Title: Sustainable Indicators ProjectADBWRI Xian project MidTerm Report
1Sustainable Indicators Project-ADB/WRIXian
project Mid-Term Report
PSUTA Hanoi Workshop Melia Hotel, Hanoi,
Vietnam 29 30 Aug. 2004
- Prof. Chen Kuanmin,
- Dept., of Traffic Engineering, Changan
University - Msc. Mao Zhongan,
- Xian Municipal Construction Commission
2Xian Introduction I
3.9 million people 187 Sqkms construction area
Economic, political, education and cultural
center of North-western China
3Xian Introduction II
3000 years history, 1200 years capital of
China Historic city, tourism is an important
source of income.
4Xian Introduction III
5 Xian Introduction IV
Xian vehicle fleet is just at the start of fast
increase. Its GDP per capita is only US 1200 in
GDP growth in Xian
Vehicle fleet in Xian
6 Xian Introduction V
Year 1990
Fast traffic growth South Street, Xian
Year 2002
Year 1999
7Project overview
8Project overview
9Overall Technical Framework
sustainable transport development Strategy
104 Categories Indicators
Economic and Social Indicators Economic
GDP, agricultural, industrial, tertiary,
investment, family income, expenses on
transportation Social traffic safety
Population urban, rural, floating, population in
poverty, growth rate, employment,
unemployment rate Transport Indicators
Road infrastructure, passenger transport, freight
transport, Fuel types and efficiency
traffic management, accessibility Health and
Environment Indicators Air quality, emission
standard, noise (NO health data by now)
Planning and Land Use Indicators City center,
sub-centers, land use share, transport corridors
11Economic Social Indicators
12GDP Growth in Xian
13GDP Employment Transport Sector
15Eco. Social Indicators-Population
16Population Changes
17Population and Employment
18 Population/Employment Forecast
19Transport Indicators
Road infrastructure road area, length,
road density, parking
Passenger transport bus number, model share, bus
line network, cycling, travel time
Freight transport vehicles, revenue, expense,
tonkms Fuel types and efficiency types,
litre/km Accessibility speed,
congestion Traffic management delays from
traffic congestion, speed, traffic
signals.. Source XPSB, XTB
20Transport Indicators
21Transport Indicators
22Transport Indicators
23 Travel Time Distribution
24Travel Modes and Distance Distribute
Pedestrian PT Taxi Bicycle
motorcycle others
25Road length
26Share of Road length
27Bus Line Network
28Public Transport Capacity
100 Million passenger times
29 Vehicle Increase by Vehicle Types
30Distance Traveled by Vehicles
31No. of Vehicles by Types
32Accessibility indicator
33Traffic Jam Streets Crosses
34Time and Speed distribution
35Health Environment Indicators
36Health Environment Indicators
37NO2 Average Concentration
38TSP Average Concentration
39SO2 Average Concentration
40Planning Land Use Indicators
41Problems and Next Step Work
- Rich of transport infrastructure and planning
indicators - No health data collected yet
- Lack of environmental data
- Standardized Criteria for urban, population,
area - Lack of road-side air quality monitoring
- No local Emission factors
- Mobile source emission modeling?
- How policy be included in the project?
- How to define sustainable transport system? How
to compare Hanoi, Xian and Pune?
42Questions and comments, Please! 0086-29-8233669
0,87454754 maozhongan_at_sohu.com Chenkm_at_xinhua.net