Title: eHealth Initiative 5th Annual Conference
1eHealth Initiative5th Annual Conference
- Washington, DC
- December 5, 2008
2- Engaging Consumers Patients
- The Role of Health IT
- William J. Hall, M.D.Board Member
3Issues for Obama, McCain All Voters
4- Â Health reform is now framed as an economic
5- Pressures now creating a need for
6Rise in Health Care Costs per capita
Source Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services, Office of the Actuary, National Health
Statistics Group and U.S. Department of
Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis and Bureau
of the Census. As reported in Health Affairs,
March/April 2008
7Total of Uninsured
SOURCE Bureau of Census, Health Insurance
Coverage 2007 Highlights http//www.census.gov
8Number of age 50-64 Uninsured
SOURCE CPS, 2006, as analyzed by AARP Public
Policy Institute, C. Figueiredo
93 out of 4 declaring medical bankruptcy were
INSURED when the illness began
10A Family Health Care Policy
Polls show . . .
- Average cost 15,000 per year
People are worried.
American dream. . .
. . .slipping away
11More on Health Care than. . .
12The Publics Health Care Priorities
Can each be achieved through Health IT
- Make health insurance more affordable 45
- Expand coverage for uninsured 22
- Improve Medicare Rx Drug program 11
- Improve quality and reduce errors 11
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14Over 9 in 10 AARP Members want
- Doctors to use e-prescribing or tele-pharmacy
to check their medication history - Doctors to check their insurance coverage as
scripts are written-- so they know whether their
plan will pay for prescribed drug - Doctors to send their prescriptions
electronically to their pharmacy so its ready to
pick-up on the way home
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18A demand for all elected officials to
overcome gridlock and act together to promote
health and economic security
19DIVIDED we fail.
20Shouldnt the people who live in the
strongest, greatest, wealthiest country in the
world be able to enjoy a lifetime of long-term
financial and health security? Shouldnt our
leaders be able to work together to find
solutions to the challenges that we all face?
The answer is an emphatic and resounding
YES. Thats why AARP, the Business Roundtable,
NFIB, and the Service Employees International
Union have come together to urge leadership and
action on the issues of health care and
long-term financial security.
Thats why AARP, the Business Roundtable, NFIB,
and the Service Employees International Union
have come together to urge leadership and action
on the issues of health care and long-term
financial security.
21 More than 100 Supporting Organizations
From Consumer Federation to
Republican Main Street Partnership
Committed to working across party lines on
policies to give all Americans access to
quality, affordable health care and lifetime
financial security
22DIVIDED we fail.
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25Focus of the Obama Administration
- Economic survival
- Stabilizing the financial system
- Will include Health Reform!
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