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8Lets try a search for Mozart.
To search for music examples written by Mozart,
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9Select Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus from the list.
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Example of music using Scorch plug in.
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Some of the many categories you can search
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Lets search for a pop group.
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16Next select a performer within Popular genres.
Lets choose ABBA!
17Remember, to find more information about ABBA
you can use the navigation options.
18How do I search for Sopranos who were born in
Sydney between 1920 and 1950?
Using the Biographies search, you can refine by
exact dates, towns or cities.
19Select Biographies from the Advanced Search
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...and soprano in here.
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25Lets select the Interactive 3D illustration!
26By selecting Parts and Features, you can
learn much more about the violin...
By rotating the image you can view the violin
from every angle!
27Here are some examples!
28How do I search for music festivals?
29Select Research Resources.
30Select Festivals (a selective list).
Do explore Research Resources. Theres lots of
information here!
31You can search by country, city, frequency or by
the founding date of the festival!
32Grove Music Online also offers many other
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The End