Title: GOES8 to GOES12 Transition
1GOES-8 to GOES-12 Transition
- Direct Readout Conference
- Cindy Hampton
- NESDIS/Office of Satellite Operations
- Background
- Operational Transition Requirements
- Schedule
- Start Up Activity
- Product Transition
- Issues and Concerns
- GOES-8 Launched April 13, 1994
- GOES-8 Last Inclination maneuver
December 2002 - Partial maneuver due to amount of fuel remaining
- Inclination requirement exceeded in April 2003
0.5 degrees - GOES-12 launched in July 2001 and currently in
storage mode at 105W.
Sept 2, 1994
4Operational Transition Requirements
- Minimal impact to users no requirement to
re-point GVAR antennas - Provide sufficient testing period to evaluate
GOES-12 performance by OSDPD, OSO and users - Maintain continuous GOES-12 GVAR once has
returned to normal on-orbit mode. - A single switch for users from GOES-8 to GOES-12
GVAR - Minimize RF interference during transition
5SOCC Schedule
- Return GOES-12 to On-orbit mode January 9
- Perform GOES-12 yearly north-south maneuver
January 14 - Start GOES-12 Eastward Drift from 110W towards
75W (0.4 deg per day) January 17 - Turn on Solar X-Ray Imager (SXI) High Voltage
Power Supply and begin Imaging January 21 - Perform Image Navigation and Registration (INR)
Recovery January 20-24 - Provide GVAR for user testing during drift
January 24-March 31
6SOCC Schedule
- GOES-12 reaches 81W March 31
- Perform swap of GOES-12 GVAR data for GOES-8 as
GOES-East using GOES-8 GVAR transponder. - GOES-8 data would be available as backup via a
ground patch. - Continue GOES-8 normal housekeeping schedule
- GOES-12/GOES-8 Cross Over April 20
7SOCC Schedule
- Stop GOES-12 drift at 74.5W April 22
- Communication Services switch over (e.g. WEFAX,
EMWIN, DCS, SARSAT) - Start GOES-8 westward drift maneuver towards
105W April 24 - GOES-12 Imagery outage for 2 hours due to RF
command interference. GOES 10 Full Disk
8Start Up ActivityJanuary 9-24
- Scan Mirror Contamination Avoidance
- Outgassing if required
- Radiometric Calibration with ORA
- INR Start up
- SXI High Voltage Turn On
- Scanning with sun by slewing solar array
9GOES-12 Product Testing
- Products previously tested during NOAA Science
Test Held from September 23, 2001 through October
27, 2001 - Change in imager resolution and spectral bands
resulted in more extensive product implementation
and testing - 4km Channel 5 (12.0 µm) replaced with 8km
Channel 6 (13.3 µm) - Resolution on Channel 3 (6.7 µm) improved from
8km to 4km - GOES-12 data continued through December 16, 2001
- Data ingested and products created and tested in
conjunction with ORA (Office of Research and
Applications) - GOES-12 placed in storage December 20, 2001
10Ingest Capability Prior to 03/31/03
- Imager and sounder data to be made available
- NWS NCEPs, N-AWIPS, AWIPS (test bed)
- External users will be able to access GVAR data
directly from GOES-12 prior to March 31, 2003 - NCEP - AWC, TPC via own antennas
- Private companies i.e. WSI, AccuWeather
- Other Direct Readout Customers
11Product Readiness
- Primary NWS Usage AWIPS
- AWIPS Readiness
- Successful stream testing during NOAA Science
Test with NWS Test Network Control Facility (TNCF
McLean, VA) - All AWIPS builds can handle GOES-12 Changes
- Plans for additional final testing during move of
GOES-12 prior to March 31, 2003
12Product Readiness
- GOES Products Ready Include
- Winds, Radiances, Imager and Sounder ASOS SCP
(Automated Surface Observing System Satellite
Cloud Product), AutoEstimator, Sounder DPI
(Derived Product Imagery), Remapped Imagery
AWIPS, N-AWIPS and McIDAS (Man computer
Interactive Data Access System), WEFAX / LRIT,
SST (Sea Surface Temperature), CSBT (Clear Sky
Brightness Temperature, experimental) - GOES Products Discontinued Due to Band 5 to 6
Changes - Imager DPI, and some volcano products
- All used internally within SSD. Replacement
products available - GOES Products Planned Readiness
- GSIP (GOES Solar Insulation Product) code by Dec
from ORA - ABBA (Advanced Biomass Burning Algorithm) code by
Dec from CIMSS
13GOES 8 to 12 Transition
G12 Station ?, 0.40 deg/day (75 days)
SXI Turn On 1/21/03
Swap GOES 8 GVAR With GOES 12 3/31/03
G12 Return To On-Orbit Mode 1/9/03
Provide GVAR For Test 1/24/03
GOES 12 Reaches 75W 4/22/03
Delivery of Winds Radiances Products by
All GOES-12 Products Tested and Validated 03/07/03
All GOES - East Products Produced from GOES-12
Comm Services Switched To GOES-12 4/22/03
Additional AWIPS Testing
14For more information GOES-8 to GOES-12
Transition Plan http//www.oso.noaa.gov/goes/index