Title: Internet Cookies by: Ilangovan Chellaya 07142001
1Internet Cookiesby Ilangovan Chellaya
- Misconception about cookies
- What are cookies?
- How does a cookie really work?
- Why do sites uses cookies?
- Some Tips to Enable/Disable Cookies
- Q A
3Where did term cookies come from?
- The name cookie derives from UNIX objects called
magic cookies. - These are tokens that are attached to a user or
program and change depending on the areas entered
by the user or program. - Cookies are also sometimes called persistent
cookies because they typically stay in the
browser for long periods of time.
- Cookies are programs that web sites put on your
hard disk. They sit on your computer gathering
information about you and everything you do on
the Internet, and whenever the web site wants to
it can download all of the information the cookie
has collected.
- In fact
- It is not a program or plug-in
- Cannot run like a program code
- Cannot gather any information on their own.
- Cannot collect any personal information about
you from - your machine.
5What is Internet Cookies?
1. Is a message given to a web browser by a web
2. The browser stores the message in a text file
3. The message is then sent back to the server
each time the browser requests a page from the
6Examples of Internet Cookies
- username_at_coolsite.txt
- UserID A9A3BECE0563982D www.coolsite.com/
- session-id-time 954242000 amazon.com/
- session-id 002-4135256-7625846 amazon.com/
- x-main eKQIfwnxuF7qtmX52x6VWAXh_at_Ih6Uo5H
amazon.com/ - ubid-main 077-9263437-9645324 amazon.com/
7Components of Cookies
- A typical cookie contains more than simply a
name and a value. In fact, a cookie has 6
parameters that can be passed to it - The NAME of the cookie,
- The VALUE of the cookie,
- The expiration DATE of the cookie,
- The PATH the cookie is valid for,
- The DOMAIN the cookie is valid for,
- The need for a secure connection to exist to use
the cookie. - Example
- Set-Cookie NAMEVALUE expiresDATEpathPATH
domainDOMAIN_NAME secure
8Why do sites uses cookies?
- Web sites use cookies in many different ways
- Cookies provide capabilities that make the Web
much easier to navigate. - Cookie allows a site to store state information
on your machine - Determine how many visitors arrive
- Determine how many are new vs. repeat visitors
- Determine how often a visitor has visited
9Why do sites uses cookies? (cont.)
- Cookies can store database information, custom
page settings, or just about anything that would
make a site individual and customizable. - For Example
- Ability to provide personalize information
- My Yahoo, MSN etc
- Help with on-line sales/services
- Amazon Books etc..
- Track popular links or demographic
10Why do sites uses cookies? (cont.)
- Cookies also provide programmers with a quick
and convenient means of keeping site content
fresh and relevant to the user's interests. - The newest servers use cookies to help with
back-end interaction as well, which can improve
the utility of a site by being able to securely
store any personal data that the user has shared
with a site.
11Internet Explorer Browser
12Internet Explorer Browser
13Netscape browser
14Tips Netscape browser
- A cookies alone cannot read your hard drive to
find out who you are, what you income is or where
you live. The only way the information could end
up in a cookie is if YOU provide it to a site and
that site saves it to a cookie. - While cookies themselves are not gathering that
data, they are, unfortunately, used as a
tracking device to help the people who are
gathering that information. As information is
gathered about you, it is associated with the
value they keep in your cookie . - It is wise to consider carefully the information
you collect and share over the Internet.
- http//www.webopedia.com/TERM/c/cookie.html
- http//www.cookiecentral.com/faq/
- http//websearch.about.com/library/howto/ht_cookie
sie.htm - http//snoop.cdt.org