFR. - ?NaCl intake
- renal vasodilatation
- ?GFR (hyperfiltration)
19Salt Paradox in Diabetic Kidney
- A. Early DM
- Enhanced Na- glucose transport
- ? TGF at the macula densa (NaClK)
- B. Normal kidney
- C. DM reabsorption in
- proximal tubule sensitive to dietary NaCl
- In early diabetes mellitus the TGF is affected
and can begin the process of damage to the
kidneys. - Its important to determine ways to prevent the
early glomeruli alterations that lead to nephron
dysfunction and damage. - Altering salt intake may help.
- Thomson, S.C., Vallon, V. and Blantz, R.C.
(2004). Kidney Function in Early Diabetes The
Tubular Hypothesis of Glomerular Filtration.
American Journal of Physiology Renal
Physiology. http//ajprenal.physiology.org/cgi/co
ntent/full/286/1/F8 - Guyton and Hall (2006). Textbook of Medical
Physiology, 11th Ed.