Title: JustForMe: learning on demand
1- Just-For-Me learning on demand?
- Wednesday 11th October 2006
- Christie Centre Brisbane
- Nigel Paine
- Nigel_at_nigelpaine.com
- How to build a Learning Organisation
- What stops us
- New ways of working and new ways of learning
- Next directions in e learning
3Brisbane River
- Providing Access when
- There is no space
- The land is privately owned
- You cannot obstruct the view
- The river is tidal
- Moored boats need access
4STAY (Faraway, so close)
Dressed up like a car crash, The wheels are
turning, But you are upside down
U2 Zooropa
5Wired Magazine (Sept 06)
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7Bob Dylan
The vagabond who's rapping at your door Is
standing in the clothes that you once wore.
Strike another match, go start anew And it's all
over now, Baby Blue. ...
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9Dale Spender
- 70 of Australians now produce something that
you cannot drop on your foot - Dale Spender 2005
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- Whats the difference between a frog and a
Bob Garratt
14The Virtuous Circle
Increased Individual and Organisational Performan
Personal Learning hard and soft skills
Organisational Learning shared knowledge
Chris Yapp Microsoft
15Learning Org Characteristics
- A place where learning is respected
- An organisation that can learn from within and
from outside and where knowledge is shared - Ideas and creativity are at a premium
- Everyone sees themself as a teacher, learner and
source of business knowledge - Failure is a part of success
16Feeder We Cant Rewind
We are just a twist in the scene. A splash of
paint on the screen. This is our time, we cant
rewind, Our place to shine out, We can do it
Feeder from Echo Park
17The Demographic Focus
- 18 - 44 -1
- 65 26
- 55 - 64 47
- Over the next 10 years