Title: EM
1EM Vector calculus 2Physical Systems, Tuesday
23 Jan 2007, EJZ
- Vector Calculus 1.2 Differential Calculus
- Ordinary derivatives
- Div, Grad, and Curl
- Product rules, Second derivatives
- Ch.2 Electrostatic potential and energy
- Quick homework review
- Review electrostatics, Gauss Law charges ? E
field - Conservative fields and path independence ?
potential V - Boundary conditions (Ex. 2.5 p.74, Prob. 2.30
p.90) - Electrostatic energy (Prob. 2.40 p.106),
capacitors (Ex. 2.10 p.104)
21.2.1 Ordinary derivatives
31.22 Gradient
41.23 The ? operator
51.2.4 Divergence
6(No Transcript)
71.2.5 Curl
81.2.6 Product rules
91.2.7 Second derivatives
10Electrostatic potential and energyEM 2,
Physical Systems, Tuesday 23 Jan 2007, EJZ
- Quick homework review
- Review electrostatics, Gauss Law charges ? E
field - Conservative fields and path independence ?
potential V - Boundary conditions (Ex. 2.5 p.74, Prob. 2.30
p.90) - Electrostatic energy (Prob. 2.40 p.106),
capacitors (Ex. 2.10 p.104)
11Ch.2 Electrostatics (d/dt0) charges ?
fields ? forces, energy
- Charges make E fields and forces
- charges make scalar potential differences dV
- E can be found from V
- Electric forces move charges
- Electric fields store energy (capacitance)
F q E m a
W qV C q/V
12Conservative fields admit potentials
- Easy to find E from V
- is independent of choice of
reference point V0 - V is uniquely determined by boundary conditions
- Every central force (curl F 0) is conservative
(prob 2.25) - Ex.2.5 p.74 parallel plates
13Parallel plates
14Electrostatic boundary conditions
- E? is discontinuous across a charge layer DE
s/e0 - E and V are continuous
- Prob 2.30 (a) p.90 check BC for parallel plates
15Electrostatic potential units, energy
Prob. 2.40 p.106 Energy between parallel
plates Ex. 2.10 p.104 Find the
capacitance between two metal plates of surface
area A held a distance d apart.
16Electrostatic potential energy