Title: Last Genetics Seminar
1 Last Genetics Seminar Functional genomics in a
basal chordate High-throughput screens for
regulatory DNA David Keys, Joint Genome
Institute US Department of Energy, Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, Walnut Creek,
CA Wed., Feb. 23 400 PM BI 234
2Figure 11.9
3Figure 11.10 Enteroviruses and Flaviviruses
4Figure 11.11 Leaky scanning and editing in Sendai
virus P/C gene
5Figure 11.12 Re-initiation of translation
Figure 11.13 Suppression of termination
7Fig. A.21B Retro
8Figure 11.14 Frameshifting RSV makes either the
gag protein (normal translation) or a gag-pol
fusion protein or
9Figure 11.14 Frameshifting RSV makes either the
gag protein (normal translation) or a gag-pol
fusion protein or
10Figure 11.15 dsRNA activated PK
11(No Transcript)
12Fig. 11.16
13Fig 11.17
14Fig. 11.18
15Fig. 11.19
16Fig. 11.20
17Box 11.4
18Chapter 14 Dissemination, Virulence and
19Box 14.1, Transgenic and KO mice
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22Figure 14.2 Virus entry in the respiratory tract
23Figure 14.5 Kinetics of viral replication and
immune responses
24Figure 14.7 Entry Dissemination and spread of
blood-born viruses
25Four Classes of Viral Virulence Genes Coded
proteins may 1. Affect the ability of the virus
to replicate 2. Modify the host defense
mechanisms 3. Facilitate virus spread in and
among hosts 4. Are directly toxic.
26Figure 14.10 Mousepox Pathogenesis
27Figure 14.18 Flu infectivity requires a host
28Box 14.7 Activation of Plasminogen and HA
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31Figure 14.20 Seasonal variation
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