Title: Building the Ultimate Board: Maximizing Impact
1Building the Ultimate BoardMaximizing Impact
- Kay Sprinkel Grace, Presenter
- April 24, 2009 830 1030 a.m.
- Hillsboro, Oregon
2What We Will Cover
- Welcome, introductions, overview and participant
expectations - Defining an ultimate board or board member
(discussion) - AAA Boards and the culture of philanthropy
- Discussion of leadership assets and deficits in
your organizations and remedies/strategies - Mission, vision and values and board motivation
- Putting it all together implementing these
strategies - Summary and close
3Defining The Ultimate Board and Board Member
- Impossible Dream?
- How does your board measure up?
- Discussion
4Ultimate Board Members Are
- Wise
- Visionary
- Assured that being a board member is one of the
most enriching experiences theyll ever have - Aware that service is frustrating at times and
exhilarating at others - Engaged in the idea that the role makes demands,
but gives huge rewards
5Ultimate Board Members Are(2)
- Cognizant of how the experience will connect them
with people who will add new dimensions to their
lives - Confident they are helping provide resources for
the present, and hope for the future - What else?
- Has this been your experience?
6How Satisfied Are You or Your Members?
- Three key factors determine long-term
satisfaction with board service - How much board members believe in the issues the
organization is addressing - How well the values of a board member match those
espoused by the organization and its leadership - How motivating the board finds the tasks to which
theyre assigned (AAA)
7Helping Board Members Evolve
- Motivate them by using the reasons they were
recruited expertise, connections,
representation from new constituencies, previous
experience as a starting point for building
board service - Offer information and presentations that will
expand their knowledge and inspire them - Help them stay close to the programs to stay
renewed, and give them great impact stories to
tell - Connect them with board members of other
organizations - Help them become informed advocates, passionate
8Qualities of an Effective Board
- Boards that work, work
- Standards for effectiveness that span different
types of boards - Clear mission that is revisited often and
understood - Shared vision for the organization and its
potential impact - Shared values among the board members that align
with the values of the organization - Goals and strategies are defined and endorsed
9Collective Wisdom, Individual Initiative
- In addition to individual responsibilities, a
duty to ensure that the board acts effectively as
a whole - Implement decisions once made
- Each individuals role is strengthened when s/he
participates as part of the group - Subvert mediocrity
10Board or Bored? Check Out Your Meetings
- Do your board meetings
- Promote a sense of teamwork
- Reinforce the shared vision
- Afford time to share stories and successes
- Connect board members with the work of staff
- Offer stimulation for ideas
- Provide opportunities for social interaction
- Reinforce the sense of the mission and its
importance in the community?
11 Role of the CEO
- Both leader and subject relative to the board
- Drucker A team of equals
- Dangers burnout, feeling unappreciated, boards
that micromanage rather than govern, too little
help with fund raising, below market pay scale - Power sharing what it takes to keep the
delicate balance - Clear understanding
- Well defined roles
- Good communication practices
- Mutual respect
12Board Members Resisting the Urge to Micromanage
- Even if you have great management experience,
dont try to run the organization
micromanagement is time consuming, frustrating
and nonproductive - The boards job is to govern it helps capable
CEOs flourish
13Resisting the Urge to Micromanage - 2
- Leverage board member skills through positive
actions - Strategic planning
- Development and fundraising
- Helping with performance objectives
- Working with the CEO and others on progress,
planning and other reports - Other skills or expertise they bring to the Board
room table
14Gathering the Ultimate Board
- Recruitment and Retention of
- Board Members
- Work from a recruitment matrix based on the
composition of the sitting board and the needs
indicated in your strategic plan - Continually think about and provide names of
potential board members - Recommend, dont recruit (use a process and a
policy) - Get to know potential board members
- Reach out to new members
- Model ultimate board membership through your
actions and involvement
16The Most Important Committee of the Board
- Board Development (Nominating, Committee on
Trustees, Committee on Directors) - Determines the future of the organization by its
selection of board members - Prepares and implements the policy, plan and
procedures for board recruitment - Encourages full board participation in submitting
names - Prepares and presents a slate of nominees and
officers - Organizes and conducts board orientation
- Builds relationships with board members
- Spearheads annual self-evaluation
17When a Board Member Isnt Working
- A challenging decision to de-enlist
- Be comforted most uninvolved board members are
looking for a gracious way out - Annual meetings with CEO, board chair and each
board member provide opportunities to prevent
drift or address the issue - Prune the deadwood, but find out why it is dying
18When Board Members Resign
- Reasons people leave boards
- Management has failed to meet financial
performance standards - Mission, vision and values have shifted or not
been followed - Other leaders have succumbed to mediocrity or
ambition (or abused power) - Time, circumstances or health have changed
- The organization is no longer a priority for them
- Resignation is a last resort
19Performance Factors
- Part content, part style and part dynamics
- Content
- Make good decisions, raise money, champion the
organization and do the boards work - Style
- Uniquely your own
- Dynamics
- Working with others to make your board work is
what makes the quality difference
20The Impact Board Members Have
- Powerful impact
- Organizational capacity increases
- Help create a dream board strong, dynamic and
well-functioning - The ultimate board member
- Draws on his/her gifts and talents willingly
- Offers his/her network of contacts appropriately
- Thinks beyond the boundaries when confronted with
a challenge yet thinks procedurally when the
organization needs to steady its course
21Creating a AAA Board
- Building a culture of philanthropy
22What is a Culture of Philanthropy?
- An attitude, more than anything involves the
full development team (Board, staff, non-board
volunteers, donor champions) - Organization-wide commitment to mission, vision
and values and building lasting relationships - An understanding that each interaction with
anyone from the community is part of the
development process
23Culture of Philanthropy? - 2
- Everyone thinks development (of relationships)
- All staff and all board and non-board volunteers
understand the importance and purpose of your
work - Visitors, employees, donors and volunteers feel
the culture when they are with you
24Defining a AAA Board
- A board with a AAA Rating is one where every
board member is motivated to be an Ambassador,
Advocate and/or Asker tapping into board member
motivation and designing assignments that are
specific and geared to the board members
motivation - Commitment to AAA at the board level spills into
the entire organization, engaging staff in
appropriate and supportive roles as well
25How Board Members Help Create a Culture of
- Ambassadors
- Making friends
- Building relationships
- Advocates
- Making the case (formal and informal)
- Key to solid board recruitment
- Askers
- Making the ask
- Front line fund raisers
- A role everyone can (and should) play
- Starring roles in relationship building through
cultivation of prospective donors and stewardship
of continuing donor-investors - Need to be well oriented and coached in the
message and the facts - Masters of the elevator speech (and the
elevator question) - Catalysts for donor-investor renewal
- Are all of your board members Ambassadors?
- On the golf course or in the car pool these
individuals are strategic in their information
sharing - They may also advocate for your organization on a
more formal basis with government, another
organization with which you are partnering or an
institutional funder - Are informed not only of the case for support,
but also are well integrated into your strategic
plan and vision - Are well coached on desired results of the
advocacy and how to handle objections - Do you have good Advocates on your board?
- Enjoy asking
- Well informed, well trained
- Matched with prospective donors (or current
donor-investors) for maximum possibility of
success - Teamed with another board asker or staff leader
- Staff organizes the ask so the Askers focus can
be on the single purpose of getting (or renewing)
the gift in a way that builds the relationship - Benefit from the work of the Ambassadors and
Advocates - Do you have Askers on your board?
29The AAA Rating
- Some will do it all (how many AAAs do you
have?) - Most will excel at one or two
- Motivation is increased when board members are
assigned to roles that draw on their skills and
align with their confidence zone - Create a AAA program on your board that engages
each member in a role that contributes to the
organizations advancement and helps everyone
feel respected and engaged - As motivation increases, you will find board
members moving among all the roles earning
their AAA!
30Creating a AAA Board andA Culture of Philanthropy
- How to keep the culture and leadership alive!
- Board, staff and non-board volunteer training and
orientation - Steady internal marketing and communication about
the impact of your philanthropy on your programs - Positive feedback showcase successes and
encourage people to keep engaging people
(newsletter, bulletin board, intranet) - Invest in it retreats, materials
31Creating a AAA Board andA Culture of Philanthropy
- Encourage each other (board and staff) to
- Be a champion and create champions
- Be a leader and create leaders
- Treat each gift as an investment each donor as
an investor - Be a steward of investments and investors
- Believe in philanthropy voluntary action for
the public good based in shared values - Market your successes in your community
32Tools for Setting Up a AAA Board
- Review of Handouts
- Survey and Summary Grid
33Moving from Transaction to Transformation
- The boards role in donor developmente and
fundraising - Keeping the donor-investor in the loop and
sustaining the relationship
34Transactional Bell Curve The Way We Have
Solicited Gifts
High Impact Philanthropy Kay Sprinkel Grace, Alan
35Transformational Infinity LoopThe Way We Can
Build Relationships
High Impact Philanthropy Kay Sprinkel Grace, Alan
36Maintaining the Relationship Requires Information
- Program impact
- Financial performance
- Return on donor investment relative to the
donors values - Responsiveness to changes in organization and
marketplace - Willingness to plan continually based on shifts
in the marketplace and to have working systems
and structures to support change
37Infinity Loop Keeping Your Donor-Investors
2. You Tailor Your Case
1. You Make Your Case
3. Your Donor Investors Champion Your Case
High Impact Philanthropy Kay Sprinkel Grace, Alan
Wendroff Adapted by Papilia, 2003
38(No Transcript)
39Positioning Your Organization as a Community
- 21st century philanthropy including board
member giving is increasingly done from a sense
of wanting to invest - Obligation is not a lasting motivation for giving
- People invest in impact, issues, ideas and want
involvement - You are the connectors that move community
investors into a relationship with your
organization - A gift to your organization is really a gift
through your organization into the community - People give because you meeting needs, not
because you have needs (key to investment
40Mission and the Ultimate Board Member
- A keeper of the mission
- Mission is why your organization exists the
human or societal need you are meeting - Board members have to master the mission and
insist on a strong mission statement - To keep the mission, board members have to be
able to articulate it and stay connected with the
mission (mission moments, e.g.) - Windows vs- mirrors keep the mission fresh
41Mission Example
- Vector Health Programs (medical agency treating
hands) - Next to the human face, hands are our most
expressive feature. We talk with them. We work
with them. We play with them. We comfort and
love with them. An injury to the hand affects a
person professionally and personally. At
Vector Health Programs, we give people back the
use of their hands.
42Mission Example
- For a campaign brochure for the Science Museum of
Minnesota - From ancient chipped stone tools, to modern
computer chips, ingenuity is the human signature.
We seek to understand and mimic a world and
universe in which we are newcomers, to fly with
birds, to communicate at the speed of light.
This scientific quest is written in things we can
touch, each of them a window to the future. At
the Science Museum of Minnesota, we touch the
future, hands on.
43Vision and the Ultimate Board Member
- Leaders share the vision with others
- Vision is larger than the organization it is a
vision of the community if the organization is
successful - Board members must be able to convey the vision
it is key to engaging other board members and
donors in the organization - The boards vision will inspire others, including
44Head Start Organization in New Orleans
- Our vision is that every child in the greater New
Orleans area will be ready when it is time to
start school.
45Values and the Ultimate Board Member
- Board members are champions and guardians of the
organizations values - John W. Gardner Affirming values
- Nonprofits are driven by values, so is
philanthropy important to keep them aligned - A board members own commitment to values is
first - Ensure that marketing and development materials
reflect the values - Know how to articulate the values
Based in values
Uncovers shared values
Fund Raising
Gives people opportunities to act on their values
47An Expression of Values
- A thank you card sent to institutional and
individual donors to a special campaign for a
university library flooding emergency - Your gift to the Stanford University Libraries
helps us assemble the sources, the arguments, the
hypotheses, the wisdom and controversies of the
ages. For all those here, and those yet to come,
please accept our gratitude. - Michael Keller, Librarian
48Stepping Up to the Challenge
- Reflect on what you have heard and learned, and
pick one idea out that changed your thinking and
be prepared to share with the others - Then, working as organizational teams, list 3 5
ideas you have about how you can work more
effectively together. You may select tasks from
the AAA survey or use them as a guide. - Be prepared to tell others what you are planning
to do.
49My Closing Thoughts
- Potential for change and impact is huge
50The Impact Board Members Have
- Powerful impact
- Organizational capacity increases
- Help create a dream board strong, dynamic and
well-functioning - The ultimate board member
- Draws on his/her gifts and talents willingly
- Offers his/her network of contacts appropriately
- Thinks beyond the boundaries when confronted with
a challenge yet thinks procedurally when the
organization needs to steady its course
51Druckers thoughts.
- The leaders who work most effectively, it seems
to me, never say "I." And that's not because they
have trained themselves not to say "I." They
don't think "I." They think "we" they think
"team." They understand their job to be to make
the team function. They accept responsibility and
don't sidestep it, but "we" gets the credit. This
is what creates trust, what enables you to get
the task done. - Peter Drucker
52John W. Gardners Thought.
- Most important, leaders can conceive and
articulate goals that lift people out of their
petty preoccupations and unite them in pursuit of
objectives worthy of their best efforts. - John W. Gardner
53Building the Ultimate BoardMaximizing Impact
- Kay Sprinkel Grace, Presenter
- kaysprinkelgrace_at_aol.com
- 415-831-2923