Title: Psychology 3260: Personality
1Psychology 3260 Personality Social Development
- Don Hartmann
- Spring 2007
- Lecture 23a Aggression General
2Handout Summary
- Handout
WEB - Date Date
- 33. Lect. 15 Attachment I ------ 02/13
- 34. Study Guide 7 ------ 02/16
- 35. Lect. 16a Attachment II Mat.
Employ . ------ 02/16 - 36. Lect. 17a Social CognitionThe
Self ------ 02/22 - 37. Study Guide 8 ------ 02/23
- 38. Student Presentation 1 Child
Abuse ------ 02/26 - 39. Student Presentation 2 Adolescent
Sex ------ 02/28 - 40. Lect. 16b Attachment II Day
Care ------ 03/01 - 41. Lect. 17b SCSelf-esteem ------ 03/05
- 42. Study Guide 9 ------ 03/06
- 43. Stud. Present. 3 Gay/Lesbian
Adoption ------ 03/07 - 44. Study Guide 10 ------ 03/09
- 45. Lect. 17c SCIdentity ------ 03/09
- 46. Lect. 19a GenderGays Lesbians ------ 0
3/13 - 47. Lect. 23a Aggression (General) ------ 03/2
6 - 48. Study Guide 11 ------ 03/36
3Class Presentation Schedule
- Members Topic Date
- Feb. 14
- ML, RJ, MW, LM, JR Abused children Feb. 21
- SH, KE, LB, SH, ? Adolescent Sexuality Feb. 28
- MB, MJ, DL, SP, PY Gay Adoption Mar. 07
- NJ, EM, JSJ, KW, AN Media Women Apr.
04 Gender Apr. 11 - TC, BA, CW, EK, LN Divorce Apr. 18
4Incomplete Class Presentation Grades
- Range 19.5-34 Mdn27
- Range
- 32- 3
- 28-31 3
- 24-27 5
- 20-23 2
5WEB Discussion 25
- III. G. Aggressive males. Jungs. Summary due
on Wednesday, March 28th. A speaker claims that
one of the strongest laws of human behavior is
that males are unquestionably more aggressive
than females. How might you challenge this
pronouncement as representing a potentially
serious overstatement?
6WEB Discussion Summary
- Group 2 Due Date 3 Due Date 4 Due Date
- First (Foam Fingers) 02/08 (??) 03/16 (03/16)
- Second (X-man) 02/10 (02/14) 03/02 (03/02)
- Fourth (Panthers) 02/12 (02/19) 03/11
- Fifth (Spice Guys) 02/14 (02/26) 03/18
- Sixth (avere personalita) 02/16 (02/28) 03/20
- Seventh (Saints Row) 02/19 (03/05) 03/26
- Ninth (Jungs) 02/28 (02/28) 03/28
- Note Groups 3 (Develop This) and 8 (Good
Question) have been disbanded as a result of
failure to provide WEB summaries. Panthers and
Spice Guys are about to achieve a similar fate!
7Quiz 2 Results
- Multiple Choice
- Range 15-40 Mdn.32
- Score f
- gt37 08
- 34-37 15
- 30-33 14
- 26-29 05
- lt26 08
- -----
- Note 60 of 43 items 26.
8Quiz 2 Results (continued)
- Essay
- Range 3.5-20.5 Mdn.15
- Score f
- 20- 04
- 16-19 19
- 12-15 13
- 08-11 8
- 04-07 6
9Quiz 2 Results (continues)
- Total Score
- Range 24.5-61 Mdn.48 58100
- Score f
- 60- 02
- 55-59 03
- 50-54 18
- 45-49 08
- 40-44 06
- 35-39 06
- 30-34 02
- 25-29 04
- lt25 01
- -----
- Will the following students please arrange to
meet with me soon MB, RC, ME, AH, AJ, JM, BM,
10Still Other Administration
- For those of you writing a paper, note that the
COREL program in Word Perfect has APA form and
style as an option. - For assistance is writing references, check the
following WEB site - Marriott Library
- Help with Research
- Marriott Library How-to Guides
- Citing Sources(includes in-text
- citations), and
- Citing Sources(citing sources in
- reference lists)
11Overview Aggression
- Text Overlap Pp. 270-287
- Lecture
- Introduction
- Definition
- Theories
- Developmental Trends
in Aggression - Next Lect. 20 Bullying
12Supplemental References Aggression
- Bandura, A. (1973). Aggression A social
learning analysis. Oxford, England
Prentice-Hall. - Reid, J. B., Patterson, G. R., Snyder, J.
(2002). Antisocial behavior in children and
adolescents A developmental analysis and model
for intervention. Washington, DC American
Psychological Association.
- Definition
- Example from the Yale group who brought you the
Frustration-aggression hypothesis (Miller,
Dollard, et al.) - Problem of Intent
- Finesses to skirt
- intentionalityand
- their problems
- Buss
- Baron
- Bandurasubjective social labeling
15Theories Instinct
- Instinct Theories Freud Lorenz
- E.g., thanatos
- But, note environmental disruption
- Kuos study of kittens who were raised alone,
with their rat-killing moms, or with rats. Which
cats are killing rats? Those raised - alone 45
- with rat-killing moms 85
- with rats 17
16Theories Learning
- Learning Theories
- Frustration-Aggression Theory (Dollard et al.)
- Frustration??Aggression
- Berkowitz's revised F-A Theory
- Importance of anger arousal (e.g., stemming from
frustration) as well as aggressive cues - Pattersons Coercion Theory
17Learning Theories(continued)
- Pattersons Coercion Theory
- Patterson emphasizes the importance of negative
reinforcement in the development and maintenance
of aggression. - A particularly important construct is that of
coercionwhere individuals (particularly family
members) use negative means to control one
18(No Transcript)
19Coercion Illustrating Negative Reinforcement
- (1) A girl teasing her older brother, who makes
her stop teasing by yelling at her. ? teasing
is reduced (punished) by ? yelling ? yelling is
strengthened (negatively reinforced) as it
terminates ? teasing. - (2) A few minutes later, the girl calls her
brother a nasty name. The boy then chases and
hits herand ? stops calling him nasty names as ?
chasing and hitting serve as punishments for ?
name calling. ? Chasing and hitting are
negatively reinforced by the termination of ?
name-calling. - (3)She then whimpers and hits him back, and he
withdraws. ? withdrawal negatively reinforces ?
hits ? hits serve as punishment for ? chasing
and hitting.
21Theories Cognitive
- Bandura
- Acquisition Imitation reinforcement of
aggressive acts - Cognitive processes including
- Denigration of victim
- Evaluating aggression positively
- Self-reinforcing aggressive responding
- Dodges Information Processing
22The Dodge Model Diagrammatically
23Reactive Aggressors
- Have history of bickering with peers.
- Have hostile attribution bias.
- More likely to become angry.
- Short circuit search.
- Respond aggressively.
24Even Plants Do It!
25Developmental Trends in Aggression (1)
- Aggression in toddlers?
- In 21 month infants, 1 conflict/hr.
- Typically involved contested objects
- What then? Decrease or increase?
- Difficult to determine because of developmental
transformations - In general, however, there appears to be
decreases in physical aggression and
increases in verbal
aggression for preschool
- While different forms of aggression are changing
in rate (so forms are unstable across time), are
children stable (consistent in rank order in some
group)? - Modest to substantial stability from elementary
school through young adult, particularly for boys
(3.lt r lt .6).
27Why Developmental Trends in Aggression?
- Changes in childrens skills
- Increasing verbal skills
- Greater empathy
- More planful less impulsive
- Changes in parental values discipline
- Preparing child for broader social encounters
- Intolerant of unsubtle forms of aggression the
infliction of physical pain - Changes in social contexts Greater control
exercised by - Peers
- Teachers and other extra-familial socializing
28Summary of Aggression--General
- Introduction
- Definition
- Theories
- Developmental Trends
in Aggression - Next Lecture 20 Bullying