Review of Lecture 4 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Review of Lecture 4


(Gravitation) ... (Gravitation) We can clean this up to be: ... (Gravitation) Bear in mind that weight and mass are not the same thing ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Review of Lecture 4

Review of Lecture 4
  • Position Displacement
  • Average Instantaneous Velocity
  • Average Instantaneous Acceleration
  • Projectile Motion
  • Vertical Horizontal Motion
  • Range
  • Uniform Circular Motion
  • Relative Motion

  • What causes an acceleration?
  • The short answer is a Force
  • We will now look at forces from the standpoint of
    their effects on bodies
  • When dealing with classical bodies at
    non-relativistic speeds, we are talking about
    Newtonian mechanics

Newtons First Law
  • Prior to Newton, it was thought that the natural
    state of an object was to be at rest
  • It was also thought that in order for something
    to move, it had to be propelled in some fashion
  • While this may apply to my cats (and perhaps cats
    in general) it of course isnt an accurate
    description of what is happening

Newtons First Law
  • Imagine giving a hockey puck a push so that it
    goes sliding across a wood floor
  • It will go some distance before slowing down and
    coming to a stop
  • Now substitute some ice and try the experiment
  • Clearly the puck will slide farther this time

Newtons First Law
  • Now keep imagining a slipperier and slipperier
  • In the limit, you can eventually imagine a
    surface that has no friction at all
  • The puck in that case will keep sliding along
    forever unless something causes it to alter its

Newtons First Law
  • From these observations Newton developed his 1st
    lawIf no force acts on a body, then the bodys
    velocity cannot change that is, the body cannot

Newtons First Law
  • If we were to push on a standard 1 kg mass so
    that we measured its acceleration as 1 m/s2,
    then by definition we are exerting a force on
    the object of 1 Newton
  • If we were to push harder so that the
    acceleration was 2 m/s2, then the force would be
    2 Newtons, and so on

Newtons First Law
  • So force is somehow closely related to
  • Given that, it should not be a surprise that,
    like acceleration, force is a vector quantity
  • That means if there were several forces pulling
    on our object, we should be able to add them up
    vectorially to produce a net force or resultant

Newtons First Law
  • Given that, we can now re-state Newtons 1st law
    asIf no net force acts on a body (e.g.,
    ifFnet 0), then the bodys velocity cannot
    change that is, the body cannot accelerate

Inertial Frames of Reference
  • We have already talked about frames of reference
  • A frame of reference where Newtons 1st Law holds
    is called an inertial reference frame or just an
    inertial frame
  • The earth is usually a perfectly good inertial
    frame for most of what we do, but there are cases
    where it will not work

  • What exactly is mass?
  • We have some feel for this by the fact that
    different bodies react differently to the same
    force (if we have some way of consistently
    applying the same force)
  • The more mass a body has, the less it will
    accelerate given the same applied force

  • So there would seem to be some kind of an inverse
    relationship between force and mass that is also
    related to the acceleration
  • Suppose we took a body of mass 2 kg and applied
    the same force to it that we used to define our
    1N force
  • In this case we would notice that the object
    would accelerate to 0.5 m/s2

  • And conversely, if we took a 0.5 kg mass and
    applied our standard force, we would notice that
    it would accelerate to 2 m/s2
  • So we can see a ratio forming herewhere the
    force is held constant

  • So back to the initial question What is mass?
  • Mass is something intrinsic to an object we can
    only define it as a characteristic of an object
    that relates forces on the object to how the body
    reacts (accelerates) in response to those forces

Newtons Second Law
  • Everything we have been discussing so far
    regarding forces, masses and acceleration can be
    neatly summed up using Newtons 2nd LawThe net
    force on a body is equal to the product of the
    bodys mass and the acceleration of the body

Newtons Second Law
  • In equation form this is the famous
  • While this is very simple equation, we must be
    careful in our use of it
  • We must first note that force, like acceleration,
    is a vector (this must be true as mass is only a

Newtons Second Law
  • We must also note that we must only concern
    ourselves with the (net) forces acting upon a
    body not any forces that the body may exert on
    another body, or other forces that may be present
    in the system (but dont act upon the body in

Newtons Second Law
  • Because force is a vector quantity, the usual
    rules apply we can break forces down into
    components one for each axis of our coordinate
  • So we have

Newtons Second Law
  • Because we can break down our forces into
    orthogonal components, we can see that (net)
    forces along one axis have no influence on what
    is happening along another axis
  • In other wordsThe acceleration component along
    a given axis is caused only by the sum of the
    force components along that same axis, and not by
    force components along any other axis

Newtons Second Law
  • Now lets look at our equation again
  • From this we can see that if the (net) force is
    zero, then the acceleration must also be zero
  • From this we can see that A body in motion
    continues in motion (at a constant velocity) and
    A body at rest stays at rest
  • This condition is known as equilibrium the
    various forces have balanced themselves out so
    that the net force is zero

Particular Forces(Gravitation)
  • We have already encountered a particular
    acceleration that associated with gravity
  • So we can now compute the force that gravity
    exerts on an object
  • Substituting g for a in our equation (and
    aligning our y axis to be vertically upward), we
    can see that

Particular Forces(Gravitation)
  • We can clean this up to be
  • This force is always present whether a body is in
    free fall or resting on a table
  • The weight of a body is the magnitude of the
    force necessary to prevent the body from falling
    freely (as measured at the earths surface)

Particular Forces(Gravitation)
  • So we can say that
  • From this we can see that a bodys weight is
    directly proportional to its mass with the
    constant of proportionality being the
    acceleration of gravity (g for the earth)

Particular Forces(Gravitation)
  • Bear in mind that weight and mass are not the
    same thing
  • A body that weighs 71 N on earth (7.25 kg) would
    only weigh 12 N on the moon
  • This is because while the mass of the body didnt
    change in going from the earth to the moon, the
    acceleration of gravity (g) on the moon is only
    1.7 m/s2

Particular Forces(Gravitation)
  • Note also that if my weight was measured in an
    elevator (that was accelerating), it would not be
  • This is because an accelerating elevator is not
    an inertial frame

Particular Forces(Normal Force)
  • As I am standing here on the floor, my body mass
    is exerting a force against the floor
  • The floor flexes (a little) due to my presence
    and in turn exerts a force upwards against me
    otherwise I would accelerate downwards
  • The force exerted by the floor against me is
    called a normal force (normal because it is
    perpendicular to the surface of the floor)

Particular Forces(Normal Force)
  • Going back to the elevator example, there is of
    course a normal force exerted by the floor of the
    elevator against someone standing in the elevator
  • When the elevator is accelerating, the normal
    force will be

Particular Forces(Friction)
  • When one object slides along the surface of
    another, the motion will be resisted by friction
  • Friction generates a force in opposition to the
    direction of motion
  • We often will assume frictionless surfaces to
    simplify things, but we will look at friction in
    more detail in Chapter 6

Particular Forces(Tension)
  • When we pull an object with a rope (cable, cord,
    etc.), the rope exerts a force on the object that
    is directed away from the object and along the
  • This is called a tension force because the rope
    is said to be in a state of tension (or under
    tension) because the rope is pulled taught

Particular Forces(Tension)
  • We will often assume that the rope is massless
    and unstretchable to simplify things
  • We will also sometimes employ frictionless,
    massless pulleys to change the direction of the
    force between two objects without introducing
    other effects

Newtons Third Law
  • Two bodies interact when they exert forces on
    each other
  • If I push against the wall I am clearly exerting
    a force on it the wall is also clearly exerting
    a force back against me
  • These forces apparently are equal otherwise one
    of us (the wall or me) would be accelerated

Newtons Third Law
  • Newtons 3rd Law states that When two bodies
    interact, the forces on the bodies from each
    other are always equal in magnitude and opposite
    in direction
  • As hard as I push on the wall, the wall will push
    back just as hard (in the opposite direction)

Newtons Third Law
  • In vector notation, we have
  • This is called a third-law force pair
  • We will always have a third-law force pair
    whenever two bodies interact

Next Class
  • Homework Problems Chapter 54, 11, 19, 49, 51,
  • Read sections Chapter 6
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