Title: Colonel Duane P' Gapinski
1Rock Island District
Colonel Duane P. Gapinski Commander
2Rock Island District
3Unique District Capabilities
- Navigation infrastructure
- 20 locks dams
- 5 major reservoirs
- Ecosystem restoration
- Environmental Management Program
- Illinois River Basin Restoration
- Ecosystem restoration under the Navigation
Ecosystem Sustainability Program - Flood damage reduction
- 5 reservoirs
- 100 flood control projects
- 546 combined miles of levees and concrete
floodwalls - Lead regulatory office for Iowa Illinois
4Major RehabilitationsLocks 11 19
- 2 Major Rehabilitation
- Projects on the Mississippi River
- Make reliability efficiency improvements to
the locks dams - Work will be completed in several stages
Planned Advertisement Description Size
Location Stage I, Rehab. Upper Gates 1-5M
2nd Qtr. FY06 Lock 19 Bulkheads 1-10M
3rd Qtr. FY06 Lock 11
- Navigation Ecosystem Sustainability Program
(NESP) - Environmental Management Program (EMP)
- Both Environmental Restoration Programs for the
Upper Mississippi Illinois Rivers
Planned Advertisement Description Size
Location Habitat Restoration 5-10M 2nd Qtr.
FY06 Lake Odessa, IA 3M-8M 3rd Qtr.
FY07 Rice Lake
6IL River Basin Restoration Activities
- Ecosystem Restoration
- Mainstem watershed projects
- FY06 subject to payback
Planned Advertisement Description Size
Location Habitat Restoration 1M-5M 3rd Qtr.
FY06 Peoria Riverfront 1M-10M FY07
Pekin Lake Northern Unit 1M-10M
FY07 Pekin Lake Southern
Unit 1M-5M FY07 Waubonsie
7FY06 Contracting Opportunities
- MVR estimates that it will have approximately 9
construction contracts to award through September
2007 worth approximately 34.5M. - Hope to have Planning Services and HH IDIQ out
for bid some time in FY06. - Handouts with additional information about
contracting opportunities from all the districts
are available at the back of the room.