Title: On the Dark Energy EoS: Reconstructions and Parameterizations
1On the Dark Energy EoS Reconstructions and
National Cosmology Workshop Dark Energy Week
- Dao-Jun Liu
- (Shanghai Normal University)
- 2008-12-9
- Introduction
- Model-Independent Method reconstruction
- Parameterize the EoS
- functional form approach
- binned approach
- How to select a parameterization
- Discussions
- The quantities that describe DE
- EOS contain clues crucial to understanding the
nature of dark energy. - Deciphering the properties of EOS from data
involves a combination of robust analysis and
clear interpretation.
4Meeting point of observation and theory
- Comoving distance
- Luminosity distance
- Angular diameter distance
5Direct reconstruction
- Really model-independent, but
- Contains 1st and 2nd derivatives of comoving
distance - direct taking derivatives of data ----
noisy - fitting with a smooth function ---- bias
introduced -
6Another approach to non-parametric reconstruction
Shafieloo 2007
the Gaussian filter
A quantity needed to be given beforehand
Another choice the top-hat filter
7Two classes of parameterization
8Non-binned Parameterizations (models)
- How to Parameterize the EOS functionally?
- Fit the data well
- the motivation from a physical point of view
should be at the top priority - Regular asymptotic behaviors both at late and
early times - Simplicity
9Single parameter models
Network of cosmic strings
Domain wall
10Two-parameter parameterizations
- The linear-redshift parameterization (Linear)
- The Upadhye-Ishak-Steinhardt parameterization
(UIS) can avoid above problem,
not viable as it diverges for z gtgt 1 and
therefore incompatible with the constraints from
CMB and BBN.
11Two-parameter parameterizations
Sahni et al. 2003
12CPL Parameterization
Chevallier Polarski, 2001 Linder, 2003
Reduction to linear redshift behavior at low
reshift Well-behaved, bounded behavior for high
redshift high- accuracy in reconstructing many
scalar field EOS
13Two two-parameter parameterization families
Both have the reasonable asymptotical behavior at
high z. n 1 in both families corresponding
CPL. n 2 one in Family II is the
Jassal-Bagla-Padmanabhan parameterization (JBP),
which has the same EOS at the present epoch and
at high z, with rapid variation at low z.
14Multi-parameter parameterizations
Fast phase transition parameterization
Bassett et al 2002
Oscillating EOS
Feng et al 2002
15Multi-parameter parameterizations
- More parameters mean more degrees of freedom for
adaptability to observations, at the same time
more degeneracy in the determination of
parameters. - For models with more than two parameters, they
lack predictability and even the next generation
of experiments will not be able to constrain
16Summary of functional approach
Advantage Localization is guaranteed,
straightforward physical interpretation of
parameters is allowed
Drawback Fitting data to an assumed functional
form leads to possible biases in the
determination of properties of the dark energy
and its evolution, especially if the true
behavior of the dark energy EOS differs
significantly from the assumed form
17Binned parameterizations
- 1) dividing the redshift interval
- into N bins not
necessarily equal widths
N?, bias ?
changing the binning variable from z to a or
lna is equivalent to changing the bins to
non-uniform widths in z.
Baseline EOS, e.g. w_b -1
18 Information localization problem
de Putter Linder 2007
The curves of information are far from sharp
spikes at z z, indicating the cosmological
information is difficult to localize and
19The measure of uncertainty
Information within a localized region is also not
invariant when considering changes in the number
of bins or binning variable.
It is hard to define a measure of uncertainty in
the EOS estimation that does not depend on the
specific binning chosen.
de Putter Linder 2007
20Direct Binning
- simply considering the values in a small number
of redshift bins. - Localization is guaranteed, straightforward
physical interpretation is allowed - correlations in their uncertainties are retained
This is only just one kind of functional form of
parameterization !
21Principle Component Analysis (PCA)
Huterer Starkman, 2003
- effectively making the number of bins very large,
diagonalizing the Fisher matrix and using its
eigenvectors as a basis - Selecting a small set of the best determined
modes, i.e. the principle component and throwing
away the others
Advantage the parameter uncertainties is
- Problems
- 1. Calculate eigenmodes in which coordiante?
- in principle, an infinite number of
choice - 2. Best determined is not well defined
de Putter Linder 2007
22uncorrelated bin approach
- using a small number of bins, diagonalizing and
scaling the Fisher matrix in an attempt to
localize the decorrelated EOS parameters
Using the square root of Fisher matrix as weight
The information is not fully localized !
4 bins
Huterer Cooray, 2005.
4 bins
Huterer Cooray, 2005.
23Summary of binned parameterizations
- Result depends on the scheme of binning, so they
are not actually model independent - EOS is discontinuous
- Decorrelated parameters that are not readily
interpretable physically or phenomenally are of
limited use. After all, our goal is understanding
the physics, not obtaining particular statistical
24Smoothing the bins
Zhao, Huterter, Zhang 2008
25Fitting data to the proposed models
Starobinsky et.al 2004
Non-parametric reconstruction
Daly Djorgovski 2004
Riess et.al ,2007
Polynomial parameterization
Zhao et.al. 2007.
26Fisher matrix method to fit data to the models
Goodness of fit
The distribution of errors in the measured
Fisher matrix
The error on the EOS
27How to compare these models
Under this circumstance, this method is invalid !
The above Bayes approach only works in the
condition that fittings of models are distinctly
how do we compare them? Or, what parametrization
approach should be used to probe the nature of
dark energy in the future experiments? Needs
another figure of merit!
28- In this situation, a model that can be more
easily disproved should be selected out ! - 1st candidate cosmological constant (no
parameter model) - 2nd candidate (1 parameter)
- So, today, distinguishing dark energy from a
cosmological constant is a major quest of
observational cosmology.
3rd candidate (2 parameter model) What?
29Figures of Merit
It does not work! Because the area of the error
ellipse has only relative meaning.
30The area of the band
LDJ et al, 2008
The justification of this measure lies in that
our ultimate goal is to constrain the shape of
w(z) as much as we can from the data.
31LDJ et al, 2008
- Binned parameterizations are not strictly form
independent. - Although, the modes, and their uncertainties,
depend on binning variable, PCA is useful in
obtaining what qualities of the data are best
constrained. - In doing data fitting, physical motivated
functional form parameterization and a binned EOS
should be in compement with each other. - To test a dynamical DE model, CPL
parameterization may not be a preferred
33Thank you!