Title: AST103 Astronomy 2: The Milky Way
1AST103 Astronomy 2 The Milky Way University
Elective Unit
Explore our Galaxy and beyond!
- Introduction to Astronomy
- Light, gravitation, telescopes
- Stars and Stellar Evolution
- Our Sun and the nature of stars
- Neutron stars black holes
Two galaxies merging through their mutual
gravitational attraction How do stars and
galaxies form?
- Galaxies and Cosmology
- Quasars, active galaxies
- Origin and evolution of the Universe, the Big
Bang - Extraterrestrial life?
2A young, open cluster of stars NGC 6823
Ideal for study by anyone with an enquiring,
scientific mind!
- Stars and Stellar Evolution
- Our Sun, Nature of Stars, Birth and Death of
Stars - Einstein Astronomy Neutron Stars Black
- Galaxies and Cosmology
- Our Galaxy, Galaxies, Quasars, Active Galaxies,
Gamma-Ray Bursters, Cosmology, Dark Matter Dark
Energy, Exploring the Early Universe, The Search
for Extraterrestrial Life
3Exciting Universe Textbook with Extensive
Fully up-to-date text book Universe with CD-ROM
and On-Line Support (2005) http//www.whfreeman.co
4Universal Questions
- How can the structure of the whole
- Universe be studied?
- Cosmology
- What is the Big Bang?
- How large and how old is the Universe?
- How were chemical elements created?
- What is the ultimate fate of the Universe?
- What is the cosmic microwave background?
On-Line Animations and VideosInto the Heart of
a Type II Supernova
- Galaxies
- How are galaxies structured?
- When did they form? How do they evolve?
- Is our own Milky Way galaxy typical?
- Are there massive black holes at the centre of
all galaxies? - What are quasars and active galaxies?
5Topical and Newsworthy
The media will be reporting on the latest news
- Supernovae
- What triggered this event in a nearby galaxy?
- Why are supernova so important?
- Massive Black Holes
- Is there a black hole in this galactic centre?
- How can we find out?
- Star Birth and Life
- How are new stars born within nebulae?
- Could life evolve there as well?
6On-line Tests
with immediate results
- Practice
- multiple attempts
- large question bank
- Assessment 1
- 4 short MCQ tests
- 50 contribution
- 40 overall to pass
Cassini-Huygens spacecraft reached Saturn (July
2004) Huygens landing on Titan (January 2005)
7CLEA Experiment 1 Stellar Spectra
How can we learn about stars from their spectra?
- Virtual Instrumements
- record observations
- analyse results
- Assessment
- test based on worksheet
- 50 x 1/3 contribution
- 40 overall to pass
Contemporary Experiences in Astronomy Classificati
on of Stellar Spectra
8CLEA Experiments 2 3
Day time computer-based observations of stars
and galaxies
- Virtual Telescope
- find the distance to a star cluster
- determine the age of the universe
- use your own observations
Photoelectric Photometry of the
Pleiades Contemporary Experiences in
Astronomy Hubble Redshift
- Assessment
- test based on worksheet
- 50 x 2/3 contribution
- 40 overall to pass
9Clanfield Observatory http//www.hantsastro.org.uk
24 inch reflecting telescope
See the night sky for real!
- Hampshire Astronomical Group
- Tour, demonstrations, talks
- and observations
5 inch refractor
- Two or more visits per semester
- free of charge
- regardless of weather!
- Solar System and deep sky
- wide range of telescopes equipment
- solar observing
10South Downs Planetarium http//www.southdowns.org.
See the night sky in any weather!
- Educational Value
- helps understanding
- lively presentations
- highlights topical events
10 metre dome 100 seat star theatre Largest
planetarium in the South
- One visit per semester
- free of charge
- free transport
- regardless of weather!
11Interactive Classes
See the night sky in any weather!
- Educational Value
- helps understanding
- lively presentations
- highlights topical events
individual handset Ask the Audience anonymous
- One visit per semester
- free of charge
- free transport
- regardless of weather!
12Where is dark matter in galaxies like the
Further Information
Astronomy 2 The Milky Way marco.bruni_at_port.ac.uk
Mercantile House, Floor 7 http//www.whfreeman.co
- Follow-On Units
- Level 3 unit AST304Stars, Black Holes and
Cosmology - Level 2 Astrobiology (2005/6)
What is at the heart of the Crab nebula?