Epilepsy and Seizures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Epilepsy and Seizures


Withdrawal from alcohol or addicting drugs can also cause seizures. EEG Montage ... the warning labels on electronic devices, theme park rides, and even video games. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Epilepsy and Seizures

Epilepsy and Seizures
  • Nicholas G. Avgeropoulos, M.D.
  • January 2009

Epilepsy - Scientific Background
  • When the brain functions normally, millions of
    fluctuating, simultaneous, tiny electrical
    charges go from the nerve cells to all parts of
    the body.
  • People who have seizures / epilepsy have these
    normal electrical patterns interrupted by
    sudden and relatively intense bursts of
    electrical energy that may affect consciousness,
    body movements, and sensation.

  • Signals are electrochemical
  • Neurotransmitters can be excitatory or inhibitory

Epilepsy -Scientific Background
  • Nerve cells normally transmit electrochemical
    signals and maintain a balance of excitatory and
    inhibitory neurotransmitters as well as sodium,
    potassium, and other factors critical to energy
  • When this balance is changed, a seizure may

  • Do you know the difference between seizures and

Epilepsy vs. Seizures
  • A seizure is defined by release of excessive and
    uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain.
    Seizures themselves are not a disease, they are
    an event.
  • Epilepsy (seizure disorder) is a neurological
    condition, that in different times produce brief
    disturbances in the electrical functions of the
    brain. Seizures are a symptom of epilepsy.

  • Seizures can cause different symptoms based on
    the location of the source of and where the
    abnormal electrical activity spreads.
  • Seizures can range from tingling in a finger to
    grand mal (generalized) seizures, during which
    people lose consciousness, become stiff, and
  • Not everything that looks like a seizure is a
    seizure. And not every seizure is an epileptic
    seizure. Fainting, collapsing, and confusion can
    also result from other disorders or even from
    emotional stress. Withdrawal from alcohol or
    addicting drugs can also cause seizures.

EEG Montage
EEG Depicting Seizure
Poll Question 2
  • T or F Epilepsy is a relatively uncommon event

Facts About Epilepsy
  • There are over 2.5 million people diagnosed with
    epilepsy in the United States.
  • Epilepsy affects more people than other serious
    conditions such as cerebral palsy, cancer,
    tuberculosis, muscular dystrophy, and multiple
    sclerosis combined.
  • The leading cause of epilepsy in adults is
    automobile accidents

Facts About Epilepsy
  • All other things even, people who have epilepsy
    have the same abilities and intelligence as
    everyone else
  • The leading cause in children is birth trauma
  • The leading cause for the elderly (people over
    65) is strokes

Causes of Seizures by Age(Brain Tumor trends
indicated in BLUE)
Epilepsy and Brain Tumors
  • Any type of brain tumor can cause seizures
  • Slowly or quickly growing primary tumors
  • Multiple metastases
  • Tumors near the Rolandic fissure, temporal lobes
    / insular cortex more seizure prone. Tumors in
    the cerebellum and brainstem are not.
  • Seizures are the second most common presenting
    symptom reported in brain tumor patients, with
    33 of patients reporting a seizure before the dx
    was made.

Classification of Seizures
  • Seizures are classified into partial and
  • Partial seizures are divided into
  • Simple partial - Consciousness is not impaired
  • Complex partial - Consciousness is impaired
  • About 2/3 of people with epilepsy have complex
    partial seizures

Different Types of Seizures
  • Generalized seizures - Can be convulsive or
  • Absence seizures - Typical vs. Atypical
  • Typical absence seizures - Non-convulsive with
    muscle tone preserved. The seizure usually lasts
    less than 10 seconds.
  • Atypical absence seizures - Convulsive, longer in
    duration, loss in muscle tone, and tonic/clonic
    movements are observed.

Different Types of Seizures
  • Tonic-clonic seizures (grand mal) - Generalized
    convulsion occurring in the tonic phase and the
    clonic phase. Often this is preceded by an aura.
  • Tonic phase - Muscles stiffen up, person loses
    consciousness, body grows rigid.
  • Clonic phase- Body extremities jerk and twitch.
  • Secondary generalized tonic-clonic seizures
    begins locally with partial seizures

Tonic and Clonic(Most often, these alternate)
Different Types of Seizures
  • Photosensitive seizures - These are very rare,
    even for people with epilepsy (related stimulus may trigger this seizure, hence
    the warning labels on electronic devices, theme
    park rides, and even video games.
  • Atonic seizures - Sudden lack of muscle tone,
    causing the inability to sit and stand. They are
    also called akinetic seizures. These are very
    rare in adults.

Poll Question 3
  • True or False Status epilepticus can be a life
    threatening event

Status Epilepticus
  • Status Epilepticus - A state of recurring
    seizures when consciousness does not return
    between seizure events.
  • Can be very serious and at times fatal. This is a
    seizure that lasts for about 20 minutes, and can
    cause serious brain damage, if not aborted.
  • Benzodiazepines like diazepam or lorazepam may be
    given to patients in the hospital for treatment.

(No Transcript)
  • Keppra - Binds to the surface of the vesicles
    which contains neurotransmitters, and may inhibit
    some of the release of neurotransmitters to the
    neuron. May also stop hypersynchronized
    electrical releases.
  • Dilantin - Is mainly used for treatment of
    tonic-clonic seizures and complex partial
    seizures. It works in part by reducing
    electrical conductance between brain cells and by
    stabilizing the inactive state of voltage gated
    sodium channels. Sodium channels are
    co-transporters, which offer facilitation of
    neurotransmitter movement.

  • Valproic acid - Include drugs such as Depakote,
    Depakene, and Valrelease. Valproate affects the
    sodium channels in the brain, helping prevent the
    release of abnormal brain signals. Valproic acid
    increases gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which
    is a natural brain chemical that stops or slows
    down other brain signals. Valproate is usually
    prescribed for complex partial or complex absence
    seizures but has many other utilities.

  • Lamictal - Many of these medicines are similar in
    how they work, and Lamictal works by blocking
    sodium channels. However, lamotrigine also
    lessens the flow of glutamate (an excitatory
  • Topamax - Works very similar to valproic acid
    with respect to GABA stimulation. Mainly
    prescribed for tonic-clonic and partial
  • Tegretol - The generic name is Carbamazepine.
    Helps block sodium channels like the others. Has
    many uses.

Common Side Effects
  • Nausea, drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, skin
    rash / severe allergy, weight gain, liver damage,
    altered white blood cell and platelet counts and
    function amongst many others.
  • Consult with a doctor to make sure other drugs do
    not interact negatively as different medicines
    work for different people. Make sure there is no
    allergic reaction history to a related compound.

Poll Question 4
  • True or False Once a person has had a seizure,
    they can never drive again

How do Seizures/Epilepsy Affect You?
  • Seizures may restrict driving, working, and
    social opportunities and also affect self-esteem.
    But remember, you can influence how epilepsy
    will affect you.
  • Most peoples epileptic seizures can be
    controlled. Some people end their seizures with
    the first medication they try. Others will need
    to partner with their Neuro-Oncologist or
    epileptologist to find the right dosage and
    combination of medications, especially as brain
    tumors can change geometry and location.

Take Control of Managing Seizures
  • Understand your epilepsy, including your seizure
  • Make sure to talk to your Neuro-Oncologist or
    epileptologist about all available treatment
  • Fill out a medical history and seizure calendar,
    so you can become involved in your medical care
  • Learn how to communicate well with your
    neurologist and his or her staff

Take Control of Managing Seizures
  • Bring your epilepsy medications or a detailed
    printed list to each Neuro-Oncology visit Take
    your medication regularly.
  • Linking this to a routine may be helpful (when
    you brush your teeth, prepare for bed, etc.).
  • There are also devices that can help like a
    watch that beeps when your dose is due or special
    blister packaging that is pre-dosed Get enough
    sleep- lack of it can bring on epileptic seizures

  • Questionnaire and informational handout regarding
    seizure control.

Common Myths
  • Epilepsy is contagious
  • People may swallow their tongue during a seizure
  • Putting things in peoples mouths (like wallets
    or a stick) while seizing is a good idea
  • Ambulance should be called immediately
  • If the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, it
    is their first seizure, they request an
    ambulance, or have multiple seizures in a row

  • In most instances, there is a zero-tolerance
    policy for seizure control but there are
  • Most commonly, we have to strike a balance
    between seizure control and toxicity of
  • Seizures are often a frightening experience which
    in turn can make them tricky to discern from
    emotional repercussions such as panic, abnormal
    movements such as from spasticity, etc. As
    usual, knowledge gives us power to gain control
    over even the toughest situations

Work Cited
  • http//www.epilepsyfoundation.org/about/faq/index.
  • http//www.umm.edu/ency/article/003200.htm
  • http//www.epilepsy.com/101/ep101_epilepsy
  • http//healthlink.mcw.edu/article/921725959.html
  • http//professionals.epilepsy.com/page/seizures_cl

Work Cited
  • http//www.epilepsy.ca/eng/content/types.htmlanch
  • http//www.keppra.com/pc/about_keppra/how_keppra_w
  • http//www.vhi.ie/hfiles/hf-066.jsp
  • http//ca.geocities.com/epilepsy911/epilepsyfacts.

Work Cited
  • http//epilepsy.emedtv.com/valproic-acid/valproic-
  • http//www.tiscali.co.uk/lifestyle/healthfitness/h
  • http//www.netdoctor.co.uk/medicines/100002607.htm
  • http//www.bellaireneurology.com/seizure/epil_trt_
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