Baltimore City Task Force on Inclusionary Zoning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Baltimore City Task Force on Inclusionary Zoning


Kind of communities development should aim to create ... Should Aim to Create ' ... Should Aim to Create 'The biggest supply of affordable housing we currently ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Baltimore City Task Force on Inclusionary Zoning

Baltimore City Task Force on Inclusionary Zoning
  • Interests and Goals of Task Force Members,
    Participants, and City Officials for Development
  • Baltimore City
  • April 4, 2006
  • Includes additional input from
  • March 21 Task Force Session

The Question What would you like to see in terms
of development in Baltimore City?
  • Why This Question?
  • Talking about development elicits peoples
    views on market situation, housing needs,
    neighborhood health, public policy.
  • Talking about development elicits both optimism
    and concern.
  • People are excited that Baltimore City is
    achieving economic progress and that there is
    growing interest outside of Baltimore to move
    into the City.
  • There is also great concern that many who already
    call Baltimore home, some for several
    generations, will not have the opportunity to be
    a part of this economic progress.
  • A cross-section of public, non-profit and private
    sector leaders are all invested in the
    development of Baltimore City and have a range of
    important ideas as to how they would like to see
    development happen. An inclusionary housing
    policy would need to take into consideration all
    these interests.

Topic Areas That Are Emerging
  • Scale of development
  • Kind of communities development should aim to
  • Linkage of housing with other factors affecting
    quality of life
  • Regional context

Interests and Goals
  • Scale of Development
  • In superblighted areas, clear whats there away
    and make available for redevelopment, but make
    sure people who live there now have a chance to
    live there.
  • Grow our City (population, incomes, jobs, tax
  • Clear blighted areas out. Make something
  • Large-Scale DevelopmentDifficult to get people
    to move in if they feel they are on an island.
    Communities with houses, shopping and good
    schools. Large scale can be about 200 houses.
  • Concern about what large-scale development
    means. We need to encourage developers to do more
    in-fill development.

Interests and Goals
  • Scale of Development
  • Clearing land is essential, but have to do it at
  • City needs to take controlbuy and condemn
  • Accumulate larger land areas for redevelopment.
  • Take neighborhoods that are completely
    distressed and do large scale redevelopment as
    mixed-income communities (built around schools
    and transit lines).
  • Major revitalization that would include
  • Who decides what is blighted?
  • When talking about large scale redevelopment,
    relocation is a major issue.

Interests and Goals
  • Scale of Development
  • Get dedicated funding to really get things
    done change City Charter to create Affordable
    Housing Trust Fund, and incorporate special needs
    (e.g. seniors, disabled). Also include provision
    for renters.
  • Think about Affordable Housing as an economic
    development must. Goal should be 50,000
    affordable units for Baltimore in the next
  • We need to repopulate Baltimore. We have an
    infrastructure for 900K people and only have
  • Acquire scattered vacant houses on otherwise
    viable blocks. Waive liens and get them

Interests and Goals
  • Scale of Development
  • Produce hundreds of units at scale out of which
    can have an inclusionary requirement (take into
    account that the suburbs are built on model of
    income segregation).
  • Look at every prospective site assemblage over
    10 year time frame with a goal of re-population
    and mixed-income along the way.
  • Get it out of a theoretical conversation--Challen
    ge Otis Rolley and Paul Graziano to give us a 10
    year plan to produce x thousands of units in
  • Large scale development in blighted areas with
    City support behind it.
  • Greater Economic Diversity Among all City
    Neighborhoods, particularly neighborhoods south
    of North Ave which are the poorest.

Interests and Goals
  • Scale of Development
  • Need more employed residents and job
  • Clear vacant lots away and put a new product
  • Some areas need to be cleared away and
    redeveloped, but with a plan. What was the plan
    in Sandtown Winchester? It didnt connect up with
    other things. Each area that is redeveloped needs
    a concrete plan.
  • Lets have a comprehensive plan for blighted
    communities as well as other parts of the City.
  • There needs to be a high level of coordination
    among city agencies, non-profits, and
  • Use the City surplus to create an affordable
    housing trust fund.

Interests and Goals
  • Kind of Communities Development
  • Should Aim to Create
  • Mixed-income Housing Baltimore City doesnt
    aspire to be a modern suburban community.
  • The story of Crystals Trumpet Mixed income
    communities provide children the opportunity to
    thrive where concentrated poverty does not.
  • They talk about teachers, policemen and
    firefighters, but then forget about the rest of
    us. We need help too. We all want what is best
    for our children, I tell you. Yes Lord, even the
  • Make sure people who have lived here, both black
    and white, reap the benefits of development.
  • Shouldnt Baltimore have a Gold Coast like other
    major US Cities? Vision of mixed-income
    communities, but also a Gold Coast where the
    wealthy live. Get as much as we can out of that.
  • People who have lived through crime, drugs and
    murdersthey should benefit from development of
    the City.

Interests and Goals
  • Kind of Communities Development
  • Should Aim to Create
  • That blue and purple (competitive) neighborhoods
    have housing thats affordable to people of all
    income ranges.
  • Encourage balanced re-gentrification.
  • Re-gentrification does not connote balance.
  • Create good affordable housing in good
  • Important to look at where there are optimal
    opportunities to have mixed-income housing.
  • Affordable work-force and market-rate housing
  • That everyone fits under the tent. Dont want
    little enclaves and gated communities.

Interests and Goals
  • Kind of Communities Development
  • Should Aim to Create
  • Want to see everyone be able to enjoy the
    waterfront without being priced out.
  • Create a new paradigm that relates to delivery
    of new affordable housing in areas of
  • Empower the purchase and development of land for
    mixed-income communities.
  • Rental conversion to condo help people who have
    lived there be able to stay.
  • Find a way to increase the supply of affordable
    housing for middle-income families.
  • Do well by doing good. Look for developers who
    are mission driven.
  • We need development that takes into account
    community plans that exist.

Interests and Goals
  • Kind of Communities Development
  • Should Aim to Create
  • See vacant homes rehabbed, with a focus on
    serving senior citizens.
  • Senior citizens who sit on their porches are an
    asset to an area. They also keep up their
  • Why isnt a middle-income product getting built?
    City needs that.
  • Create a partnership with colleges to create
    incentives for keeping their college graduates in
    the neighborhood.
  • In distressed areas, would like to see more
    rehab rather than knocking down.
  • If someone cant live by the water, maybe they
    can live by a park. Its all about how the City
    markets its assets.
  • Create housing for those with little or no
    income. Example of kids in foster care. Where do
    they go?

Interests and Goals
  • Kind of Communities Development
  • Should Aim to Create
  • Create a complement of affordable housing for
    people at all income ranges, the home health aide
    at 20 AMI to the paramedic at 50 AMI, to the
    policeman at 80 AMI.
  • Weve got to want more residents with more money
    in their pockets, but do not want to do at
    expense of poor population being shoved off into
    oblivion. If people at the bottom of the scale
    feel like they are being pushed out, they will
    stop the process.
  • Mixed-income meaning garden apartments, single
    family homes, townhouses. Provide a variety of
    housing options.
  • Upgrade physical conditions of neighborhoods in
    the middle range.
  • Achieve a balance of rental and homeownership.

Interests and Goals
  • Kind of Communities Development
  • Should Aim to Create
  • Need affordable, quality rental opportunities.
    Issue of a rental stigma. Federal government
    focuses heavily on homeownership. But many people
    are not ready for it. If quality rental
    opportunities were available, then people
    wouldnt seek homeownership.
  • Housing stock that would attract the middle
    class (80-120 AMI).
  • The City needs a workforce and theres an
    inventory of folks ready to start secretaries,
    laborers, clerks.
  • Maintain character and history of communities.
  • The very thing that makes Baltimore
    uniquecharacter-- is what drives the profit for
    developers. Dont lose it.
  • Do for the City what the downtown partnership
    did for downtown.

Interests and Goals
  • Kind of Communities Development
  • Should Aim to Create
  • Attractive mixed-income development that serves
    everyones needs.
  • Unless focus is on creating top quality
    mixed-income development projects, then the
    project will be a waste of everyones time.
  • Dont want affordable units to become studios
    for college students.
  • Build on whats there in terms of opportunity.
    Build on strengths in areas where access to
    transportation, parks, etc
  • Attract higher to middle income residents and
    ensure affordability there.
  • Cast a wider net. How leverage purple areas to
    create opportunities in orange areas.

Interests and Goals
  • Kind of Communities Development
  • Should Aim to Create
  • Goal for development should be a comprehensive
    community of all incomes, low moderate, middle,
  • Connect community development to urban senior
  • Make city attractive to knowledge based creative
    class to attract such companies. Richard
    Florida-- Cities of the Future will be attractive
    to the creative class (e.g. idea generators,
    companies on the cutting edge of new technology
    information systems).
  • More mixed-use development using our strengths
    (e.g. old industrial lofts, low-rent industrial
    buildings that are next to residential areas).
  • Both companies and knowledge based workforce
    attracted to cool, funky, urban scene!
  • Attract more people paying taxes, without
    increasing demand for services.

Interests and Goals
  • Kind of Communities Development
  • Should Aim to Create
  • Unintended consequence of mixed-use can be
    economic segregationit creates a community of
    just a certain economic profile. This is not
    where real economic prosperity comes for a city
    or community. Mixed-use without mixed income is
  • Want to see a City of mixed-use neighborhoods
    with mixed-income housing, retail and offices.
    Businesses should be uniquely, locally owned. In
    a quintessential City you go to the local butcher
    or florist. Too often organic growth is taken out
    of the experience and you are left with a
    fabricated community.
  • Celebrate the public domain and not give it up
    to the car and private ownership. Why do people
    like to live in Cities? Not because they want a
    speedway in their car. Great cities have a little
    bit of grime and grit to it that makes the
    experience authentic and real.

Interests and Goals
  • Kind of Communities Development
  • Should Aim to Create
  • Without mixed-income and real public space you
    lose the whole contextual experience that makes
    urban living so dynamic, spirited, sensory rich,
    Its a vivacious rhythm of city life. A sense of
    community and belonging is what people crave.
  • We would set ourselves apart from other cities
    if we did not have segregated zoning codes. We
    need a new game board with a new zoning code.
    Pick up the monopoly board, shake it all out and
    recreate the game.
  • Notion of CityDensity and Diversity.
  • Need more affordable housing to prevent
    large-scale displacement and forced relocation.
  • What about seniors and people who are facing
    foreclosure now? Shouldnt we protect them?

Interests and Goals
  • Kind of Communities Development
  • Should Aim to Create
  • We want development in our community for all
    income ranges so that one third of all the
    housing is affordable to residents with incomes
    at or below 22,000 one third for residents with
    incomes between 22,00 and 65,000 and one third
    at market rates.
  • Protection for our low-income homeowners,
    particularly elderly owners, who will face
    escalating property taxes which would make their
    current housing unaffordable.
  • Protection so that affordable housing can be
    sustained and available for the long-term.
  • Need more accessible housing for the disabled.
  • Transit oriented developmentits important that
    we invest in public transportation.
  • People need to live near a bank, a shopping
    center. There needs to be a retail component.

Interests and Goals
  • Kind of Communities Development
  • Should Aim to Create
  • The City can serve as a catalyst to produce
    sitesassemble and clean them up.
  • Offer mixed-income waterfrontthats a big
  • That the Mayor of Baltimore say his vision is of
    a City with mixed-income communities.
  • That we find developers willing to build
    mixed-income communitiesdevelopers who are
    willing to be creative.
  • That we look behind assumptions in terms of what
    people see as possible.
  • That we incorporate an inter-faith effort in our
    strategy to build mixed-income communities.

Interests and Goals
  • Kind of Communities Development
  • Should Aim to Create
  • Greater mix of homeownership and rental.
  • Blue areas Hopefully become more racially
  • Design and marketing should be seamlessi.e. no
    discernible difference between affordable and
    market rate.
  • We need high-income residents.
  • Thin out concentration of poverty.
  • Chain of mixed-income communitiesracially and
    economicallywhere Inclusionary Zoning brings
    into being modest amounts of low-income housing.

Interests and Goals
  • Kind of Communities Development
  • Should Aim to Create
  • The biggest supply of affordable housing we
    currently now have is of
  • people who currently own their own homes. Lets
    make sure we dont lose
  • them.
  • City is divided by North and South and East and
    West. North and South tends to be rich and white.
    East and West is poor and black. We should focus
    on developing specific areas within the City and
    give people there first dibs on what they would
    like to see in their neighborhood.
  • We should focus more on the East side and
    develop around a church like McCormack, Baron did
    in one of its projects, which can be a focal
    point for a community. Why not build around
    Coppin State College or the Great Blacks in Wax
    Museum instead of just Johns Hopkins?
  • Focus on maintenance and repair, such as a fund
    to help fixed or lower income people keep their
    houses in good condition.

Interests and Goals
  • Kind of Communities Development
  • Should Aim to Create
  • Mixed use with mixed-income Dont want to see
    malls with cell phones and fancy winged tip
    shoes. Need to meet all peoples needs. Have a
    dollar store next to an Ann Klein, Polo and
    Charlie's Fish NChips. You reach four
    populations that way Blue collar, women upscale,
    men upscale and a store for everyone.
  • Type of retail/stores is important Food in
    particular can bring people together across
    cultures. At the Charles Center we only have
    pizza and hot dogs. Theres no Asian, Greek or
    Latin food.
  • Rent conversion. To the extent possible, help
    people buy houses they are renting. Put some
    teeth back into the Right of First Refusal.
  • If you are doing moderate to large scale
    development, get market in there and at the same
    time dont displace people.

Interests and Goals
  • Linkage of housing with other factors affecting
  • quality of life
  • I have to move for my childrens sake. My
    husband will have to work two jobs and I will
    have to go to full-time. If you want your child
    to get the best education, you have to make that
  • Cities cant survive without familiesits the
    families who fight strongly for good schools,
    parks and against crime.
  • There are 2,200 kids in Baltimore City that are
    homeless which affects everyones quality of
  • We cant fix schools without changing the mix of
    the school population. This is a research finding
    that has been out there for forty years.
    Neighborhood by neighborhood, school by school
  • We can only build middle class generally if have
    families with children attending Baltimore City
    schools. Need to target major employer
    institutionsHopkins, University of Baltimore,
    Hospital complexes, to collaborate on putting
    together special schools that have enriched
    academic programs. Make sure that people who work
    at these institutions can send their kids to
    these schools.
  • Give people in Baltimore City a realistic option
    that centers on jobs.

Interests and Goals
  • Linkage of housing with other factors affecting
  • quality of life
  • I live in Brookland and the schools are not fit,
    the neighborhood is not clean. I worry about what
    my kids can see and not see, because kids pick up
  • With regards to affording a home I pray to God
    we dont go bankrupt . Im at a loss. I was going
    to try to find the Mayor and ask what he can do
    for families in Baltimore because we really do
    need help.
  • The importance of mixed-income communities
    Were not going to turn around schools with
    close to 81 of children in elementary schools
    who qualify for free and reduced meals.
  • The school system drives families out to
  • "Housing costs are outrageous in Baltimore. If
    you have a family, you can't afford to live in
    the City and make less than 75,000. Getting a
    professional to move here is prohibitive. It's
    difficult to come and buy a house, buy a
    propertyWe're frustrated with housing in the

Interests and Goals
  • Linkage of housing with other factors affecting
  • quality of life
  • Build in a family self-sufficiency component
    into inclusionary zoning. For example, anyone at
    50 AMI or below who moves into an affordable
    home would have an incentive or requirement to
    participate in a job training program, job
    placement program, receive financial counseling,
    day care support, etc
  • Want to see mixed-income housing that has a
    school component.
  • Baltimore City should be held accountable for
    allowing these communities to get into the
    condition they are in.
  • Look to do development in stable areas that can
    serve as an anchor and from which new development
    can move out.

Interests and Goals
  • Linkage of housing with other factors affecting
  • quality of life
  • See schools as part of the community.
  • Equal access to quality education in competitive
  • Connect housing with jobs, so people can afford
    to buy or rent or maintain homes.
  • Need to address rate of property taxes so its
    more affordable to live in the City.
  • If a developer gets to build a tower on the
    water, then should also build something in some
    other place in the City. Its fine if they want
    to build a billion dollar building, but then we
    also want a good school.
  • Important to talk to communities about their
    civic obligation of how to be a responsible

Interests and Goals
  • Regional Context
  • Send a message to the rest of the region that we
    are committed to an inclusionary society which
    positions Baltimore City to advocate for
    inclusion in surrounding counties.
  • Need regional answers as well. All surrounding
    counties need to look at Inclusionary Zoning. By
    helping the City, they are helping themselves.
    The City will be less likely to siphon off
    resources from the State as a result.
  • Right now, there is no place for people to go if
    pushed out of the City. Other counties have to
    pay attention to housing their workforce.
  • Cant have a 22 poverty rate in Baltimore City.
    Important that Baltimores redevelopment is
    placed in the context of everything else in the

Recurring Themes
  • Repopulate the City
  • Engage in large scale redevelopment
  • Create mixed-income, mixed-use communities
  • Ensure mixed-income communities include people of
    all income ranges
  • Attract and retain middle-income families with
  • Ensure affordable housing for both rental and
  • Allow for Gold Coast (high-end luxury
    development) to support tax base.
  • Preserve affordable homeownership where it exists
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