Title: FIS French International School Board Presentation
1FIS (French International School) Board
- December 13, 2004
- Introduction
- Purpose of presentation
- -Introduce the Foundation, its Board, its role
and responsibilities - -Provide a current state of the FIS
- -Present Financial results and current projects
- FIS is a private American independent school, not
a Lycée in the French sense of the term. It is
a 501-c-3 Not-for-Profit Foundation - FIS is governed by its Board of Trustees and
operates within the context of American laws,
rules and good practice guidelines - FIS receives financial aid from the French
government through the conventionnement-
(expatriate teachers and staff, Projet
detablissement towards better adaptation to the
USA in areas such as curriculum
alignment, bi-culturalism as well as bilinguism,
citizenship values ) - Approximately 1100 students, 56 nationalities,
109 teachers and 34 staff. - FIS PREPARES FOR
- French Higher Education (Baccalauréat and the
OIB) - North American Universities (High School Diploma)
- FIS is working closely with the AEFE and the US
College Board towards the delivering of a double
baccalaureate comprising of French courses and AP
- 16 voting trustees, head of school as non voting
members , 3 consultants to the Board appointed
among the Embassy staff by the Ambassador of
France to the USA. Full list of Board members and
role on Board committees is available on the
Lycees web site, www.rochambeau.org - We are a fully volunteer board, each member has a
fiduciary responsibility to manage the schools
finances and affairs with due care and diligence - Board decisions reflect the majority opinion the
Board acts as one unified body on matters of
school governance - The Board provides leadership, vision and sets
policy - The Board meets regularly each month board
meetings throughout the year - Committees meet on regular basis committees can
include non-trustees, please contact the
committees chairmen or the parents association
for openings. - The Board takes an active role in preserving and
guiding the schools mission. - The Board communicates with the community through
bi-annual general meetings, regular monthly
meetings with the Parents and Teachers
Association, newsletter, website Board space.
Audited financial statements and minutes of our
meetings are at your disposal at the CDI (Centre
de documentation et dinformation) - You can contact the Board at board_at_rochambeau.org
4Organization Chart control flow chart
Conseil dEcole
Conseil Secondaire
Conseil dEtablissement
Conseil dEtablissement
Chief Adm. Officer
Proviseur Adjoint
Directrice Primaire
- New position added to Administration including
restructuring of tasks - Increased chances of access into N. American
universitiesNew Guidance Counselor, AP math
courses and French Canadian math courses, - 100 success at French Baccalaureate
- Initiated annual fundraising events
- Revised Agreement signed with the AEFE after
publication of French Decree modifying the
situation of our Resident Teachers, - Special exception modification and all permits
obtained to start construction of the Master Plan - Tax Exempt Bond financing obtained successfully
in order to implement the Master Plan - Renovation of Middle School, Internal specific
renovations done at Rollingwood Elementary school - Equipped all school from maternelle and up with
computers - Web site revamped, reliable and updated on a
regular basis - Revived the Videotheque in partnership with
Parents Association(approximately 100 members)
2004 AUDITED--
1, 2004 - JUNE 30, 2005 --
1. What is development A unified
ongoing effort to promote and provide for the
school, that includes special fundraising
events annual funds, grants, capital campaign,
endowment campaign, planned giving. 2. Benefits
of a development plan To build
positive relationships and a sense of community
To keep the tuition within reach of the majority
of families To keep French
education accessible for all our
children To offset the costs of
the Master Plan To replace the
monies lost from the French Government
To support and provide extracurricular
programs for our children 3. How to do it
Define a value proposition (establish our
identity) Assess and coordinate
efforts (segment the donor base)
Develop and initiate new plans Recruit a
professional to leverage funding of the master
plan Develop a communication plan
to continually instruct on progress,
purpose, goals Promote our academic
institution and curriculum
- Pre-school campus/Ecole Maternelle
- Purchased and renovated, Inaugurated in 2000
- Subject to Special Exception
- Elementary School (2 classes CE1 up to CM2)
- Lease Agreement with Montgomery County Public
Schools since 1989, renewable term ends in June
2005, Negotiations have begun with MCPS to renew
the lease. - FOREST ROAD
- Purchased in 1975, Middle School renovated in
2000. Subject to Special Exception including 13
strict conditions - Elementary School (4 classes CP and 2 CE1), MS
and HS. - New construction project is underway based on the
approved Master Plan - Request for long term use of the Alta Vista
property adjacent to Forest Road submitted ,
still waiting for response. - BUS PARKING
- Rent agreement for a parking facility hosting the
Lycees 15 buses.
- Building of a new High School facility 3300 m2
- State of the art science laboratories, Exao and
general classrooms open to middle and high
school. - Auditorium 250 places.
- New Gymnasium open to use by all, will have 3
volley ball size courts, bleachers, showers,
lockers, two entrances. The existing Gym will
have additional bathrooms, a fitness room and an
office. - Revamped facilities for the Vie Scolaire
(Education counselors.) and new Foyer for High
School. - Renovation of present soccer field to include
200m track, 2 volley-ball and 2 basket-ball
courts. - New Soccer field in place of the present High
School building. - New Bus shelter .
- Reconfigured roadway, parking, entrance with
extensive landscaping and lighting throughout. - Increased number of parking places (130 spaces).
- New Capital Crescent Bike Path ( by Montgomery
County ) -
11Master plan construction schedule
- June to July 04 Awarded construction contract to
Coakley Williams Construction Inc. - May to Nov. 04 Permit review phase (Jan. Feb.
Mar. 05 Permits reviewed for bus shelter and
MS renovations) - Oct. 04 to Aug.05 High School Construction
- Dec. 04 to Sept. 05 New Gym Construction
- June 05 to Aug. 05 Middle School Renovations and
Bus Shelter Construction - Aug. 05 to Sept.05 Demolition of existing High
School - Aug. 05 to Oct. 05 Completion of Site
Improvements for HS - Sept.05 to Oct. 05 Landscaping
- Sept.05 to Nov. 05 Construction of new Sports
- Tax Exempt Bond Financing obtained on September
30, 2004 - FIS has been granted an excellent credit rating
from Moody's and all the bonds have been
invested. Therefore we have mobilized all of the
14,000,000.Total project estimation cost is
14,700,000. - FIS has already paid its equity share of
700,000 in - FY 03-04, the rest will be financed by the loan.
- Total contingency of 1.1M is included in the
- 14.7M.
- We feel confident that this amount of
contingencies is enough. According to our last
calculations the total cost should reach the
amount of 14.6 M
13Alignment with the North American Education System
- Efforts were deployed during 2003-04 to
facilitate our students integration in the North
American system as follows - Arrange training sessions for teachers to compare
French courses with AP Courses in math,
history-geography, English Literature. - Create a new school profile aimed to better
present the French Baccalaureate to American
Universities - Centralize all college applications to North
American Universities through the office of the
Guidance Counselor - Provide supplementary courses as an option for
students in 1ere and Terminale since 2003-2004 - "complements quebecois includes 20h of linear
algebra in 1ere and 20h of Integration in
Terminale (allows a better preparation for our
students who enter in 2nd year of college in the
Canadian Universities) - AP calculus course 36h this year in 1ere and
36h next year in Terminale
- The French International Lycee is a unique
school with great potential - We are in the midst of exciting changes with the
new building project being the most obvious
change - but not the only one - The Lycée has incredible talents working for it
its Board, diverse parents, talented students,
dedicated faculty/staff,... and our efficient
administration with our Head of School Martine
Quelen - We count on your positive support and active
participation!! THANK YOU.