Title: Prescription Drugs and Medicare
1Prescription Drugsand Medicare
John Rother Director Policy Strategy
2MedicareRx Drug Coverage The Need
- Pharmaceutical coverage isnt just about money
its also about managing healthcare - Modern Rx drugs
- Control chronic conditions
- Protect against acute episodes
- Reverse course of disease, in some cases
- And, improve the quality of life
3What ARE total Rx drug costs?
For Beneficiaries
Approximately 40 million Medicare beneficiaries
CBO Projected 2006
4Fiscal Context of Rx Drug Act
Waiting meant great risks
- Growing projected deficits -- federal and
state - Aging boomers increase cost estimates in
out-years - Rx prices increasing, esp. new drugs
- So, same benefit gets much more expensive with
every years delay
5Fiscal Context of Rx Drug Act
- Allocated 400b in Budget Resolution
- Achieved 410b total benefit, with offsets
- Provider givebacks (raised payments) were
largely self-financed - Related employer tax incentives were outside
this budget
6The Fiscal Context
- How 410b in benefits equals 395b
in estimated total costs
(Still the best 10-year estimate)
710-Year Total Federal Spending/Savings Under
Medicare Drug Law 395b
Source CBO Estimate of H.R. 1
8The Standard Benefit Design
- 35 monthly premium
- 250 annual deductible
- 75 coverage until 2250 total Rx cost
- Hole between 2250/yr total Rx cost 3600/yr
out-of-pocket (2850 out-of-pket) - After out-of-pocket 3600/yr, then 95 coverage
(The greater of 5 co-pay or 2
generic/5 brand applies, each Rx) - (Stop-loss threshold 5100 total Rx cost )
- if person has no supplemental coverage
9The Benefit Design
250 2250 3600
out-of-pocket Total Rx Rx
Spending Spending
35/mo premium (420/yr in 2006)
Referred to as the DONUT HOLE
10How much help?
- Assuming no other Rx drug coverage, how much
will the new law help enrollees?
11Impact of new law in 2006
The Benefit Design
12How much help?
- How much will the new law help low-income
13Low-Income Protections
- Dually eligible are in Medicare for Rx --
get special benefits beginning
2006 - Offers Medicare discount card as a
transition benefit for low-income without
other Rx coverage adds 600/yr - Began June 1, 2004
and ends January 2006
1413.4 Million Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries
Helped by Medicare Rx Act
2003 CBO Estimate
1513.4 Million Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries
- Asset limits are for singles
- Couples 9,000 or 20,000 limits depending
on benefit - 2006 estimated FPL 100 9,600/13,000
- FPL 135 13,000/17,600
- FPL 150 14,400/19,500
- For beneficiaries in a few states with more
generous Medicaid programs, copays under this
legislation may be higher than they currently pay
16Employer-provided Retiree Health Coverage
- Feds to subsidize 28 of Rx costs between
250-5000 in 2006 for firms offering actuarial
equivalent of Medicare - (if their retirees do not also enroll in
Part D) - CBO estimate 17-23 might lose Rx coverage (2.7
million) -est. based on final legislation - EBRI est 2-9 (Employers will drop future benefits anyway due
to spiraling costs.
17Employer-provided Retiree Health Coverage
- Allocates 71b in direct subsidies now tax free
for employers who offer retirees Rx drug
coverage equivalent to Medicare
18Employer-provided Retiree Health Coverage
- Typical employer Expected to retain benefits
for present near-retirees -- limit for future
retirees - Large employers most likely to wrap-around
Medicare Rx, surveys in 2002 indicated
19Medicare Structural Changes
Strengthening Medicare for all beneficiaries
- Adds chronic care management
- New prevention benefits, includes Welcome to
Medicare physical - Electronic prescribing for doctors and pharmacies
- Voluntary, can choose either
- Stand-alone plans sponsored by PBMs
- PPO/HMO plans (Medicare Advantage)
- No plan, pay no premium
- Annual open-season
- Late sign-up penalties 1 per month, or as HHS
Sec determines
21Private Insurance Plans
- Their benefit design could differ but based on
same actuarial value as Medicare Rx and could
offer supplemental coverage - Federal fallback if plans withdraw, etc.,
would provide Standard Benefit only
22Federal Fallback
- HHS Secretary contracts with PBM to deliver
benefits on reduced-risk basis if not 1 private
stand-alone plan 1 other private plan in area - HHS Sec will have authority to vary risk
private plans incur (to encourage
entrance into market)
23Private Insurance Plans
- Overpaid 7 on average (Can that last?)
- Slush Fund of 12 billion
- Non-negotiable item for GOP
- (A faith-based initiative)
24Medicare Income-Relating
- No Medicare means-testing
- All beneficiaries eligible for same benefit
- 2004 Part B premium
- 66.60/mo 25 of cost of program
- 2006 will Income-relate Part B
- 80 -100,000 pay 35 of cost
- 100 -150,000 pay 50
- 150 -200,000 pay 65
- 200,000 pay 80
- Income is per person, not per couple
25Medicare Cost-sharing
- Current Part B deductible
- 100 (unchanged for 13 years)
- Deductible increased to 110
- Indexed to the increase in
total Medicare Part B costs
26Potential Threats to Medicare Premium Support
- Turned into a demo that will never happen
- Demo in up to 6 cities, begin 2010
- Puts traditional Medicare in competition with
Medicare private plans, if implemented - Risks higher Part B premiums as result of
risk-selection, other factors - Low-income are exempt, others in traditional
Medicare cannot have premiums raised more than 5
per year
27Potential Threats to MedicareBudget Limit
- General Revenues capped at 45 of total program
costs - Turned into a requirement that President only
submit remedies - No requirement on Congress to act
- Nonsensical standard
- - Unlike Part A Trust Fund
28Potential Threats to Medicare Structural Changes
Health savings accounts begin in 2004
- New tax-preferred savings accounts linked to
individual high-deductible health insurance - Issue Do these accounts undermine group
29Drug cost-containment measures not enough
- Current increase over 13 per year
- Relies on PBMs to negotiate with huge buying
power ( 30 cost) - Speeds approval of generics
- Funds research on effectiveness
- Allows preferred drug lists and
30Key AARP Judgments
- What is real vs what is symbolic
- What is an opportunity for the future vs what is
a risk - The price of further delay
- Coverage always precedes cost containment
31Why AARP SUPPORTED new law
- Locks in a drug benefit in Medicare that we can
build upon - 13-14 million poor near-poor elders get
generous, seamless benefit - Everyone who joins will be protected by 95
coverage after 3600 out-of-pckt - Critical to start effort to get Rx drug costs
under control NOW - 400 billion that may not come again
32Prescription Drugsand Medicare