Entity Beans - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Entity Beans


Completing the Sports Team Example. Begins on pg 998 ... Sports Team Continued ... There is a section on how to deploy EJB's with the Orion application server (pg ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Entity Beans

Entity Beans Persistence
  • Chris Alexander
  • CS 486
  • Spring 2001

Completing the Sports Team Example
  • Begins on pg 998
  • The Remote Interface does not change whether the
    Entity Bean has Container or Bean Managed
  • This is good because the bean developer needs to
    write only to one specification
  • The Remote Interface should never be directly
  • The remote interface is used by an application
    client or a servlet and contains the stubs for
    the business methods

Sports Team Continued
  • The implementation of the Entity Bean class (from
    javax.ejb.EntityBean) is the one that actually
    implements the business methods of the remote
  • A name mapping automatically occurs from the
    remote interface through the container to your
    entity bean class.

Sports Team
  • The client code for testing the Entity Bean is on
    pg 999-1000
  • Pseudo-code
  • Set initial properties for JNDI context (Orion
  • Look up the Beans home interface
  • Create a new Sports Team
  • Add more data
  • Find record by an owner name
  • Print the record if found or a message otherwise

Sports Team Notes
  • The table in the underlying DB must be present if
    BMP is used
  • For CMP, it is container implementation specific
    if a table is required or not.
  • Many EJB containers create the table on the fly
    if one doesnt exist (for CMP).
  • Deploytool for J2EE creates and drops the tables
    upon deployment and undeployment of the
    application (this is customizable though)

Notes cont.
  • There is a section on how to deploy EJBs with
    the Orion application server (pg 1002)

  • The technique that models DB records in objects
    is called Object/Relational mapping.
  • For BMP, it is up to the Bean developer anyway to
    implement all DB accessing code.
  • For CMP, the spec says that the container should
    handle one-to-one relationships at a bare minimum
  • There is no standard way of handling
    relationships (EJB 2.0 tries to fix this though)

Completing the Manufacturing Example
  • The Order Bean
  • Pg 1008-1009
  • It has another reference to another EJB
  • public Product productOrdered
  • This is no problem
  • The Order and Product beans are related one-to-one

Order Bean
  • There are five static variables
  • Entity Beans only allow static variables if they
    are Read-Only
  • Since many clients can access Entity Beans,
    Read-Write static vars would result in some
    synchronization by the container which it doesnt

Order Bean
  • The Order Bean has a public key made up of two
    ints, a sales division and an order
  • The public key class must have a manditory no arg
    constructor and provide an implementation of
    hashCode() and equals() methods
  • The two keys must be public so the container can
    directly access them without going through
    accessor methods (which you can still have if you

Remote Interface (1009-1010)
  • Any Remote Interface must extend EJBObject and
    not be directly implemented
  • All business method stubs that the client can
    call go here
  • All Business methods must throw at least
    RemoteException because any application client
    that calls these will probably use RMI
  • RemoteException is thrown when any network
    problems occur

OrderEJB class (1010-1013)
  • The OrderEJB class is the class that implements
    the business methods of the Order Remote
    Interface and also the callback methods of the
    Beans lifecycle.
  • There are 2 create() methods
  • The create() methods that are implemented follow
    a naming convention
  • ejbCreate()
  • ejbPostCreate()

  • The ejbCreate() method will return the Beans
    public key (either a class if two or more key
    components, or any serializable class if one key
  • The ejbPostCreate() is called after the
    ejbCreate() method
  • It is used for any specialized work that may need
    performed after an Entity Bean is created
  • Normally not used and returns void

  • In this specific example
  • One takes a String for a product and one takes a
    Remote Interface
  • The String version is used to find an EJB that
    has its primary key equal to the String.
  • The Remote Interface version is a convenience
    method in case the client already has a reference
    to the Product Bean

The Home Interface (1013-1014)
  • This declares both create() methods which are
    called create instead of ejbCreate()
  • Also declared 3 finder methods for looking up
    Entity Beans from the DB (just like a query).
  • The finder methods are declared implementation
    specific for the container
  • For the Orion server, the finder method has an
    entry in the Deployment Descriptor

The Product Bean (1014)
  • Note this contains a linked list of
    RoutingInstructions class
  • To be spec compliant, RoutingInstructions and the
    liked list class must be serializable

The Remote Interface (1016)
  • Again, must extend EJBObject and throw
  • There are seven business methods

ProductEJB class (1016-1017)
  • The only life cycle method of importance is
  • The others let the container manage the
    persistence by itself
  • Reminder If BMP was used, all the DB accessing
    SQL (JDBC) code would go into the lifecycle
    methods of the Entity Bean

Deployment Descriptor Highlights (1018-1021)
  • All Beans (Session and Entity) are enclosed in
    ltenterprise-beansgt tags
  • Session Beans are enclosed in ltsessiongt tags
  • The Session Type (Stateful or Stateless) are
    enclosed in ltsession-typegt tags
  • Entity Beans are enclosed in ltentitygt tags
  • Entity Bean Persistence Types are enclosed in
    ltpersistence-typegt tags

  • The execution of the Manufacturing Example
    requires the Orion application server.
  • The details of how to run the example occur on
    pages 1021-1025.

  • Remember where we are in the model

  • Remember, the EJB programmers main
    responsibility is to write business logic.
  • The EJB specification tries to relieve us of any
    system level tasks.
  • It does this in exchange for the programmer to
    structure their code in a particular way.
  • Naming conventions
  • Argument lists
  • Deployment Descriptors
  • Container Callbacks

What the bean programmer has to do
  • There are three Java files that the Bean
    programmer must create
  • The Home Interface
  • The Remote Interface
  • Your Bean class(es) that contain the business
    logic and the required container callbacks
  • In the case of Entity Beans, your class will
    implement javax.ejb.EntityBean

Entity Beans
  • Remember, Entity Beans provide an object oriented
    representation of data.
  • They are a shared, transactional state verses a
    private, conversational state in Session Beans
  • What this means is that Entity Beans provide a
    single access point for data that all clients
    will use compared to Session Beans where they are
    accessible only to a single client

Entity Beans are just rows in a DB
  • Entity Beans can be thought of as a proxy to the
    database data.
  • The create() method of the Home Interface for an
    Entity Bean essentially inserts a record into the
  • The create() method for a Session Bean creates an
    instance of that Bean in the containers
    temporary storage

  • The create() method of the Home Interface returns
    the Remote Interface of the Bean where as the
    ejbCreate() method in the Bean implementation
    returns the Primary Key of the Bean.
  • The create() method of the Home Interface must
    throw java.rmi.RemoteException and

  • Entity Beans need not have any create() methods
    at all.
  • This would be the case if no new data will be
    inserted into the DB.

CRUD callbacks
  • In order for the container to manage persistence,
    the CRUD callbacks are used
  • Create ejbCreate()
  • Read ejbLoad()
  • Update ejbStore()
  • Delete ejbRemove()

  • An important note to realize is the client should
    NOT call remove() on an Entity Bean unless they
    want to remove that record from the DB.
  • This differs from a Stateful Session Beans
    remove() method where the container discards the
    Session Bean instance from its temporary storage
    thus ending the session.

  • BMP Callbacks are used to allow the Bean
    developer to control all the persistence manually
  • CMP Callbacks (with the exception of ejbCreate())
    are used only to fine tune the containers
  • Persistence is greatly improved in the EJB 2.0

Creating an Entity Bean in deploytool
  • Assuming
  • you have created an application by clicking on
    File -gt New -gt Application and running through
    the wizard
  • You have the source code for the Home, Remote,
    and Entity Bean compiled into class files

Creating an Entity Bean in deploytool
  • Click on Enterprise Bean button on the tool bar
  • The wizard will pop up
  • Enter the name of the JAR (can be anything) into
    the JAR display name field
  • Click on add that is to the right of the window
    and select the Home, Remote, and Bean .class
    files to add them to the JAR

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
  • Click next
  • In the bean type area, click on Entity
  • Select the Home, Remote, and Bean classes in the
    appropriate pull down menus
  • Give your entity bean a name also here
  • Click Next

(No Transcript)
  • This screen is where you will select either BMP,
    CMP 1.1, or CMP 2.0
  • Since we are talking about CMP 1.1, click that
  • Check all the fields you want persisted into the
  • Enter the primary key class type (any standard
    serializable object or one of your own) and
    select the primary key field of your bean

(No Transcript)
  • The next few windows deal with outside references
    to other EJBs or environment issues such as
    security, these can be left blank for now
  • In the Transaction Management window, select
    Required for all the business and finder methods
    in your bean. The other methods can be left as
    Not Supported (per documentation)

(No Transcript)
  • In the next window is where the magic occurs. No
    deployment descriptor is needed to be written by
    you. It is taken care of by deploytool.
  • This significantly decreases deployment time and
    takes away any errors that might be introduced if
    the deployment descriptor is written by hand.

(No Transcript)
  • The only thing the developer needs to provide is
    the SQL code that the container will use to
    access the DB.
  • Most of this is done for you also
  • Click on the bean in the left window and then
    click on the Entity tab on the right
  • Click Deployment Settings
  • Click on Database Settings and enter
    jdbc/Cloudscape for the JNDI name

(No Transcript)
  • Make sure Cloudscape is running then hit OK
  • Then click on Generate Default SQL
  • This will generate almost all SQL code for the
  • The only thing needed is for you to provide the
    WHERE clauses for the finder methods
  • ex SELECT name FROM myTable WHERE phone
  • The ?1 corresponds to the 1st parameter in the
    finder method

(No Transcript)
  • Remember to re-save the application.
  • This takes a lot of the hassle out of the
    programmers hands by generating the deployment
    descriptor on the fly.
  • Either a servlet or an application client can be
    added into deploytool to test the EJB.

Thank You
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