Title: Business Intelligence Readiness Factors
1Business Intelligence Readiness Factors
2BI Readiness
- Organization recognizes and understands the key
preconditions for leveraging information,
analytical applications and structured
decision-making processes to improve the
management and business processes that drive
profits/productivity - Has achieved a broad consensus among its top
managers to change its key management,
decision-making and business processes to
leverage BI
3BI Readiness
- Has the financial, technical, governance and
change management ability/resources to execute
programs to change its key management,
decision-making and business processes to
leverage BI
4Impact of BI Readiness Factors
Organizations that strategically align BI to
support business goalsare well positioned to
identify and fund high-impact BI projects
thathave ROI potential.
Strategic Alignment
Organizations that have embraced continuous
processimprovement are more adept at process
change, a prerequisitefor BI-driven value
Continuous ProcessImprovement Culture
Organizations accustomed to using information,
analyticalframeworks, and quantitative analyses
are more adept atadopting BI to create value.
Culture Around Use of Information and Analytics
Organizations where major functions have assessed
BIopportunities have the opportunity to manage
BI as a portfolio and thereby optimize BI ROI.
BI Portfolio Management
Organizations that have experience with
structured decisionprocesses based on standard,
fact-based frameworks are moreadept using BI to
create value.
Decision Process Engineering Culture
Effective technical execution of DW/BI
initiatives requires provenmethods for managing,
designing, developing, and deploying BIthat
creates value.
BI DW Technical Readiness
Business IT Partnership
Using BI to create business value requires
continuous businessleadership and involvement
and a strong partnership betweenbusiness and IT.
5Strategic Alignment
- Business strategies and key management and
business processes are consistent and
reinforcing, whether this is achieved by strategy
mapping or traditional strategic planning
mechanisms - BI initiatives are focused on improving those key
management and business processes that drive
profits - BI initiatives are supported by appropriate
strategies, infrastructure and IT organization
6Achieving Strategic Alignment
- Understand your organizations strategic drivers
and goals - Determine the business questions you need BI to
answer in order to achieve those goals - Identify tools, methods and analytical frameworks
to inform decisions - Deliver the information your organization needs
to take actions that improve performance and
support your goals
7Decision Process Engineering
Who Gets Notified?
Business rules,standardprocesses,and
What decisions need tobe made, by whom?
Company AProductivity AnalysisBI Application
What needs to beanalyzed, by whom, and by what
What is the decisiontimeframe?
How will decision turninto action?
Who is responsible formonitoring decisionimpact?
8Elements of effective business/IT partnerships
Business is responsiblefor BI value capture
IT is responsible for effective delivery of BI
BI applications that deliverbusiness value
Fund BI projects basedon projected ROI
Develop BI expertiseof business people
Develop business expertiseof IT people
Provide organizationalemphasis on BI
9BI Success Factors
Ability to Align Govern
Strategic Alignment
Business/IT Partnership
BI Portfolio Management
Ability toLeverage
Culture Around Use ofInformation and Analytics
Continuous ProcessImprovement Culture
Decision ProcessEngineering Culture
Ability to Deliver
BI DW Technical Readiness
10TDWI BI Readiness Assessment Instrument
- Developed by consultants and freely distributed
by TDWI - Designed to assess an organizations BI readiness
on the factors described here - Useful to communicate to senior-level management
about critical success factors needed for BI
success - Given to many groups of stakeholders in the
11TDWI DW Assessment Instrument
- Developed by consultants and freely distributed
by TDWI - Measures an organizations readiness to
successfully develop DW projects - Some overlap with BI readiness assessment but
more focused on technical readiness