Title: Graz Treviso29'31'Mrz'07
1Graz ? Treviso 29.-31.März.07
p11156 Gerhard Amtmann geplante Anreise aus
Klagenfurt ( Abschlusskonferenz KapaGS) Durch
Termin Geschäftsbeteiligung Biodieselanlage
verhindert Temmer zuständig für
Verkehrssicherheit in der Stadt Graz kurzfristig
abgesagt Rita Pfeifer Extern - FGM Abgabetermin
beim Land Steiermark
2Graz ? Treviso OBJECTIVES
- Road safety Projects in the Province of Treviso
(School safety new cycle lanes) - Mobility education Traffic Education in
schools - Province of Treviso (motor cycling and
cycling activities) - 3. Policy Integration Cooperation in the
Province of Treviso Regional traffic planning
3Graz ? Treviso PROGRAMME
- 29th of mach 2007 h - 1100/1300
- Strategic lession on road safety in Brandolini
Institute of Oderzo. - 1600/1900
- Policy integration Provincial strategic
plan of mobility involve different topics
(public transport system, pollution, bicycle, and
creation of mobility manager area) - 30th of mach 2007 h. - 1000/1300
- Road safety Visit to the driving truck for
students and the rehabilitation centre for people
with disabilities (also drive simulator) -
4Graz ? Treviso PICTURES 1
5Graz ? Treviso PICTURES 2
6Graz ? Treviso PICTURES 3
7Graz ? Treviso PICTURES 4
8Graz ? Treviso PICTURES 5
9Graz ? Treviso OUTCOMES
There are some areas with a red carpet for
pedestrians Phantastic campagne on road safety
for pupils Information about policy and
integration in the Province of Treviso (95
municipalities) traffic plan, land use plan,
bicycle net plan PT strategic plan references
for the discussion in Graz and in the region of