The Mathematics of Star Trek - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Mathematics of Star Trek


Thomas Young's Double-Slit Light Experiment ... Young expected that there would be two bright stripes on the screen. ... Young published his ideas on the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Mathematics of Star Trek

The Mathematics of Star Trek
  • Lecture 12 Quantum Computing

  • Security of RSA
  • Thomas Youngs Light Experiment
  • A Modern Version of Youngs Experiment
  • Superposition
  • Many-Worlds
  • The Quantum Computer
  • Applications of Quantum Computing
  • Drawbacks to Quantum Computing

Thomas Youngs Double-Slit Light Experiment
  • Imagine two ducks swimming alongside each other
    in a pond.
  • As each duck passes through the water, a trail of
    ripples will form behind the duck.
  • The two sets of ripples fan out and interact -
    canceling out when a peak meets a trough and
    forming a higher peak when two peaks (or two
    troughs) meet.

Thomas Youngs Double-Slit Light Experiment
  • Starting in 1799, English physician and physicist
    Thomas Young (1773-1829) performed a series of
    experiments with light, including one in which a
    partition with two narrow vertical slits is
    placed between a light source and a screen.
  • Young expected that there would be two bright
    stripes on the screen.
  • Instead, he found that the light fanned out from
    the two slits and formed a pattern of several
    light and dark stripes on the screen.
  • Handout of Youngs Experiment

Thomas Youngs Double-Slit Light Experiment
  • Assuming that light was a form of a wave, Young
    concluded that the light coming out of each slit
    was behaving like the ripples in the water behind
    the ducks.
  • The dark and light stripes were caused by the
    same sort of interactions as the ripples in the
  • Light stripes were caused by two peaks or two
    troughs of the light waves interacting.
  • Dark stripes were caused by the interaction of a
    trough and a peak of the light waves.

Thomas Youngs Double-Slit Light Experiment
  • We now know that light does act like a wave (or a
    particle), but at the time of Youngs experiment,
    this was not well known.
  • Young published his ideas on the nature of light
    in the classic paper The Undulatory Theory of

A Modern Version of Youngs Experiment
  • We now know that light can be thought of a wave
    or made up of particles, called photons.
  • Modern technology allows us to reproduce Youngs
    experiment with a light source capable of
    emitting single photons of light, at rates such
    as one photon per minute.
  • As each photon travels towards the partition, it
    may pass through one of the slits.

A Modern Version of Youngs Experiment (cont.)
  • For this experiment, we use a screen made up of
    special photo detectors that can record each
    photon that makes it through the partition.
  • Over a period of several hours, we will get an
    overall picture of where the photons are hitting
    the screen.
  • Since individual photons are passing through the
    slits, we wouldnt expect to see the same striped
    interference pattern as we do for a regular light
  • Handout of Modern Version of Youngs Experiment.

A Modern Version of Youngs Experiment (cont.)
  • Amazingly, we see the same pattern of light and
    dark strips as for Youngs original experiment,
    which means the individual photons are somehow
  • This weird result defies common sense and there
    is no way to explain what is going on in terms of
    classical physics.
  • Since photons are very small particles, we can
    try to use the ideas of quantum mechanics to
    explain what we see.

A Modern Version of Youngs Experiment (cont.)
  • It turns out that even experts in quantum
    mechanics cannot agree on what is happening!
  • Right now there are two competing theories that
    are used to explain what is happening in the
    modern version of Youngs experiment.

  • The first way to explain what is going on is via
  • First of all, we only know two things for certain
    about an individual photon
  • It leaves the light source.
  • It strikes the screen.
  • Everything else is a mystery, including if the
    photon passed through the left slit or the right
  • Since the exact path of the photon is unknown, we
    assume it passes through both slits
    simultaneously, which would allow the photon to
    interfere with itself, creating the pattern we
    see on the screen!

Superposition (cont.)
  • Here is how superposition works
  • Each photon has two possible slits to pass
    through - left and right.
  • We call each possibility a state and since we
    dont know which state the photon is in, we say
    it is in a superposition of states.
  • One way to understand the idea of superposition
    is via a famous example suggested by Erwin
    Schrödinger (1887-1961)!

Superposition (cont.)
  • Suppose we have a (living) cat, a box, and a vial
    of cyanide.
  • There are two possible states for the cat - dead
    or alive.
  • Initially, the cat is in one of the two possible
    states, namely alive.
  • Put the cat and vial of cyanide in the box and
    close the lid.
  • Until we open the lid, we cannot see or measure
    the state of the cat.
  • Quantum theory says the cat is in a superposition
    of two states - it is both dead and alive.
  • Superposition occurs when we lose sight of an
    object and is a way of describing a period of
  • Once we open the box, and look at the cat,
    superposition disappears and the cat is forced
    into one of its possible states.

  • The other way to describe what is going on with
    the modern Youngs experiment is via the
    many-worlds interpretation!
  • Once the photon leaves the light source, since it
    has two possible slits to pass through, the
    universe splits into two universes.
  • In one universe, the photon goes through the left
  • In the other universe, the photon goes through
    the right slit!
  • These two universes somehow interfere with each
    other and produce the striped pattern of light
    and dark stripes.

Many-Worlds (cont.)
  • In the many-worlds theory, any time an object has
    the potential to enter one of several possible
    states, the universe will split into many
    universes, one for each potential state.
  • The huge number of universes produced is called
    the multiverse.
  • In the Star Trek Original Series episode Mirror,
    Mirror, we see an example of this phenomenon -
    there are two different universes - one where the
    Federation is good and another where the
    Federation is bad.

Uses of Quantum Mechanics in the World Today
  • Although strange and counterintuitive, many
    phenomena in the world owe their understanding or
    existence to quantum theory!
  • Examples include
  • Describing the modern version of Youngs
  • Calculating consequences of nuclear reactions in
    power stations.
  • Explaining how DNA works.
  • Understanding how stars such as our Sun work.
  • Designing lasers for CD players.

The Quantum Computer
  • Another consequence of quantum mechanics is the
    possibility of a quantum computer!
  • In 1985, British physicist David Deutsch
    published a paper outlining how a computer might
    work according to the laws of quantum mechanics
    instead of classical physics.
  • Such a computer would have to work at the level
    of fundamental particles for the quantum effects
    to manifest themselves.

The Quantum Computer (cont.)
  • So how would a quantum computer differ from a
    classical computer (i.e. the kind we use right
  • Suppose we have two versions of a question, say
    version 1 and version 2.
  • To answer the question with a classical computer,
    we would have to perform the following sequence
    of operations
  • Input version 1 and wait.
  • Get an answer.
  • Input version 2 and wait.
  • Get and answer.

The Quantum Computer (cont.)
  • For a quantum computer, we do the following
  • Combine the two questions as a superposition of
    two states, one for each question.
  • Input this superposition to the computer, which
    causes the computer to enter a superposition of
    two states, one for each question, and wait.
  • Get the answer to both questions at the same time!

The Quantum Computer (cont.)
  • As an illustration of how powerful a quantum
    computer could be, suppose we wish to answer the
    question Find the smallest positive integer
    whose square and cube use up all the digits 0-9
    once and only once.
  • For a classical computer, wed need to do the
  • 1 12 1 and 13 1 NO
  • 2 22 4 and 23 8 NO
  • 3 32 9 and 33 27 NO
  • 69 692 4,761 and 693 328,509 YES
  • If each computation took one second, it would
    take 69 seconds to arrive at this answer.
  • For a quantum computer, instead of testing one
    integer at a time, we could test many at once via
    superposition of states (or computation in many
  • Thus, assuming one second per computation, we
    could get our answer 69 times faster with a
    quantum computer!

The Quantum Computer (cont.)
  • In order to ask many questions at once, we need a
    way to represent data at a quantum level.
  • Just as with classical computers, we can use 0s
    and 1s the represent numbers in binary.
  • One way to do this is via the spin of a
    fundamental particle (such as an electron).
  • Many fundamental particles possess an inherent
    spin - they spin either west (clockwise) or
    east (counterclockwise).
  • Thus, we could identify westward spin with 0 and
    eastward spin with 1, so for example, seven
    particles with spins (in order) east, east,
    west, east, west, west would represent the binary
    number 110100 (decimal number 104).

The Quantum Computer (cont.)
  • With seven particles, we then would be able to
    represent any number between 0 and 127.
  • Using a classic computer, we would have to enter
    each of the numbers (one at a time) as a string
    of seven spinning particles.
  • For a quantum computer, we would enter all 128
    numbers at once as a superposition of the 128
    different states (one per number).
  • A natural question to ask is How do we achieve
    this superposition?
  • The key to achieving superposition is that until
    we observe a spinning particle, it could be
    spinning east or west, so it is in a
    superposition of the two states.

The Quantum Computer (cont.)
  • Suppose we observe a particle and it is spinning
  • We can change its spin by adding a sufficient
    amount of energy to the particle.
  • If we add less energy, then the particle may
    change spin or may stay the same.
  • Using the idea of Schrodingers cat, put the west
    spinning particle in a box, close the lid, and
    add a little bit of energy to the particle.
  • Until we open the box, we wont know the
    particles spin, so the particle has entered a
    superposition of the states east and west.
  • By performing the same operation with seven
    particles, we will achieve a superposition of the
    128 possible states!

The Quantum Computer (cont.)
  • In a traditional computer, a 0 or a 1 is called a
    bit, which is short for binary digit.
  • Since a quantum computer deals with a
    superposition of a 0 and a 1, we call such an
    object a qubit, which is short for quantum bit.

Applications of Quantum Computing (cont.)
  • To give an even better idea of how powerful a
    quantum computer could be, suppose we were able
    compute with 250 qubits.
  • Using the Fundamental Principal of Counting, the
    number of states in a superposition of these 250
    spinning particles would be 2250 which is about
    equal to 1.8 x 1075 different states (more than
    the number of particles in the universe)!
  • Thus a quantum computer could perform over 1075
    simultaneous computations in a short amount of

Applications of Quantum Computing (cont.)
  • With this much computing power, one big
    application would be to factor large numbers
  • In 1994, Peter Shor of ATT Bell Laboratories
    figured out how to program a quantum computer to
    factor a number larger than 129 digit number in a
    short amount of time (approximately 30 seconds).

Applications of Quantum Computing (cont.)
  • Here is why this is significant
  • In 1977, Scientific American columnist Martin
    Gardner wrote an article entitled A New Kind of
    Cipher that Would Take Millions of Years to
    Break that announced the discovery of RSA
    cryptography to the world.
  • In this article, he published a message encrypted
    with a 129 digit public key and offered a 100
    prize to the first person to decrypt the
  • In 1994, 17 years later, a team of 600
    volunteers, using supercomputers and
    workstations, announced that they had found the
    factors of the public key and were able to
    decipher the message!

Applications of Quantum Computing (cont.)
  • Thus, a quantum computer can be used to very
    quickly crack RSA, which is what many people
    throughout the world rely on for transmitting
    messages securely!
  • Another cryptography-related use of quantum
    computers is to search lists at high speed.
  • Currently, another cryptographic scheme in use is
    DES, which relies on keys that, checking possible
    keys at a rate of one million per second, would
    take over 1000 years to crack.
  • In 1996, Lov Grover, also at Bell Labs, found a
    way to program a quantum computer to find a DES
    key in about four minutes!

Drawbacks to Quantum Computing
  • So, if quantum computers are so great, what could
    possibly be wrong with them?
  • One major issue is that we dont know how to make
  • A lot of money has been invested into quantum
    computer research by government agencies, such as
    DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects
    Agency), but as Serge Heroche of the University
    of Paris IV put it (in 1998)
  • Based on what we know about quantum computer
    technology, building one right now would be like
    carefully building the first layer of a house of
    cards and assuming that the next 15,000 layers
    are a mere formality!

Dilberts Quantum Computer
  • The majority of this talk is based on material
    from Chapter 8 of The Code Book by Simon Singh,
    1999, Anchor Books.
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