Enterprise Java Beans - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Enterprise Java Beans


Enterprise Java Beans are served by an application server that is supports EJB's. ... A Session Beans is used by only a single client at a time. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: beans | enterprise | java


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Enterprise Java Beans

Chapter 15, 16
  • Enterprise Java Beans

What Is A JavaBean
  • JavaBeans are independent application components,
    that normaly do a single thing.
  • Beans can exist on
  • The Client (presentation layer)
  • Listbox
  • Calculator
  • The Server (application / business layer)
  • Datasource provider for the listbox
  • Calculator logic / functions

What Is A JavaBean
  • Conventional JavaBeans are used for a single
    application (although - may exist many times for
    that application).
  • A common Bean, such as a server-side data source
    provider to a listbox, may be reused in many
    applications, but each application has its own
    instance (or extension) of the Bean.

Enterprise JavaBeans
  • If a particular server-side Bean instance can be
    shared across more then one application (across
    the Enterprise) - then this is a candidate for
    an Enterprise JavaBean, or EJB.
  • Example If a datasource provider Bean accesses
    a Registered Users table, then assuming most of
    a companys applications use this common table,
    each application may simply want to use this
    Beans current instance, instead of each app.
    using its own.

What Are Enterprise JavaBeans
  • EJBs are used mainly for n-tier applications,
    where presentation logic is separate from
    business logic and the database.
  • Applications utilizing EJBs are often
    distributed, taking advantage of many servers for
    scaling and better performance.
  • The same EJB can have several instances existing
    on different servers, all managed by the EJB
    Server (not by the developer).

EJB Servers
  • EJBs can take advantage of other Java services,
    from JDBC to JNDI.
  • Enterprise Java Beans are served by an
    application server that is supports EJBs. These
    are not web servers that host objects called by
    HTTP (such as JSP or Java Servlets). Apache, to
    date, doesnt do it.

EJB Servers
  • These application servers use a container for
    each bean, which is responsible for publicizing
    the beans methods and how clients can access it.
  • A Container provides an API into the Bean that
  • Connection Pooling (db access, in general)
  • Transaction Management
  • Security
  • Bean Instances Lifecycle

Clients Access To EJBs
  • Clients access an EJB object in a similar way to
    accessing an RMI object. JNDI is used to lookup
    the object and receive an instance of it.
  • This instance is used just like any other class -
    calling its public methods - which are actually
    calls made to the real instance running on the

EJB Categories
  • Enterprise Java Beans come in two flavors, ENTITY
    Beans and SESSION Beans.
  • Entity Beans are tied directly to a data source
    (RDB, ODB, etc...). Ex An entity bean could be
    Stock Room table. Each instance of the bean may
    be a row of that table (each item in the stock
  • Session Beans are instanstiated for each user,
    and provide session-specific services. Ex A
    shopping cart would use a session bean.

Session Beans
  • Used to communicate directly with clients (most
    of the time). Session beans can be used to allow
    stateless protocols (such as HTTP) to establish a
    single user session that carries throughout an
    application that could be HTML or JSP based.
  • There are two categories of Session Beans
    Statefull and Stateless.

Session Beans
  • Statefull session beans hold a single clients
    state throughout an entire application session.
    This means each client has its own session bean.
  • Stateless session beans are typically used by
    either clients or stateful beans for common
    functionality that do not need to save a clients
    state between calls.EX Lookups or Calculator

Session Beans
  • Session beans are usually modeled after
    application functionality, and encapsulate common
    business logic.
  • A Session Beans is used by only a single client
    at a time. As long as a client has an instance
    instantiated on the client side, no other client
    will use that particular instance on the server.
  • Session beans should not hold persistent data,
    but can be serialized so the server can cache the
    bean on high load times if the clients access is

Entity Beans
  • Used for accessing persistent data. The most
    common use is for accessing an enterprise
    database (such as Oracle) through JDBC.
  • Entity beans can be used from clients directory,
    from session beans, or other entity beans. Each
    bean is typically a data type, such as a Table.
    Each instance would then be a Row in that table.
  • The most important part of entity beans are how
    they manage their persistence.

Entity Beans
  • Bean persistence can be categorized as
  • Container Managed
  • Bean Managed
  • Container-Managerd Entity Beans use the container
    (or EJB Server) to manage the transactional
    functionality of the data. No code is needed to
    be written for saving or retrieving data.

Entity Beans
  • Bean-Managed Entity Beans expect the developer to
    handle all transactions or data access. This
    means writing the code (JDBC/SQL) to access the
    database directly. There is more flexibility this
    way. For instance, each instance of a bean may
    not be a row in the table, but a grouping of rows
    defined by a custom SQL statement.

Entity Beans
  • Clients do not each have their own entity bean
    (as with stateful session beans). Several clients
    may access the same bean (such as Employee
    table), and possibly the same instance (such as a
    particular Manager).
  • Multiple access to the same instance is handled
    in similar fashion to how an RDBMS handles
    multi-user access.

The EJB Environment
  • Enterprise Java Beans live in an Application
    Servers EJB Container that has access to a
    number of services that are used by ejbs.
  • EJB Servers can also provide support JSP,
    Servlets, and even non-java objects such as
    COM/C through the use of a wrapper.

EJB Application Services
  • State and Life-Cycle Management
  • Server will provide information on a beans
    current state and context.
  • The server is responsible for the life-cycle of
    a bean. That is, clients to not directly
    instantiate a bean on the server. Nor do they
    directly kill them.

EJB Application Services
  • Security
  • Each bean is associated with an Identity.
  • Identities are similar to user names or roles in
    a database, where certain privs can be assigned
    to an identity, and individual users are given
    access to an identity - which in turn allows
    access to the beans that use them.

EJB Application Services
  • Persistence
  • For stateful session beans, an service must be
    responsible for storing beans when necessary.
  • For container-managed entity beans, services must
    provide all persistent functionality necessary.
  • Communication
  • RMI (JRMP) is normally used, unless CORBA is
    supported, in which case RMI over IIOP may be

EJB Application Services
  • Transaction Management
  • Transactions, when managed by the container, must
    be reliable and fully supported by this service.
  • This includes insuring a transaction is a single
    atomic action, regardless if the transaction is
    distributed (across more then one bean).

EJB Application Services
  • Pooling
  • This is an important service for ejb servers,
    that allow for better performance and
  • Pooling requires a set number (or pool) of a
    particular resource (such as 10 threads, or 20
    database connections).
  • Clients connect to the connection pool, then wait
    for an available resource.
  • This means each new client doesnt have to wait
    for the server to always create a new resource
    (1000 clients ! 1000 db connections).

EJB Containers
  • Containers are referred to as the environment
    that ejbs run in. These provide all the services
    that beans have access to.
  • Containers also provide the access to services
    such as JDBC, JTS, RMI, JNDI, etc
  • Containers are transparent to the client. A
    developer will instantiate an ejb object on the
    client without referring the container directly.

Bean Context
  • Each bean can retrieve environmental and context
    information through an ejbContext object.
  • Session beans can retrieve an SessionContext
  • Entity beans can retrieve information such as
    their primary key through an EntityContext object.

EJBHome EJBObject
  • Each bean exists in a bean Factory, called
  • EJBHome is responsible for creating new instances
    of the bean, and removing them when no longer
    needed (via the Container, which manages this).
  • EJBObject is a proxy that is implemented by a
    remote interface. Through this object, ejbHome
    can be accessed.

Creating EJBs
  • The following steps are normally taken in the
    development / deployment of EJBs
  • Create a Remote Interface
  • Create a Home Interface
  • Development the Bean
  • Create the deployment descriptors
  • Compile and Package the Bean (with descriptors)
    as a .jar.
  • Deploy the bean in the Application Server

Remote Interface
  • Extends the EJBObject and Remote interfaces.
  • This class is used by the client to communicate
    with the Bean (through JNDI, usually).
  • Any public methods implemented in the bean will
    be defined in this interface.
  • public interface StatelessId extends EJBObject,
  • public int getId() throws Remote Exception

Home Interface
  • Extends the EJBHome interface.
  • Must define at least one create() method that is
    used by the server (Container) to instantiate the
  • For entity beans, there will also be one or more
    find() methods for looking up particular data
    points (rows in a table, for instance).

Session and Entity Beans
  • Each type extends its appropriate class.
  • Several methods are required, and are used by the
    Container to manage the bean.
  • ejbCreate()
  • ejbActivate()
  • ejbRemove()
  • setSessionContext()

Session and Entity Beans
  • public class StatelessIdBean implements
  • public void ejbCreate() id nextId()
  • public void ejbActivate()
  • public void ejbRemove()
  • public void setSessionContext (SessionContext
    ctx )
  • context ctx

Deployment Descriptors
  • Configuration class that provides information
    about the bean to the container.
  • Java 1.1 used a serialized java class, Java 2
    uses an XML object.
  • These classes are then installed in the .jar file
    along with the ejbs for a particular package.
  • An application server will use this .jar file to
    install an enterprise bean.
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