Title: Mary P' Van Mullekom
1Integrated IT Workforce Strategic Development
and Implementation Plan
- Mary P. Van Mullekom
- Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for IT
- February 25, 2002
- Where are we?
- Where are we going?
- How will we get there?
- Challenges
- Opportunities
- Summary
3One-VA To Be EAPhysical Infrastructure
4The Most CriticalQuestion?
- What Do We Need to Do to Meet the IT Workforce
Requirements for 2005? - IT Workforce to Acquire, Manage, and Oversee
systems - IT Workforce to Develop Systems
- IT Workforce to Operate Systems
5Who Will Decide?
- Answer We will!
- The IT Workforce!
6Project Management OversightMilestone 0 Review
- What problem are you solving?
- Mapping to VAPG?
- Projects architecture?
- Milestone 0 Zachman cells?
- Technical approach?
- Organization?
- Project manager assigned?
- Workload distribution?
- Government?
- Industry?
- Acquisition strategy?
- Schedule?
- ROM life cycle cost?
- Critical Success Factors?
- Major Risks?
- What is required for your project?
- Reports, studies analyses
- Meetings reviews
- Etc.
Basic questions to warrant project initiation
7Project Management OversightMilestone I Review
by ITB
- Project description?
- Concept of operations?
- Project requirements?
- Projects architecture?
- Milestone I Zachman cells?
- Updated technical approach?
- Organization?
- Personnel assigned?
- Detailed schedule defined?
- Acquisition plan?
- Fielding strategy?
- Operational support strategy?
- Training, documentation, etc.
- Detailed life cycle cost?
- 300B Budget exhibit?
- Return on Investment (ROI)?
- Analysis of Alternatives?
- Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)?
- Risk management plan?
Basic questions to warrant proceeding with
8Simply Put
- Is our Workforce Postured to meet tomorrows
workload Requirements?
9- What is happening to the workforce lately?
Is it aging? Do skills match
jobs? Is it being refreshed?
10Pending Retirements Raise Hurdles for Disaster
- Unless Congress, the Administration and
agencies take decisive action now to address the
projected staffing shortages, - We will have a government thats incapable of
- performing the missions we need to perform
- Federal Times, Nov 12, 2001
11Pending Retirements Raise Hurdles for the IT
- Unless WE / VA take decisive action now to
address the IT requirements for 2005, - We could have an IT community thats
incapable of performing the missions we need to
perform within VA in 2005!
12VA Personnel By Age(9/30/2001)
13IT Workforce by Age (01/02/02)
As of 1/2/02
14IT Workforce - Years of Service (01/02/02)
As of 1/2/02
15IT Workforce(01/02/02)
340? 391? 800? (etc.,
etc., etc.)
As of 1/2/02
16More Challenges
- In addition to the aging workforce
- Do we have the Right Mix of skills?
- Do we have the right grade levels?
- Do we have the right number of people?
- Should we perform a certain function or contract
for the service?
17Opportunity to
- Assess our workforce,
- Determine the future To Be Workforce,
- Develop an Implementation plan in parallel
with the One VA Enterprise Architecture!
18How we will get there
- Created a workgroup to address IT requirements
for the One-VA Enterprise Architecture - Kick-off meeting 01/17/02
- Workgroup is aggressively pursuing solutions
- Develop a Strategy and an implementation plan
- All stakeholders are represented in the group
19IT Workforce - Scope
- Develop an approach for the model.
- Breakdown the current As-Is Workforce Model
- Collect and Analyze Data
- Determine Future State To-Be Model
- Determine the Delta between As-is To-Be
- Build the Model
- Develop Detailed implementation Plan for FY2003
20IT Workforce-Scope(cont.)
- Develop Detailed implementation Plan for FY2004
and FY2005 - Develop a Workforce Sustainment Plan
- Recruiting? Attrition?
- Training? Individual development Plans?
- Performance Incentives/Rewards?
- Periodic re-assessment and re-adjustment of
required skills
21IT Workforce Model
Other Field
22IT Workforce Model
Tools Incentive
driven retirements, focused recruiting, and
23IT Workforce Strategic Implementation PlanTasks
24What about Metrics?
- How do we know whether we are meeting our goals?
- How do we know whether we need to adjust our
course? - How do we measure our effectiveness?
25Measurement 101 Progress, Performance and
Analysis Metrics
26How Do we ensure Success?
- We need to implement appropriately defined and
sized progress and performance metrics in our IT
workforce - Analysis Indicators -Understanding Data
- Progress Indicators Planned vs. Actual
- Success Indicators How close are we to the
goal? - Performance metrics need to be directly tied to
Departmental business objectives as they relate
to IT workforce
27How Do We EnsureProgress?
- Implement, Measure
- How effective is our Workforce?
- Do we need to change anything?
- Periodic re-assessment and re-adjustment of
required skills? - Re-Assess and Self-Correct!!!
- We Discussed
- Vision Strategy
- Scope Methodology
- Challenges Opportunities
- Bottom Line
- Its all About People!
- Service to Our Veterans!
29Change is a Dragon!
- The Chinese have a saying that change is a
- dragon. There are ways to respond to that
dragon. - You can ignore him and hope he goes away, but no
- matter how many times you tell yourself that he
is - not there or how much you wish he would leave,
the - dragon of change remains.
- General Charles C. Krulak, USMC
- Marine Corps Gazette, January 1996
30Change is a Dragon!
- If you continue to ignore him, he will eat you!
- You can try to control the dragon of change, try
to - force him onto a path of your own choosing. Push
- him and pull him. But the dragon is powerful and
- will not go where you want him to go. He will
- ultimately knock you down and eat you. If you
ride - the dragon of change, you can avoid his lethal
- powers. You can survive you can even prosper
- General Charles C. Krulak, USMC
- Marine Corps Gazette, January 1996
31Our Challenge
- Accept change constantly anticipate and
- adapt to it, and always take advantage of
- the opportunities it brings.
- This is the strategy we must embrace.
- General Charles C. Krulak, USMC
- Marine Corps Gazette, January 1996
32Integrated IT Workforce Strategic Development
and Implementation Plan
- Mary P. Van Mullekom
- Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for IT
- February 25, 2002