Title: Axel Guenther
1 Multiphase Microfluidics Flow, Dispersion and
Nanomaterial Synthesis
Coding and Computation in Microfluidics May 24,
2007 MIT
Acknowledgements Klavs F. Jensen, Martin A.
Schmidt, Moungi G. Bawendi, (MIT), Saif A. Khan
(NUS), Michiel Kreutzer (TU Delft), Brian K. Yen
Axel Guenther Department of Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering Institute of Biomaterials
and Biomedical Engineering University of Toronto
2Flows, Transport and Chemical Reaction
Günther et al. (2006) Lab on a Chip 6
3Gas-Liquid Flow Regimes
Günther et al. (2006) Lab on a Chip 6
4Segmented Flow
Günther et al. (2006) Lab on a Chip 6
5Reducing Complexity Phase Separation
Günther et al. (2006) Lab on a Chip 6
6Microfluidics-Enabled Strategies to Form Materials
- Scalable multiphase
- Platforms for nanomaterial
- synthesis and cell biology
Characterization Imaging, Integrated sensors
Flow and transport fundamentals
de Mas, Guenther et al. (2003)
Nanomaterial Synthesis
Guenther et al. (2004,5)
Stroh et al. (2005) Yen et al. (2005)
7Reduced Sample Dispersion in Segmented Flow
8Chemical Reactions in Multiphase Microsystems
9Building Systems
10Building Systems
11Example Particle Synthesis (Example Colloidal
Laminar flow
- Single phase laminar flow ?wide particle size
Segmented Flow
Segmented G-L flow ? narrow size distributions
(comparable to batch)
Guenther, Khan, et al. (2004) Lap on Chip 4
Khan, Guenther, et al. (2004) Langmuir 20
12Application Controlled Synthesis of CdSe Quantum
- Colloidal semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have
been extensively studied for use in a variety of
optical applications. - QDs (2-10 nm diameter) consist of a semiconductor
core surrounded by a layer of organic caps. - Properties are size-dependent
- Emission can be tuned over (most of) the visible
spectrum - QDs can have high quantum yields and narrow
emission profiles)
Stroh et al. (2005) Nature Medicine 11(6)
2 nm
10 nm
13Microfluidic Chip Fabrication
Draw-out channel 50mm deep
6 in. Si wafer capped with pyrex
Initial meandering section
- Temperature and chemical resistance
- Reduced thermal stresses
14Integrated Microfluidic Platform for Quantum Dot
Synthesis in Segmented Flow
QD fluorescence
Reactor under UV illumination
1 mm
G 60µL/min, L 30µL/min
- Slugs are very uniform
- Reaction and quench regions are thermally isolated
Yen, Guenther, et al. (2005) Angew. Chemie Int.
Ed. 44(34)
15Microfluidic Synthesis in Single vs Multiphase
- Size distribution (indicated by PL FWHM) is
greatly improved in the segmented flow case ?
QDs of excellent quality obtained! - For the single phase case, the size distribution
broadens at shorter times while for the segmented
flow case, FWHM remains narrow over entire range
of reaction times.
Yen, Guenther, et al. (2005) Angew. Chemie Int.
Ed. 44(34)
16Integrated Microfluidic Platforms
Controlled high-temperature synthesis
World-to-chip Interconnects High-pressure,
Microfluidic Silicon-glass chip
300C, up to 80 bar
- Unique flow and transport processes of multiphase
microsystems (segmentation, mixing, dispersion,
separation) - Integration Combine multiphase blocks, Key
Tools that reduce complexity! - Silicon/glass-based platform for high-temperature
synthesis for wide range of nanomaterials - Rich non-linear behavior at unconventional
- Martin A. Schmidt, Howard A. Stone
- Jensen Research group
- MIT MicroChemical Systems Technology Center
- Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL) MIT