Roles and Responsibilities of the Family - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Roles and Responsibilities of the Family


Roles and Responsibilities of the Family. By. Sammy Allen. Chris Gillings. Kerry Waters ... They are portrayed as heroes and they always save the day. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Roles and Responsibilities of the Family

Roles and Responsibilities of the Family
  • By
  • Sammy Allen
  • Chris Gillings
  • Kerry Waters

  • In our presentation we will be looking at
  • Parenting
  • Sibling Rivalries
  • Family Structure
  • Conflicting Values
  • Culture
  • Involvement of society in family life
  • Schooling


  • The main roles of parenting are to provide a
    child with the best possible care attention and
    to discipline them.
  • there are many different ways that parents choose
    to bring there children up, some are more strict
    than others and some parents do a lot more for
    their children whereas some parents prefer their
    children to be more independent. Over the past
    few decades there have been more working mums
    whereas a long time ago it was more common for
    the mum to stay at home and look after the
    children and for the father of the family to go
    to work. Parents should stet a good example for
    their children, and try to keep them on the
    straight and narrow, they should teach them
    morals and good and bad things in society.

Sibling Rivalries
  • It is easy for brothers and sisters to get
    jealous of each other.
  • When children are at school if one of the
    siblings get a good grade in a particular
    subject, the other child may be expected, or feel
    expected, to get the same grade or higher. Also
    if a single mother has a boy and a girl, the boy
    may feel left out because his sister has more in
    common with her mum that he does.

Why is Divorce getting more and more popular?
  • Divorce is getting more and more popular for many
  • The most important reasons are
  • Easier, Quicker Cheaper It is now easier to
    obtain a divorce and it does not take as long to
    get processed. The price has also gone down a
    lot which means it is available to more people.
  • Changes in Attitudes Divorce is now socially more
    acceptable. In the Rep. Of Ireland, people have
    only been aloud to divorce since 1997.
  • Decline of Religion in Society Less people now
  • believe in religion than 20yrs ago. Because of
  • this, less people are morally against divorce.

Changes in the Social Position of Women
  • This is probably the main reason that more
    divorce applications are being requested, and
    going through. Woman are more likely to apply
    for divorce than men. In 1995 3/4 of divorce
    applications were applied for by women Woman now
    have better paid jobs, have more respect and do
    not have to play the house wife role, also
    benefits are available for women and children.
    Because of this, women are more economically
    safe, so they do not have to depend on husbands.

Should people stay together for their children?
  • View 1
  • No, it would be unfair to force people to stay a
    loveless marriage. It is better for the parents
    to split, at least then the children could be
    brought up in a happy home
  • View 2
  • Yes, it is unfair to let children witness their
    parents get a divorce as they can get messy.
    Children should live with both parents, this way
    they will have a stable home and have a balanced
    point of view.

  • Norms, values and beliefs that belong to a gorup
    which makes them different from another. In a
    culture, they believe and follow different
    religions. Some traditions may be about
  • Clothes
  • Food
  • Religious festivals
  • Education
  • Male and Females roles

Involvement of Society in Family Life
  • State
  • 1. Makes the laws
  • 2. Only allow 1 husband and 1 wife
  • 3. Does not put a limit on the number of children
  • 4. Gives support and tax credits
  • 5. Employ people to help the family Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Teachers
  • Social Workers
  • 6. Primary Socialisation is expected by society

  • Family
  • 1. Records are kept about everyone birth,
    marriage, divorce and death
  • 2. A Census is carried out every 10 years to keep
    a record of population numbers
  • 3. It is also the families responsibilities to
    help primary

  • Im going to be writing a script on a
    conversation I had with a primary school parent
  • Do you ever attend car boot sales that raise
    money for the school?
  • Not really, I dont like buying things second
    hand, but it is a good idea to raise money for
    the school.
  • If your son lost something at school, would you
    buy the same thing or would you get something
  • I would get them something a bit cheaper, as I
    cant afford to keep buying expensive items,
    especially if they are only going to get lost.
  • Do you attend to parents evening?
  • Yes
  • Do you go to the subjects that he is good at or
    not good?
  • I go to a bit of both so I get a nice all-round
  • And finally are the boys happy with school?
  • They are happy now. There was a problem with
    bulling, but that has been dealt with.

Family Structure
  • In many fairy tails they always say that the men
    are better than woman. They are portrayed as
    heroes and they always save the day.
  • Some men go a bit to far when it comes to the
    family.They think that theyre sex dominate so
    they have the right to beat there wife, girl
    friend or even
  • their own child. Some adults and children
    also beat their own parents. This is too keep
  • under control, for them to look tough
  • and a lot of the time, because they have
  • been hurt in their lives.
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