Title: Creating Your Own Media Empire
1Creating Your Own Media Empire 1. Start a blog
2- Creating Your Own Media Empire
- Start a blogOne of the more curious angles to
emerge from the scandal surrounding Foley is the
creation of a little-known Web site called Stop
Sex Predators. It was at that site on September
24, four days before ABC News reported Foley's
e-mails with a 16-year-old page, that the Florida
congressman's correspondence first appeared
(CNN, October 5, 2006).
3- Creating Your Own Media Empire
- Start a blog- blogger.com- xanga.com-
4(No Transcript)
5Creating Your Own Media Empire 1. Start a blog 2.
Promote it with an e-newsletter
6Creating Your Own Media Empire 1. Start a blog 2.
Promote it with an e-newsletter -
constantcontact.com - jangomail.com -
7Creating Your Own Media Empire 1. Start a blog 2.
Promote it with an e-newsletter 3. Reinforce it
with a podcast
8Creating Your Own Media Empire 1. Start a blog 2.
Promote it with an e-newsletter 3. Reinforce it
with a podcast - microphone (USB is good)
- digital audio recorder - free audio
editing software (Audacity
audacity.sourceforge.net) - hosting space
(switchpod.com, if you don't already have
a Web site) - be sure to register it at
iTunes (free, but requires a credit card
number for identification)