Title: Dynamic Portfolio Strategies
1Dynamic Portfolio Strategies
- Part 3
- Dynamic Properties of Returns and Implications
for Long Horizon Forecasts
2Forecasting Long-Horizon Prices IID Returns
- Keep in mind the effect of horizon on return
distributions in the IID normal case
3Forecasting Returns AR(1) Returns
- An alternative model for returns, with dependence
among the returns, is an AR(1) model - AR autoregressive
- 1 lag length.
- In this case, the model for returns is
4AR(1) Returns
- Note
- Returns are not independent since future returns
depend on past returns. - ? must be in (-1,1) in order for returns to have
a long-run mean. - The current level of r affects the short-run mean
returns. - ? will have an impact on long-horizon variances.
5Conditional Expectations
- Now that information is useful for forecasting
future returns (here that information is past
returns) we have to work with conditional
expectations. - In this case, we wish to estimate the
distribution of two period ahead returns
conditional on the current return.
6Forecasting Two-Period Returns AR(1)
- Suppose weve just observed the log of prices
change from pt-1 to pt (i.e. we know rt)
7Forecasting Two-Period Returns AR(1)
- Note
- The impact of rt on the mean declines with time.
- If ?lt1 the ?2 is small.
- Old shocks to rt1 also show up in rt2 (the
returns are correlated).
8Forecasting Two-Period Returns AR(1)
- The two-period return can be represented by
9Forecasting Two-Period Returns AR(1)
- Note
- The shocks are independent and normal, so the sum
is normal. Thus, the two-period return is
normally distributed (prices two periods from now
are lognormal). - The mean return is about twice the unconditional
one-period expected return, ?. - The variance of returns can be larger or smaller
than twice the one-period variance, depending on
the sign of ?.
10The Two-Period Return Variance
- More details on the two-period return variance
11Notes on Variance
- Again, notice that the variance can be larger or
smaller than in the IID return case. - Although it is possible to derive a formula for
the conditional means and variances at all
horizons, its instructive (and probably more
useful) to see how to derive these forecasts
using simulation.
12Simulating Long-Horizon AR(1) Returns with excel
- There are many commercial excel-based simulation
tools - Crystal Ball http//www.decisioneering.com/crysta
l_ball/ - _at_Risk http//www.palisade.com/
- Well be using a freeware addin called SIMTOOLS
13Simulating Returns
- Two excel functions are needed to generate a
random normally distributed number - rand() generates a random number, uniformly
distributed on 0,1 - normsinv() inverts the standard normal
distribution - So to generate a N(0,1) random draw you call
14Simulating Returns
- With a sequence of N(0,1) variables in hand, we
can recursively apply the return model to
generate a sequence of one-period returns - To determine the distribution of the sum
- Add the returns.
- Simulate the sum many times, keeping track of
each result (this is where SIMTOOLS is handy).
15Simulating Returns An Example
- Suppose youve determined that an index has the
following properties - Long-run mean .96/month.
- Standard deviation of shock 4.33/month.
- Autocorrelation 4/month.
- If the return last month was 1, calculate the
conditional mean and variance of returns one year
from now? - How do the mean and variance change if the
autocorrelation is 4/month?
16Estimating a model of AR(1) Returns
- In order to simulate returns from the AR(1)
model, we need to know what the model parameters
are - In order to do this, we use regression techniques.
17Determining AR(1) Return Parameters
- To estimate the model
- Generate a series of log prices over some time
horizon and form continuous returns. - Regress the returns on their own lags and
estimate coefficients in the model - Calculate the standard deviation of the error
term, e.
18Estimating an AR(1) Model Example
- Using the returns from a broad-based index,
estimate the coefficients in the following AR(1)
19Predictive Models of Returns
- Returns, it seems, can be predicted.
- We will
- Examine evidence on dividend yields and
predictability. - Estimate a model in which dividend yields predict
returns. - Use the model to forecast returns over long
20Dividend Yields
- The dividend yield of an index is defined as the
dividend paid by that index over some period
divided by the current price of the stock. - In US data there is strong evidence that
variation in dividend yields reflects
time-varying expected returns. - The predictive ability of dividend yields
improves as the forecasting horizon expands. For
example, even though dividend yields are poor
predictors of one-month returns, they are good
predictors of four year returns.
21Present Value Identity
- Stock returns must come from two sources
dividends and price appreciation. - This simple observation has some less obvious
implications. - Begin with the identity
22Present Value Identity
- Rearrange and divide through by current
dividends - Applying this recursive relation forward
23Present Value Identity
- Note that this is an identity. It must be true
given any sequence of future returns and
dividends. - The relationship must, therefore, hold when the
conditional expectation is taken
24Present Value Identity
- This identity says nothing more than todays
price is the discounted value (using future, as
yet unspecified, discount rates) of future (again
unspecified) dividends. - It is difficult to work with this relation
statistically. Taking logs yields an equivalent
approximating relation.
25An Approximate Present Value Relation
- The continuous compounding version of the
identity - Again, this must hold taking expectations
26Interpreting the Present Value Identity
- The identity makes a straightforward point
- If the current price/dividend ratio is high, then
either - Future dividend growth must be high, or
- Future returns must be low.
- Another way of saying the same thing
- If the price/dividend ratio varies (and it does)
then it must be forecasting changing future
dividends or changing future returns.
27The Source of Variation in Dividend Yields
- We can decompose dividend yield variation into
two components
28What We Learn About Returns
- Think back to some simple descriptions that have
been used for returns and dividends - IID returns (unpredictable).
- Growing unpredictable dividends.
- In this case, according to the formula above, the
price/dividend ratio should be a constant. Again,
this is not true.
29Empirical Evidence
- Historical dividend growth has been very smooth.
- Dividend yields are negatively correlated with
future dividend growth. - Dividend yields are highly correlated with future
returns. - Another interpretation if prices are currently
low (relative to dividends) then returns are
expected to be high (historically, low dividends
do not accompany low prices).
30Conclusions to Draw from the Present Value
- In light of the fact that dividend growth seems
to be largely unpredictable, current dividend
yields must predict future expected returns. - This has important implications for long-horizon
investors. There are potentially large benefits
to - Quantifying the nature of return predictability.
- Applying this knowledge to the portfolio choice
31Dividend Yield and Return Predictability VAR
- The ability of dividend yields to predict
expected returns can be incorporated into a
formal statistical model. - This model is referred to as a Vector
Auto-Regression (VAR) - The model is a multiple variable version of the
AR(1) description of returns discussed previously.
32A Dividend Yield VAR
- The following model relates expected returns to
dividend yields and future dividend yields to
33Estimating the VAR
- In order to estimate this model we
- Create a time-series of returns and log dividend
yields using prices and dividends. - Regress returns on dividend yields.
- Regress dividend yields on lagged dividend
yields. - Use the regression residuals to estimate the
covariance structure of the errors.
34Estimating a VAR Example
- Using the returns from a broad-based index,
estimate the following VAR model
35Forecasting Two-Period Returns with a VAR
- The VAR model can be applied recursively to
generate forecasts of long-horizon returns. - The two-period forecast gives some intuition
about the distribution of these returns.
36Two-Period Return Forecasts
- The forecasts of the next two returns
(conditional on the current level of dividend
37Two-Period Return Forecasts
- The sum of the returns is
38Two-Period Return Forecasts The Effect on
- Note
- Returns are normally distributed.
- The variance of the two-period returns may be
larger or smaller than the variance of the
one-period returns
39Forecasting Long-Horizon Returns
- The distribution of long-horizon returns can be
simulated, again by applying the VAR model
recursively. - One complication that arises in this setting is
to generate correlated random variables. - The SIMTOOLS function corand() is designed to do
40Forecasting Long-Horizon Returns Example
- Using the following estimates for the VAR,
determine the properties of 5-year returns