Title: Stepping Off the Path Paved with Coal
1Stepping Off the Path Paved with Coal
- Barbara Freese
- Consultant for
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- presentation to the
- Wisconsin League of Women Voters
- June 15, 2007
2New coal plants in the works
- Huge wave of new coal plants announced across US
- federal list of 151 proposed or recently-built
plants - majority using subbituminous and lignite
- represent a 25 increase in US power sector CO2
emissions, and 10 increase in US CO2 emissions - Source US PIRG, Making Sense of the Coal
Rush The Consequence of Expanding Americas
Dependence on Coal, July 2006.
3Climate Science
Arctic sea ice in 1979
Arctic sea ice in 2003
- Powerful scientific consensus on global warming
- Damage already occurring
- Much worse lies ahead, including risk of abrupt
changes - Steep emission reductions (60-80 by 2050) needed
to avoid dangerous warming
4Climate policy response - global
- Kyoto and beyond US isolated and under
increasing pressure to act - G8 just agreed to
- work toward substantial global emission cuts
- consider seriously halving global emissions by
5Policy response states
- Regional cap and trade systems emerging in
Northeast (10 states), the West (6 states), and
under consideration in Midwest - Reduction targets of 60-80 by mid-century in
many states, with interim targets - require wholesale changes in energy systems,
starting ASAP - Renewable electricity standards in 23 states plus
DC - covering over 40 of US electricity
6Policy response - federal
- in 2005 Senate passed resolution calling for
market-based emission limits - climate much higher priority of
Democratic-controlled 110th Congress - Multiple cap-and-trade proposals already
- Sens. McCain/Lieberman/Obama (S.280)
- Sens. Sanders/Boxer (S.309)
- Sens. Feinstein/Carper (S.317)
- Sens. Kerry/Snowe (S.485)
- Sen. Bingaman
- Rep Waxman (H.1590)
- Hearings in House Senate in January
- Supreme Court ruling in Massachusetts v. EPA
increases pressure to limit CO2
7 Climate proposals in 110th Congress
8What is cap-and-trade?
- Caps aggregate emissions from group of sources
instead of source-by-source limits - Regulator issues an allowance (permit) for each
ton of CO2 allowed under cap - Sources must own an allowance for each ton
emitted market develops - Price depends on supply and demand
- Can work well if
- cap set in right place
- loopholes/offsets limited
- allowances auctioned, not allocated
9Cap-and-trade has widespread support
- Many major US corporations
- Five of the nations ten biggest power companies
(and 3 others oppose law but admit its coming) - Dozens of evangelical Christian leaders
- US Climate Action Partnership
10Coal plants targeted by all bills
11Why Is CO2 Risk Being Ignored?
- Investor owned utilities believe they can pass
costs on to ratepayers? - Not if regulators find the investment is
imprudent, as ignoring future regulatory costs
surely is - Utilities believe new plants will be
grandfathered into cap-and-trade i.e.,
allocated allowances for free - Creates perverse incentive to hurry up and
increase emissions
12A dangerous gamble
- Strong and growing opposition to allocating
allowances to new plants among state and federal
policymakers and private sector - Assuming grandfathering is flawed thinking and
a dangerous business strategy for the utilities
investors and shareholders... - Senators Jeff Bingaman and Barbara Boxer, Chairs
of Senate Energy and Environment Committees
(Dallas Morning News, Jan. 19, 2007) - Northeastern states many are opting for 100
auction of allowances (i.e., no allocations at
all) - US Climate Action Partnership calls for
cap-and-trade with no grandfathering
13What is the costof future CO2 limits in the US?
- Mid-range CO2 costs will add about 2 cents/kWh to
coal power costs - increases coal plant costs by one quarter to one
third - risk of even higher increases
Source Synapse Energy Economics, Climate Change
and Power Carbon Dioxide Emissions Costs and
Electricity Resource Planning, May 2006.
14Costs for new pulverized coalplants are on the
- US and global coal rush creating supply
constraints for equipment and skilled labor - At least 4 plants have announced 30-80 capital
cost increases in the past year
15Construction costs on the rise
16 Renewable energy costs are falling
Levelized cost of energy in constant 20051
Source NREL Energy Analysis Office
1These graphs are reflections of historical cost
trends NOT precise annual historical data. DRAFT
November 2005
17Coal Polluting and Costly
- Big Stone IIs backers estimate costs at 70/MWh
for investor-owned utilities (not counting
additional 19/MWh CO2 cost) - Conservation/efficiency energy savings have cost
on average 10/MWh in Minnesota over last ten
years - savings measures have 13-year average life
- Wind power in Minnesota (including an extra
charge to integrate up to 25 wind into the power
grid) would be 51/MWh (with Production Tax
Credit) or 64/MWh (without it)
18EIA Reducing carbon in electricity means
replacing or decarbonising coal
- National Commission Case 4 (2x rate of
reductions 49/ton ceiling) - Only scenario with overall carbon reductions
- 44 by 2030
- Coal makes the difference
Source EIA, Energy Market Impacts of Alternative
Greenhouse Gas Intensity Reduction Goals, March
2006. http//www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/servicerpt/agg/p
19Regional policy developments
- WI, MN, IL and IA stakeholder panels planning
global warming strategies - MN 2007 global warming legislation
- Aggressive goals 80 cuts by 2050, interim goals
- Stakeholders plan must study cap-and-trade
- Midwest regional consultation required
- PUC must factor CO2 costs into decisions
- MN RES Strongest in nation in
- MN efficiency goals double performance of best
- we are now making a major new commitment to the
path paved with coal, with enormous environmental
and financial risks - alternative paths are not only cleaner and safer,
but will be cheaper than coal - that message is just beginning to penetrate
through to regulators, utilities, ratepayers, and
Wall Street - were at a leverage point in history, where a
little pressure can have a major impact
21Contact information
- Union of Concerned Scientists website at
www.ucsusa.org (search for Gambling with Coal) - barbarafreese_at_comcast.net