Population Data Sources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Population Data Sources


Population Censuses. Vital Statistics System. Sample Surveys. ... 2- Vital Statistics System. Registration of live births and deaths was made compulsory in 1839. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Population Data Sources

Population Data Sources
  • Population Censuses.
  • Vital Statistics System.
  • Sample Surveys.

1-Population Censuses
  • The history of population census in Egypt (in its
    modern sense) dates back to the year 1882. The
    population count was then 6.7 million.
  • The following census was carried out in 1897.
    Since then a series of six decennial censuses was
    implemented in the years ended in 7 until the
    census of 1947, the following census was
    undertaken in 1960.
  • In 1966, another census was carried out on a
    sample basis, it has been followed by three
    decennial censuses in the years 1976, 1986, 1996.
  • For the time being, the preparatory activities
    for the 2006 census are underway.
  • On the basis of the 1996 census and natural
    increase method, the population of Egypt is
    estimated on the 1st of July 2004 as of 69.3

(a) Enumeration Basis
  • Enumeration is implemented on a Defacto basis,
    with slight modification so as to include all
    nationals temporarily existing abroad in the
    census time.

(b) Census Contents
  • Demographic Data Items relationship to head of
    HH, sex, age, place of usual residence, place of
    birth, place of previous residence, duration of
    stay in current residence.
  • Social Data Items Marital status, Educational
    attainment, School enrolment, Disability.
  • Economic Data Items Participation in Economic
    activity, Employment status, Occupation(ISCO),Indu
    stry(ISIC), Economic sector
  • Housing Data Items housing type and tenure, No.
    of rooms, utilities, sanitary conditions,
    availability of appliances and equipment.

(C) Geographic division
  • The country is divided into 26 governorates as
  • Urban governorates 4
  • Lower Egypt Governorates 9
  • Upper Egypt Governorates 8
  • Frontier Governorates 5
  • Apart from Urban governorates all others have
    rural and urban components

2- Vital Statistics System
  • Registration of live births and deaths was made
    compulsory in 1839.
  • In 1912 the system was extended to cover still
  • Marriage and divorce was included in the system
    in 1921.
  • Registration grace period is 24 hours for death
    and one week for birth events.

(a) Administration of VS System
  • Three governmental organizations participate in
    the VS System Ministry of Health and Population,
    Ministry of Interior, and Central Agency for
    Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS).
  • CAPMAS is responsible for preparing and
    publishing annually data of birth , death and
    marriage/divorce events.

(b) Contents of vital records
  • Birth event Place of birth, Date of birth, place
    of usual residence of mother, Type of birth,
    Birth order, Sex, Age of parents, Occupation of
  • Death event Place of occurrence, Date of
    occurrence, Place of usual residence, Age, Sex,
    Occupation, Cause of death

( c ) Completeness of Registration
  • Birth Analytic studies have shown that the
    completeness of birth registration in Egypt is
    more than 90 with higher level in urban areas.
  • Death It has also been judged upon that death
    registration is slightly below 90. The
    relatively higher level of death
    under-registration results from failure of
    registering a fairly good portion of infant
    deaths babies die immediately after birth,
    particularly in rural areas, escape registration
    either as birth or death events.

3- Sample Surveys
  • Two nationwide households surveys are conducted
    regularly, namely
  • 1- Demographic and Health Survey
  • Program (DHS)
  • 2- Labor force Survey.

(a) Demographic and Health Survey
  • Conducted almost every five years on a sample of
    about 15000 households.
  • It is the main source of KAP information
    pertinent to RH/FP issues.
  • Provide better estimates of infant and below five
    mortality rates.
  • Provide estimates at the level of the whole
    nation as well as the five major geographic
    divisions Urban governorates Urban Lower Egypt
    Rural Lower Egypt Urban Upper Egypt and Rural
    Upper Egypt.

(B) Labor Force Survey
  • Conducted annually in four rounds (quarterly) on
    a sample of 20000 household each round.
  • It is the main source of labor force structures
    and distributions, and unemployment level and
  • Provide annual estimates at the level of the
    whole nation, major geographic subdivisions and
    governorate (pooled data).
  • Provide summary quarterly estimates at the level
    of the total nation and major geographic
  • The survey is not conducted in census years.

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