Title: Fafai Workshop on MODEL LABELING
1Fafai WorkshoponMODEL LABELING
- Flavorings
- and
- related products
225th August 2007
- Vamsi Seminar hall,
- Iskcon, Juhu, Mumbai
4A Collective Endeavour to frame model
label for flavor and related products of
flavor industry.
5GSR 491 (E)
- It amends the Rule 32 (Labeling)
- It comes into force wef 20.2.2008
6What are the variations in our labeling?
7Whether the following terminology find any
reference / place in PFA act ?
- Free From alcohol
- Dilutants
- Artificial flavor emulsion
- Nature Identical Flavor Emulsions
- Pictures of Fruits on labels
- Multiple office Addresses
- Placement of the Vegetarian sign away from the
product name
8Rule 32with GSR 491 (E )expects what ?
9Before we understand the labelingsomeImportant
10Flavoring Agents Rule 63 ABC
11Flavor Emulsions
- Consumer means persons and families purchasing
and receiving food in order to meet their
personal needs.
14Prepacked Food
- (t) prepackaged means packaged or made up in
advance in a container, ready for offer to the
15Date of manufacture
- Means the date on which the food becomes the
product as described.
16Date of packaging
- Means the date on which the food is placed in the
immediate container in which it will be
ultimately sold.
17Best Before
- Means the date which signifies the end of the
period under any stated storage conditions during
which the product will remain fully marketable
and will retain any specific qualities for which
tacit or express claims have been made. - However, beyond the date the food may still be
perfectly satisfactory
18Use by date / recommended last consumption date
/ Expiry Date
- Means the date which signifies the end of the
estimated period under any stated storage
conditions, after which product probably will not
have the quality attributes normally expected by
the consumers and the food shall not be
19Food Ingredient
- Means any substance, including a food additive,
used in the manufacture or preparation of a food
and present in the final product although
possibly in a modified form
20Label and labeling
- (q) label means a display of written, graphic,
perforated, stamped, tag, brand, mark, pictorial
or other descriptive matter, printed, stenciled,
marked, embossed or impressed on, or attached to,
a container, cover, lid or crown of any food
package - (r) labelling including any written, printed or
graphic matter that is present on the label
accompanying the food.
21Lot Number or Code Numberor batch number
- (s) Lot number or Code number or batch
number means the number either in numericals or
alphabets or in combination, representing the Lot
number or code number or batch number being
preceded by the words Lot No or Lot or code
number or Code or Batch No or Batch or any
distinguishing prefix by which the food can be
traced in manufacture and identified in
22Principal Display Panel
- (u) principal display panel means that part of
a label which is intended or is likely to be
displayed, and presented or shown or examined by
the customer under normal and customary
conditions of display, sale or purchase of the
commodity contained in the package
23Labeling RequirementsFor Flavoring compounds
24Labeling RequirementsFor Flavoring compounds
- Although, no more specifically specified, still,
we shall carry- - The Name, Trade Name, Description of the Flavor.
25Vegetarian / Non Vegetarian
- a) a declaration to this effect shall be made
by a symbol and colour code so stipulated for
this purpose to indicate that the product is
Vegetarian Food. The Symbol shall consist of a
green color filled circle, having a diameter not
less than the minimum size specified in the Table
given below, inside the square with green outline
having side double the diameter of the circle, as
indicated in clause (17) of sub-rule (ZZZ) or
rule 42
26Non Vegetarian foodRule 42 ZZZ clause 16
- a) a declaration to this effect shall be made by
a symbol and colour code so stipulated for this
purpose to indicate that the product is
Non-Vegetarian Food. They symbol shall consist
of a brown color filled circle having a diameter
not less than the minimum size specified in the
Table given below, inside the square with brown
outline having side double the diameter of the
circle, as indicated in clause (16) of sub-rule
(ZZZ) of rule 42
27 Rule 42 ZZZ clause 16 / 17
- The Veg. / Non Veg. Symbol would be on
- the principal display panel
- just close in proximity to name
- or brand name of the food
28Table for size
- S.No. Area of principal
- display panel Min.
size of diameter in mm - 1. Up to 100 cms square 3
- 2. Above 100 cms square
- upto 500 cms square 4
- 3. Above 500 cms square
- upto 2500 cms
29Ingredients Rule 32 three paras prior to (
c ) ( i )
- Provided also that for declaration of flavours on
the label the class of flavours namely, Natural
Flavours and Natural Flavouring Substances or
Natural-Identical Flavouring Substances or
Artificial Flavouring Substances as the case may
be, shall be declared on the label.
30Ingredients to Flavorings
- Solvents / Carriers, Water, Emulsifiers,
Stabilizers, Class II Preservatives, Anti
Oxidants. - If caffeine is added it shall be declared on the
label as per 42 ZZZ - 18
Contains caffeine
31Net Contents, Weight , Volume
32W M Act 1977 rule (13 9 (7) (a)
- Symbols of International system of units
- Kilogram Kg
- Gram g.
- Litre l
- Milli litre ml.
33Lot / Code / Batch Identification
- (e) Lot/Code / Batch identification. -
- A batch number or code number or lot number which
is a mark of identification by which the food can
be traced in the manufacture and identified in
the distribution, shall be given on the label. - (f) Date of manufacture or packing. -
- The date, month and year in which the commodity
is manufactured, packed or pre-packed,
34Date of manufacture or packing
- (f) Date of manufacture or packing. -
- The date, month and year in which the commodity
is manufactured, packed or pre-packed, shall be
given on the label - Provided that the month and the year of
manufacture, packing or pre-packing shall be
given if the Best Before Date of the products
is more than three months - Provided further that in case any package
contains commodity which has a short shelf life
of less than three months, the date, month and
year in which the commodity is manufactured or
prepared or prepacked shall be mentioned on the
35Best Before under storage conditions
- 5(i) the month and year in capital letters up to
which the product is best for consumption, in
the following manner, namely - Best Before-------- Months and Year
- or
- Best Before --------- Months From Packaging
- or
- Best Before --------- Months From Manufacture
- or
- Best Before upto--------- month and year For
the period or upto and - Best Before within-------- Months inclusive of
- From the Date of Packaging / Manufacture 1 st
September 2001 (Note blank be filled up)
- Not included in PFA amendment
- Standards of Weights Measures (Packaged
Commodities) Rules, 1977 to be refered. -
- Rule 2 read with Rule 6 (1) ( f ) applies
37MRP defination - Rule 2 ( r )
- ( r ) retail sale price means the maximum
price at which the commodity in packaged form may
be sold to the ultimate consumer and where such
price mentioned on the package, there shall be
printed on the package, the words - Maximum or Maxi. Retail price inclusive of all
taxes. - Or
- MRP. Rs. Inclusive of all taxes.
38Address of Manufacturer
- (C) (i) the name and complete address of the
manufacturer and the manufacturing unit, if these
are located at different places and in case the
manufacturer is not the packer or bottler, the
name and complete address of the packing or
bottling unit as the case may be
39Address of Mfr. / Packer
- (ii) where an article of food is manufactured or
packed or bottled by a person or a company under
the written authority of some other manufacturer
or company, under his or its brand name, the
label shall carry the name and complete address
of the manufacturing or packing or bottling unit
as the case may be, and also the name and
complete address of the manufacturer to the
company for and on whose behalf it is
manufactured or packed or bottled
40Address of the Importer
- (iii) where an article of food is imported into
India, the package of food shall also carry the
name and complete address of the importer in india
- Provided that where any food article manufactured
outside India is packed or bottled in India, the
package containing the such food article shall
also bear on the label, the name of the country
of origin of the food article and the name and
complete address of the importer and the premises
of the packing or bottling in India.
42Country of Originrule ( v ) ( j)
- Applicable to Imported Flavors, and those that
are manufactured outside India and packed in
India. - Not Applicable for those flavors that are
indigenous. - Recommended by Fafai For all the food products
manufactured in India for national, Export,
Import market. -
43Instructions to Use(v) (k)
- Instructions to use, including reconstitution,
where applicable, shall be included on the label,
if necessary, to ensure correct utilization of
the food
- Batch Number, List of Ingredients, Code No. Lot
No, Best Before Date exempted to labels that are
just 10 cm square sized. - However the wholesale packs have to mention all
the requirement.
45Principal display panel, its area, size and
letter, etc. Principal panel means that part
of a label which is intended or is likely to be
displayed, presented or shown or examined by the
customer under n9rmal and customary iitions of
display, sale or purchase of the commodity of
food contained in theage.
46(2) The area of the principal display panel
shall not be less than -(a) in the case of a
rectangular container, forty percent of the
product of height and width of the panel of such
container having the largest area(b) in case of
cylindrical or nearly cylindrical, round or
nearly round, oval or nearly oval container,
twenty percent of the product of the height and
average circumference of such container or
47(c) in the case of container of any other shape,
twenty percent of the total surface area of the
container except where there is label, securely
affixed to the container, such label shall give a
surface area of not less than ten percent of the
total surface area of the container.
48(3) In computing the area of the principal
display panel the tops, bottoms. flanges at top
and bottoms of cans, and shoulders and necks of
bottles or jars shall be excluded.
49.(4) In the case of package having a capacity
of five cubic centimeters or less, the principal
display panel may be card or tape affixed firmly
to the package or container and bearing the
required information under these rules..
50(5) The height of any numeral in the
declaration required under these rules, on the
principal display panel shall not be less than
-(i) as shown in Table - I below if the net
quantity is declared in terms of weight or
volume.TABLE -1
51(No Transcript)
52Culinary Flavorings
- These are within the definitions of
- Consumer prepackaged foods
- Hence 491 (a) and (b) applies.
53Endof part one
54NowRule 40amendments
55GSR 491 - Rule 40 ( iii )
- (iii) Any food product which contains only fruit
flavors whether natural flavors and natural
flavoring substances or nature identical
flavoring substances or artificial flavoring
substances as singe or in combination, shall not
be described as a fruit product and the word
FRUIT shall not be used in describing such a
product and such product shall not be sold with a
label which carries the picture or word of any
fruit. However, the product may contain a
declaration as contains (name of the fruit)
56Fafais Objection to Rule 40(iii)
- FRUIT CONTENTS includes Fruit Extracts and Oils.
- Products with Natural ingredient should not be
equated as Artificial - The said rule MUST be reviewed, modified and
until then deferred.
57Fafais Further Objection to Rule 40(iii)
- If the word FRUIT has not to be used then how
to label the artificial flavors of the following - Dew Fruit
- Grape fruit
- Passion Fruit
- Jackfruit
- And so on
58Representationon Fafais objection to rule
40of GSR 491 (E)can be seen in your
Folders.Suggestions welcome
59Flavor Emulsions and pastes
- Refer to
- Rule 28
- Rule 29
- Rule 30
- Rule 42 ZZZ (13)
- Rule 60, 61 B, 63 ABC, 64A, 72B, 72C
- Rule 83, Appendix C table 3 (6)
- Appendix C, Rule 5, INS
60Flavour Emulsions to contain
- Flavor,
- Food Color (Rule 28)
- 100 ppm upon dilution in final product except
SSY that is 50 ppm -
- Benzioc Acid and salt as per GMP
- Emulsifier / stabilizer as per GMP
- Anti Oxidants max. 0.01 percent
- water, Solvent
61Extra Labeling requirementfor emulsions
- Flavor emulsions for Carbonated / non carbonated
beverages only. - Instructions to dilute for final product to be
62I (ZZZ) (13) Every container or package of
flavor emulsion and flavor paste meant for use in
carbonated on non-carbonated beverages shall
carry the following declaration, in addition to
the instructions for dilution, namely
63Frequent Issues
- Free From alcohol
- Dilutants
- Artificial flavor emulsion
- Nature Identical Flavor Emulsions
- Pictures of Fruits on labels
- Multiple office Addresses
- Vegetarian sign away from the product name
- Are flavors proprietary Foods ? Rule 37 A
- What happens to those products that are
manufactured prior to the last date with three
years of best before - date ?
64Minimum Punishment
- Six Months Jail
- Cases for simple violations linger on for Years
- Most cases for simple violations only.
65Grateful to
- Tushar Shah, regional secretary, West, fafai.
- Satish Hinduja, Kamlesh Hinduja
- Bansi bhai, Hussain Mamuwala,
- Murthy / Fafai Office.
66Special Thanks
- Dr. Ramesh Mantri
- Shyam Prabhu
- Gopal Talreja, M/s General Imports for hosting
the Lunch. - Iskcon Management
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